Worst remake ever.

As a fan of the original, and of horror in general, I was very wary of this even before I saw it. Some of the imagery caught my eye and I decided to watch it with halfway decent hopes. Man was I wrong.

The storytelling is absolutely nonexistent. Everything that made the original family likeable or at least halfway relatable was completely striped out. The only semblance of back story about this family comes in the way of an absolutely horribly awkward conversation with a real estate agent and the mother blaming herself for her son being scared of everything by telling us she lost him in a mall 3 years ago. The only human emotion I felt for this entire family was feeling like how much of a cocky jerk the father was. Don't even get me started on the paranormal investigators. What a joke of a plotline that was.

To boot, the pacing of this film is terrible, especially if you've seen the original. There is no buildup to anything as everything happens with no sense of time. It literally feels like everything happened within the course of the first 2 days the family moves into the house. There is no sense of dread as Maddie makes contact with the dead, and there is no sense of urgency even as the final act commences. Everything and everyone just seems so commonplace as things happen to them, especially when the guy setting up the cameras almost gets his face drilled into while his arm is being sucked into the other world. He literally just walks back downstairs like nothing happened.

All in all this was a terrible movie and should be considered blasphemous to the original. I don't even think Uwe Boll could have made a worse movie.


This piece of unimaginative crap is definately on my "worst" list. So many absolute holes of empty guck. The light being sucked out the lamps was the only original cgi I saw. They wasted the talet in it, did absolutely NO character development- especially between the parents & kids. The focus on the clowns, trees & the son were badly mishandled. Do the writers just put "some special effects happen" whenever they want something to happen? Everything interesting & spookily mysterious from the entire idea(even the concept of what a POLTERGEIST is) is just taken away from the imagination like the defining walls in a shooter videogame. I always hope for something good- especially near Halloween like it is now, but this was in my opinion a terribly made dissapointment that tried to fill it's billions of problems with unimaginative derivative cgi. Still, it's not THE worst remake I've seen. That honor goes either to The Psycho remake with(gak) Ann Heche or that Godawful remake of Ghostbusters.


Seems like all remakes are stupid, this one is just one of them.


Seriously, I am convinced it is a comedy rather than horror. I mean come on, I believe I am not the only one laughing through the entire movie. The boy getting electric shock, the boy hanging on the tree, the boy fighting with the clown, and all the act toward the end is a mwahahaha. Not to mention with a great deal of weird mood setting and cheesy acting. In conclusion, it is solid 5 for a comedy with little element of horror. But I should agree it's not comparable to the original let alone be a serious horror movie.


Agree in every way, the plot was abysmal. The original family had personality and depth. Part of what made the original so scary is that they didn't give it to you all at once, the reveal of all the bodies buried under their land is a huge impact and they work the hell out of it. in this new version it's essentially an after thought. And no little girl except for maybe Drew Barrymore and Dakota Fanning could be as charming as little Heather Orourke was. The plot was awful,I don't blame the actors so much as this script was a tragic mess.


Not as bad as The Fog remake but it's not much better either.


I liked it. It's obviously not comparable to the original.
It's not even a re-make really, more like Poltergeist 4.

Sam Rockwell Rocks


Worst remake ever? I'm not sure about that but it certainly is not even close to being as good as the original.


That title goes to the Psycho remake.
