It's an OK movie

But it's a pretty rubbish Tarzan movie with excessive CGI and a hero so powerful I'm wondering how long before they blend him into the M.C.U.


Tarzan isn't really a stranger to doing superhuman acts in the original books. He often does come out as a bit of a superman in the stories. Burroughs often underlines how normal humans would have just died if they were placed under the same ordeals as Tarzan.

But yeah, The Legend of Tarzan is a pretty fun movie. It has that nice pulp feel a Tarzan movie should have.


Excessive CGI. That's putting it mildly lol.


I didn't mind it but the movie felt like a sequel to a movie which doesn't exist yet expects us to be invested in what is going on. Samuel L. Jackson was the best part and looked like he was having fun.
I think it stumbled in trying to tie in with real history. What came to mind as a better version of this story was 'The Mask of Zorro'. Oh, imagine if Martin Campbell directed this?
Perhaps they would had been better off leaning hard on the lost world/fantasy elements from the original stories. Plus I actually hated the CGI for the animals in this. Disney's 2016 'Jungle Book' remake showed that it can look really good.
