MovieChat Forums > Kitchen Nightmares (2007) Discussion > which 'villain' (i.e., stupid owner) wou...

which 'villain' (i.e., stupid owner) would you most love to punch?

I suppose we should say, "other than Amy."


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.



Except for back in 1958, Savile seems to have lived an exemplary life - rjfme



Heh... every time I re-watch that one and see the title, I think "Zayna Flaming Beep-hole". I agree, she was loathsome. What a two-faced liar. Surprised any of her staff stuck around for any length of time.

The Lon-Guyland wanna-be Mafioso... Peter, I guess his name was.

The owner of Café Hon... can't remember her name.

The lazy idiot who watched TV all day long, the one with the mom who had a trache and had the hots for Gordon... can't remember his name either. He slid all the way back to his old ways at the revisit.



Abby from Down City because she was just mean.

I could have been at a barbecue!


I'm with you on Abby!



Probably Brian from HANNAH AND MASON'S, especially when he snubbed Ramsay by saying, "If I want to cook like you, I'll definitely buy your cookbook." WOW.


I’m not a violent person and would never hit anyone but Amy deserves a good shaking


Wow, I didn't realize there were 100 episodes. I've only seen a few and that was years ago. What comes to mind is Sammy Settembre of Sabatiello's (S2E9). What an a-hole!
