MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > I missed two things (one of them have no...

I missed two things (one of them have not been discussed anyplace)

I liked it. Great to see the heros side by side. And I loved pretty much all the scenes Superman was in.

However, I missed to learn more about the Flash-future-sending-message-thing we see in BvS. I can rationalized it away, but I would have liked it not to be completely ignored - a few comments from Bruce had been in place, for example to solidify Lois importance in the revival.. or just how he knew this would set him straight.

Secondly, in MOS we see that one of the sleeping-pods in the "Fortress of Solitude" is opened and empty. The others have dead skeletons in them. Who is this other person? Supergirl? Likely, but I had really hoped to see some hints or direct connections to this empty pod.

Thirdly, even though I liked it tremendously, it feels to have so much more on the cutting floor. Hope for an ultimate Snyder version.


I hope for a synder version at all, because this was more whedon and studio meddling than anything else. Why WB insisted on only 2 hours I dont know. Probably one those things that shows up on a check list for movies that have done well in the past.

According to that leak thing there was to be more of that nightmare world in which superman is tempted by steppenwolf or darkseid. Steppenwolf was the one who planned to resurrect superman and use him against darkseid. That was the original reason for the league to resurrect him first.

For all its faults BvS set this film up well, and its a shame it got pissed away by idiots that only care about numbers.


Amen brother :)


WB most likely insisted on 2 hours to get more viewings. A 2 hour movie will have more viewings per day than a 2.5 hour movie. In other words a 2 hour movie can be shown 5 times in the same amount of time that a 2.5 hour movie will be shown 4 times.


No doubt something like that. Its always a good sign when making money is more important that making a good product.


I doubt we will se a Snyder cut. It is said that Snyders version of the film is unfinished and it would cost millions to complete it. Also Whedon did reshoots for a reason (Distance Snyders vision since WB didn't had anymore trust in him).


Lets remember for a second that those same wb execs had no faith in whedon either. Those money men were drunk with power and this shambles of a movie is the result.

As for syners cut, he would have to have finished it by now. And seeing as he hadnt touched the movie since his daughter died I dont think we will be getting anything. I think he had shot close to 3 hours of film so there is plenty there. Its just a question of is there enough there to make a movie perhaps using the stuff whedon shot to cover the cracks. I dont see it though. Most of the stuff shot had no cgi over it, so it would require the studio giving more money to this dog of a movie. And I dont see these idiots being smart enough to consider the potential profits of making a synder cut for the blue ray. It would sell like hot cakes out of nothing more than curiosity.


True. But Whedon hadn't ruined any film in the DCEU. So he had more support since Avengers was succesful.


You would think that but youd be wrong. His version of justice league isnt what he shot either. He had a more comedic tone than what is already there, but WBs told me to remove it and forced him to take the movie down to two hours. Also WB hasnt removed synder from the franchise, his version is what they wanted. IT wasnt until his daughter died and he hadnt been back to work on the movie for 2 months that whedon came in.

Synders version is unfinished and as such we wont see it. But it would have made for a much better follow up than what we got. At least then the story would have been consistent and the plot actually make sense. The movie as it is, is horrible. Elfmans score is bad enough, but forgivable when you realise that he had to score from story boards. The massup of styles and shoe horning bad editing to force a different narrative than what ws intended has resulted in a butchered dog of a movie. If WBs hadnt been so greedy they could have postponed the movies release and done it right. but no, they rushed it through regardless of the end product.

Its sad, as I didnt mind BvS and did think it set up this movie well. But we will never get to see that version.


Maybe it's harsh what I will say but I think WB used Snyder leaving the project as an oportunity to reshoot some of the scenes. WB probably wanted to fire him but they probably did't had time to hire another director at time so they stick with him.

True we will never get to see Snyders version but we should get to see it.
