Here's an interesting article that points out what kind of life the baby faces once he grows up and realizes how his own brother MURDERED his MOTHER:

>>imagine what kind of relationship he (RYAN) and Erin’s son DJ (now being raised by Lori) will have when DJ is old enough to understand his own tragic history(*).

Perhaps if RYAN remains in custody until he's 18, that might not be a problem for DJ without Ryan living in the same home with him???


They're in juvi:
"Wave to your brother!"
Ryan: "Hey, little guy. I killed your mom..."


Lol I had the same thought during that scene!

Worst part is, he will probably find out from other children. Kids are nothing if not cruel and word would definitely get around.


Great CATCH UR!!!

That BULLY who picks on his SISTER would also be more than HAPPY to FLING the FACT that RYAN killed DJ's MOM in his face.

PLUS his sister would probably also be PICKED on some more without RYAN around anymore to protect her.

I suppose the idea with RYAN being happy to see DJ was suppose to let us know he's getting REHABILITATED???

Because he also mentions how much he likes his CREATIVE WRITING classes.

Maybe the "HIGHLY MANIPULATIVE" writers for this show who pulled CHEAP TRICKS on us viewers could also use a refresher course in the same subject???

