MovieChat Forums > Valkyrie (2008) Discussion > Who else hasn't seen it due to knowing t...

Who else hasn't seen it due to knowing the finish?

We all know Histler wasn't assassinated so we should know how this movie finishes. For that reason I have not seen it. Anyone here in the same boat?



I dig Tom Cruise movies, and this cast is epic. However, because I know Hitler lives I just have zero interest in watching two hours where I know nothing really matters.




I know what you mean, but there is something else here... I love Downfall, and I knew with some detail how that was going to go, beyond the obvious - Hitler offs himself with Eva in the bunker with a pistol and poison (Clue). But, I expected, and got absolutely riveting performances and memorable realism and intensity.

I just don't expect this one to be anything special, so I never bothered watching.


Y’all are missing out, it’s a damn good film and I get that knowing the ending may be cause for dismissal but the film is not just about the failed assassination attempt against Hitler, it is about taking a stand when the odds are against you, when no one is looking, when you have everything to lose, and that takes an incredible amount of courage, and I think that in itself makes the film very enjoyable to watch. I’ve seen it on more than a few occasions and it never gets old, especially when viewed through the lens of what these people sacrificed, stood for as well as what they left behind.
