I am so sick of everyone badmouthing republicans i mean seriously not all of us are fat rich white guys that are afraid of change I am a vegan bisexual teenage girl i go to a predominantly gay school i and before you say your only a republican because your parents are that isn't the truth my parents are about as far left as it goes

and yes bush isnt a super amazing president but is not the worst either (hello carter and hoover)

I live in a blue state and "coming out" as a republican was more stressful than coming out as Bi purely because of the disgusted looks i get from people who vote left i mean really? what happened to peace love and understanding?


You jus Sound Confused to me, an i think your missing the point.

Champagne for my Real Friends and Real Pain for my Champ Friends


I am so sick of everyone badmouthing republicans i mean seriously not all of us are fat rich white guys that are afraid of change

No, just most.

I am a vegan bisexual teenage girl i go to a predominantly gay school i and before you say your only a republican because your parents are that isn't the truth my parents are about as far left as it goes

Wasn't going to say you were a republican because your parents are. You are a republican because you're a teenager, and you don't know any better.

and yes bush isnt a super amazing president but is not the worst either (hello carter and hoover)

Big Difference: Those presidents inherited bad economies. Bush created his. Thus making him, one of the worst presidents of all-time. And if the best argument you can make about Bush is that he is "not the worst" president, you either need to sharpen your debate skills or seriously rethink your ideology.

I live in a blue state and "coming out" as a republican was more stressful than coming out as Bi purely because of the disgusted looks i get from people who vote left i mean really? what happened to peace love and understanding?

It was outlawed by the Patriot Act. Liberals don't want peace, love, and understanding. We want progress toward making this country better. Conservatives want progress toward...well, we haven't seen any yet. Conservatives define understanding and peace as us believing what you believe. You want us to believe in your idea of peace, even if you have kill us to do it. You get that disgusted look because no one in their right mind can understand how you can defend such a vile human being. You should have stayed in the closet, politically.


Its not just fat rich men who are part of the GOP... The fact that you think shows how clueless you are.

You are funny sir... You say she is a member of the GOP out of rebillian to the parents.... Isn't it your party that's like everyone needs to think for themselves, or is it really you want for everyone to think like you?

Bush didn't make the enire budget problems part of it was the presedent before him, and your democratic heavy congress that backed him... Watch where you point that finger sir... Bush isn't your scape-goat.

As to this liberal ideology that you want to make everywhere a better place? How by big goverment running everything? If you look at TRUE conservatives want as little goverment in our daily lives as possible.

I say GOOD for you! You don't have to think like everyone else...you just have to think on your own.

Personaly I'm tired of the drive-by media putting down the GOP. Both partys have done things they should be ashamed of. The sad part is we are a 2 party nation

I miss my donkey --Sexy Stud


From your first two statements, it is obvious you did not read a word I said.

Um, isn't big government cutting into our lives even more THANKS to the Bush administration? Wiretapping, suspension of habeas corpus, federal bans on gay marriage, etc. Republicans don't want big government unless it can make them richer. When it helps other people, THEN it's invasive.

And..."presedent." Honestly? Are you twelve?

We had a major budget surplus, as well as a balanced budget, when Bush took office. Seven years later, we have the greatest deficit in history. Do the math.


Ok I will admit after reading your post I couldn't belive how much you have bought into the liberal medias ideas on how you should think. So I tuned some of it out, it sounded like socialist propganda... Bc I hear it on the news from the liberal drive bys and you really didn't state anything new or worth while...

Who wrote the patriot act first??? That was your boy clinton... It was your liberal peeps who passed it in congress... And of all the things your complaining about in that name one that has affected your life directly...
And don't say gay marrage cuz if cali can pass it more states will too.
Another question how many other 9/11s have avoided because of it?

Now I'm not saying the GOP is the best choice... But its your people who want the goverment to step in and take care of people who can take care of themselves... Third gen welfare for example.

I am in no way saying eather party has all the answers... But I think both sides need to work with each other and stop complaing about GOP vs Liberal.

I personaly think both parties are nasty mean and arnt really worth any time at all. No one has a strong platform its all well I'm liberal so I go agenst the GOP and vise versa
I miss my donkey --Sexy Stud


Ok I will admit after reading your post I couldn't belive how much you have bought into the liberal medias ideas on how you should think. So I tuned some of it out, it sounded like socialist propganda... Bc I hear it on the news from the liberal drive bys and you really didn't state anything new or worth while...

So, you're admitting to being ignorant? WILLFULLY ignorant? See, I read every word you said. Didn't agree with most of it, but I read it. I guess I just don't see the point of talking out of my ass.

Who wrote the patriot act first??? That was your boy clinton... It was your liberal peeps who passed it in congress... And of all the things your complaining about in that name one that has affected your life directly...

Are you high? It was written and passed into law AFTER 9/11! How could Clinton do that? The modern provisions of the patriot act were heavily criticized by democrat and republican alike as starting a slippery slope toward and over-reaching government. And, the only senator to oppose the act was a democrat.

And please notice I said FEDERAL ban on gay marriage. While states may recognize it, they are still not couples according to the US Government. BIG difference.

I'd go on, but it is obvious that you are a kid that doesn't know a thing about the real world. Read a book sometime, and not just the parts you like.


Clinton wrote the orginal act. It was modified after 9-11. There was only one democrat who opposed it? Says to me your party was behind it as much as the gop was.

As to reading your post I did. It still sounded like what every other closed minded democrat says. The same democrats who say "think for yourself" but then give you crap when you do.

Why are you so negitive towards the gop? Why don't you try to work them to find a middle ground. Why don't you act like your party principals tell you too and try to understand where others, that don't think like you, are comming from? You sound very closed minded sir, and really upset when someone disagrees with you.
As to not understanding how the real world works... That really sounds like a brain washed liberal who can't understand HOW someone doesn't drink the cool-aid
I miss my donkey --Sexy Stud


Actually, Clinton wrote and passed the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. NOT the patriot act. Difference: His act did not deprive US citizens of their civil liberties. It only affected those who were known terrorists or sympathizers at the time. Good try, though.

And good god, get a dictionary!


No offense man but your just a fkin hippy, everything you said up there spells "i are hippy" everyone over a certain age can agree that your not politically aware until you grow up, you may think you are, but your not, that only happens when you become a fully functioning cog in society which is impossible when your still in school. Having a child defend political beliefs is like having a 40 year old basement dwelling virgin star trek fan lecture others on social skills.

When your in full time employment and paying grown up taxes that are being wasted on wars and other international scams instead of domestic issues such as health care and inner city crime, then and only then you can safely make a judgment on politics and lecture to others about it.

Games, Movies, Wallpapers, Technology and More


well, i shrug at this whole thread...im british, i dont understand the fundamental differences between dem/rep...

i dont even understand the differences between our OWN political parties...years ago, it used to be

labour - supported the working man
conservative (tory) - supported the middle - class man
lib dem - i dont know!!

but nowadays, it seems our political parties over here have abandoned set political beliefs...instead opting for vote winning policies...so whatever hits the headlines - global warming, fuel shortages, credit crunch, they will gear their agendas toward this...

to be brutally honest, i dont think it matter who is in government, they will want to please their public, whilst not screwing up the country, (they do that anyways) and keeping the nations coffers in the balance

whoever was in power on sept 11, didnt matter, america would have gone to war just the same way....thats what i believe, you're a country who doesnt take any $h1t from anyone, so stop giving each other $h1t, accept other people believe other things and try and enjoy each other on a personal level, forget religious or political standing, and just see if someone is an idiot or not...

immaturity and your life is alot like wine, the older it gets, the more it costs you


No offense, but Fred Phelps is a democrat...


All right everyone put your keyboards down! In the initial interview about this film, Kevin Smith mentioned he's basing this film off of pretty real examples. So he's not out to "slander" republicans, he's just writing a movie that are based off true events. You can't fault someone for that.

Boycott Remakes, and lets not forget the anti-christ Uwe Boll!


Ok, I have some points to make. The Republican Party *used* to be about small government and being fiscally conservative. This changed with Ronald Reagan. With the marriage of the religious right and the Republican Party, they want to take away the right to have an abortion, and ban gay marriage. This is *not* having a small government. Every Republican president from Reagan on has had a huge deficit. Why? Because they cut taxes and spend like mad. This is *not* fiscal conservatism. If anything, Bush has shown us just how bad the Republicans have become. Right now, we have a $4.2 billion deficit, with most of the money owed to China. We are in two wars that Bush has started, which have cost us over three trillion dollars. Because of this, the US dollar can't hold up to the British Pound, or the Euro. That's why anything imported (including petroleum products) cost us more.
The Bush Administration has broken the law, exposed a CIA Agent, and lied.
It's time for a change...


Actually, he's neither. Nice try, though.

Yes, he supported dems back before he went REALLY nuts. But, as soon as Clinton wanted to give gay men and women equal rights, he dropped the party. In fact, he has protested Bill and Hillary on numerous occasions.

What you fail to see is that it doesn't matter what Phelps really believes. If he can sway even one mind to his line of BS, then that is one too many.

So please, do not hedge the facts to push your agenda. That is just what the WBC does.


"a predominantly gay school"??

is there really such a thing??


There are several, actually.


""a predominantly gay school"??

is there really such a thing??"

Is there bollocks, its just some confused spoilt brat teeny girl talking through her a$$ ring instead of focusing on her studies

Games, Movies, Wallpapers, Technology and More




Well, I am sorry to see that this post even exists.

My fiancée is a left-leaning vegetarian atheist who feels threatens by religious conservatives who use Christianity as a tool to control the population. I, on the other hand, am an agnostic moderate who finds blame in both parties. It is scary that alternative lifestyles are met in this country with rejection, hostility and violence. But there is an answer as to why this is the case.

It's simply a matter of being counter-cultural. And it is factual that liberal-minded people are more likely to be accepting of alternative lifestyles because conservative-minded people have such strong opinions on moral issues and how people should live their lives while liberal-minded people tend to be more open to alternatives. I am not saying that a liberal person does not, however, have strong opinions on moral issues. To be of an alternative sexual persuasion is a personal choice that should be respected.

What I find most intriguing is that we try to be as accepting as possible, while at the same time, do everything within our power to maintain our rights to dissent. Any time I see posts like this, it upsets me because here is another person who feels so threatened by society because they have a certain set of beliefs. But it would be unfair if I did not acknowledge something.

There is some ground by which certain people do complain. For example, within the gay community (I hope no one is offended by this term), there are very high levels of HIV and AIDS. And there are those vegetarians/vegans or gays/lesbian/bisexuals who are of that persuasion because it has been popularized. It has transcended being a sexual preference to being a fad.

Ultimately, we will love and hate each other for the same reasons. The mere fact that the original poster went to a school that was "predominately gay" suggests that they do not feel safe or comfortable at other schools, or that the area is exactly that: predominately gay. In either case, red and blue both have their faults. That's just the way things are. I think once we all are able to admit to each other that our beliefs are exactly that rather than being a measure of truth, we'll be able to work together.

"Yeah, I can fly."


Terrorism is the new Comunism.

think about it


Um... do you hear all the rednecks turning around and bitching that films like Wrong Turn and Deliverance paint them in a bad light? No, because it's a movie. And secondly, Bush is close to one of the worst presidents in history.

Go to the loo, 'cause all the *beep*'s coming out your mouth instead of your a-hole...


Oh please... a predominantly gay school? First of all, what world do you live in? Or rather, what porn-movie do you live in? Second, what does that even matter. Not even Carter OR Hoover were as bad as Bush, and denial is the only alternative answer next to agreeing with that. No one has hurt the US citizens and the rest of the world as much as Bush, even though I don't blame Bush anymore than the whole machine behind him and other presidents, yet he's still pretty damn awful. His presidency is riddled with incompetance, double-standards and flip-flopping, and the fact that he got away with calling Kerry a flip-flopper is appauling.

However, there are plenty of reasons to ridicule the republicans, because while their methodology is very up to date, their ideologies aren't. Progresses in neuro-science and evolutionary economy shows how incompatable republican thinking is to human evolution. Ever wondered why there are so much obesity, so much inequality, an ever progressive movement towards a panopticon, distancing from the rest of the world, etc. in the US society? The republican thought is conveniantly isolationist, so it seems like everyone frowning at the Bush ridiculousness are just bad men. Impotence of the mind isn't flattering. Pick up a book!


you gotta admit...most republicans are evil:

- why prohib euthanasia? Does it concern anyone else besides the person who chooses to end his/her life? Can anyone republican argue against it, whithout using religion?!

- what's up with always wanting to invade some other country? make peace, not war!

- why does showing pictures of dead babies is an argument against abortion? (i use to fall for this one when I was...15);

- why hurt the environment? we need to live in this planet as well as our children and our children's children;

- what's up with all corruption coming from the republican party? Nixon, Bush senior, Reagan, Bush junior...

- are you aware most people in the world dislike republicans...why do you think this happens?

...and this is coming from a previous ringht-winger! fourtanely, i found....(no, not God)....logic.

ps - Carter won a Peace Nobel...think about that.
