I am so sick of everyone badmouthing republicans i mean seriously not all of us are fat rich white guys that are afraid of change I am a vegan bisexual teenage girl i go to a predominantly gay school i and before you say your only a republican because your parents are that isn't the truth my parents are about as far left as it goes

and yes bush isnt a super amazing president but is not the worst either (hello carter and hoover)

I live in a blue state and "coming out" as a republican was more stressful than coming out as Bi purely because of the disgusted looks i get from people who vote left i mean really? what happened to peace love and understanding?


You're bi and a Republican?

I'm not sure republican means what you think it means...


So can't wait for this movie i hope someone picks it up!!!!


Ok for the record this film isn't about republicans, it's based on a democrat, Fred Phelps, and his church that preaches hate towards america, gays, our troops, and other targets of their propaganda.

www.godhatesfags.com read up on them.

So the film isn't a republican/democrat issues its a horror about how one small church can show so much hatred to the world in the name of "God"



you mean to say your...one of THEM?

That's the last goddamn hitchhiker I ever pick up.
-Wyatt T.



them-republican, im not so inot stereotypes although manyh of them are true, hence the term stereotype, i have nothing against republicans, i was making a joke, was it tastless? eitherway, im sticking to it.

That's the last goddamn hitchhiker I ever pick up.
-Wyatt T.



I'm registered with the Republican party, mostly because I agree with its fundamental philosophy of small government. However, that doesn't mean I vote Republican. I was fourteen when Bush was relected, but I sure as hell wouldn't have voted for him if I could've. And I'm not voting for McCain, because he'll just carry on the Bush legacy. I can't stand Obama, either.

I'm voting Nader, haha.

The above statement is fact, not opinion.


cool man, I dont so much have anyting against republicans either, I dont support most of the recent republican leaders policies nor do i agre with mcCains, but, thats not to say i hold it against anyone any more than being of any religion or any sexual preference.

As for being christian, thats cool too, im luthran myself, doesnt mean I live my life by my religion, in fact i havent been to church in almost a year, i think the last time was at a feuneral, glad to hear you dont care about all that other *beep* either, homosexuality, or other religons, too mnay people on here are too busy throwing around thier religious and politial beliefs to actually discuss movies,

Im curious as to how tis flick is gonna turn out, so far hes only done comedies, unless you count jersey girl...hm...Im sure itll end well though, kevin is a terrific creative director, and he has a respect for horror movies, with chud being one of his favorite flicks, im confident in him and im sure itll do as well in the horror field as his other films have done in that of comedy...anxiously awaiting its release.

That's the last goddamn hitchhiker I ever pick up.
-Wyatt T.


what the hell does any of this have to do with this movie? As I'm pretty sure Mr. Smith has already said, its about FUNDAMENTALISM people. Its about how people like those nutjobs over at the Westboro Baptist Church can take religious fundamentalism to the extreme, just like Islamic Fundamentalism, just with Christians instead. I think we can all agree that fundamentalism is bad no matter what religion is involved.


here's my problem with our culture. When you say liberal or conservitive, do you mean in your moral beliefs or how you believe government should be run, because they are compltely seperate. While i am a big obama supporter, and a huge liberal moral believer, everyone should have equal rights, etc, i would be considered conservative when it comes to how i think the government should be run, i really think it's the best policy. When it comes to George W. Bush i think he is an awful persident and in the common era is the worst president we've had, not counting the first 30 or so. There's always such a divided field in the media of left vs. right, or liberal vs. conservative, but most of us aren't money grubbing politicians trying to push an agenda and who are also in bed with big tobacco, big oil, or the health care industry. We just see our country going to *beep* and we want change we want things to be different in washington. I admire the fact that you stood up for what you believe in, i dislike most republicans in the senate or who appear on tv because they push this religious right wing god god god guns guns guns hate anything that is different or might better us as a country agenda. That's what i hate, i hate the complete close mindedness of these men. Oh and Laura Ingram is pretty terrible as well. Just because im a teenaged guy and i know a lot about the political process and not that i doubt you, but the real question here is are you sure you know what you mean when you say you're a republican. because like i said im a social liberal and governmental conservative, and technically that makes me a libritarian.


the reason the republicans are such a large target is because there was only republicans in office for the last 7 years that could make change. The dems dont have the power yet to make change.
When clinton was in office look at all the stinks they made of him and all Dems. No matter who is in office. if they have control then the other side will complain. Thats the fact jack - STRIPS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR-PFQWOJWQ

"I am so sick of everyone badmouthing republicans i mean seriously not all of us are fat rich white guys that are afraid of change I am a vegan bisexual teenage girl i go to a predominantly gay school i and before you say your only a republican because your parents are that isn't the truth my parents are about as far left as it goes"


I AM SO SICK of little dumb bitches like you. really. boo fricking hoo! there is no such thing as bi, im sorry to tell you. your a straight girl who needs some extra attention. ive seen hundreds of your types growing up in california.



while most people who claim to be bi aren't, there are those out there who actually accurately fall under that category..really.




Ok just because you don't get what this gal is doesn't mean you can tell her that she isn't bi. Honestly who cares? Gay bi transgender or stright it doesn't matter what people do behind closed doors.
I'm a republican, but I'm tired of my party getting blamed for Bush and McCain. Honestly there arnt any good choices any more and we will never have a presedent of the people. I have never seen a farmer run for presedent and get it.
As for the heat I'm sure to get from the democrats you guys have the majority in congress why are you complaining about bush when its YOUR senators who won't end the war? Its not all on Presedent Bush.

As to the more important part I think kevin smith will do great about it... People are afraid to pick it up because of the heat it will bring


Jimmy Carter was a farmer.


Rolling Stone proved factually looking at history of America and all previous presidents that Bush Jr. was in fact the worst president in U.S. history:


And being a republican doesn't mean you're rich, it can just mean you're an idiot. Democrats aren't great either, but who gives a *beep* both parties suck, and democracy in the U.S. is dead. Vote independent.


This kind of reminds me of that episode of Scrubs where one character (I believe Dr. Cox) says to Dr. Reid, "You don't mean to say.." and she interrupts him with "I am tired of hiding it, Yes, I am a Republican."

Then about 1/2 of the cafeteria stands up and says the same.

The fact of the matter is, roughly 40% of this country identifies themselves with the Republican Party. Another roughly 40% identifies themselves with the Democratic Party. Maybe 10% are independent or identify themselves with a 3rd party, but when they vote they tend to lean one way over another. That leaves 10% that didn't even know that we have elections. Sad to say but only 50 - 60% of all of these people will bother to show up on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

My point is that there is no way to label one person (based on their faith, ethnicity, sexual orientation, job or whatever) one political party over another. You can stand up and rip on one party and you are pretty much going to offend 50% of the people in the room. I have known more racist democrats than racist republicans, but the stereotype is that republicans are racist. I have known more D's who voted for Gay Marriage bans and republicans who said, "Who cares if they get married." These social issues are not related to one party.

Maybe Hollywood should take advice from our grandparents, "Don't talk to friends about Politics, Religion or sex and you will keep your friends."


Do you belive everything the drive-by media feeds you? Shesh think for yoourself.

I agree with journeyis1 2 partys isn't enough.

I miss my donkey --Sexy Stud
