Lol Hank Shrader sucks

He couldn't even wound a single Nazi he got absolutely owned by Jack and Todd, and to think he thought he stood a chance against them with that little pea shooter of his, nothing compared to superior firepower. And he died like a complete coward, he would have gone out with more dignity if he put the safety on his weapon, laid it on the ground, put his hands in the air and begged to be let go.


He went out like a champ. He never begged. He had no choice but to try to survive against all those weapons with his pistol. He also basically knew he was dead and wasn't about to beg.


And he got his ass dominated, he didn't even put a scratch on a single Nazi and that is one of the most dishonorable deaths I can think of. He's a pathetic excuse of a cop and I'm glad the fat pig is dead.


the domination of his ass is why this is my fav episode


I'm so glad Hank died knowing that Walt was better than him.


I guess when you are up against several automatic rifles with a pistol, what other outcome would you expect. You want to have him pull a Wyatt Earp and walk towards all the gunfire with bullets whipping by his head.


I'm not saying he should have gone John Rambo/Matrix on them, but he didn't even wound a single one of them, they absolutely destroyed him and watching him firing that pea shooter up against superior fire power was hilarious. He was a failure as a cop, he went out as a disgrace. Personally if I were jack I would have busted out some jumper cables on hanks testicles but I guess he isn't as firm as I am.


I agree. Hank is a hero and Walt is an anti-hero. Nowhere is that more clear than in this episode.


I see hank as the main villain of the series.




Hank was 1 of my favorite people on this show I loved his arrogance and condescending attitude up until when he arrested Walt when he told Walt to turnaround get on your knees the mannerism in which he spoke irritated me hence I was glad when Uncle Jack humbled him
