I am so sick of everyone badmouthing republicans i mean seriously not all of us are fat rich white guys that are afraid of change I am a vegan bisexual teenage girl i go to a predominantly gay school i and before you say your only a republican because your parents are that isn't the truth my parents are about as far left as it goes

and yes bush isnt a super amazing president but is not the worst either (hello carter and hoover)

I live in a blue state and "coming out" as a republican was more stressful than coming out as Bi purely because of the disgusted looks i get from people who vote left i mean really? what happened to peace love and understanding?


"and yes bush isnt a super amazing president but is not the worst either (hello carter and hoover)"

W was pretty bad with regards to the Iraq War. Not only in getting us into war, but how his administration blundered in conducting the war. The result: a mess. With thousands of American military casualties, and even more thousands of civilians killed, hurt, and displaced.

Getting into the war in the first place was dubious, because the WMD claims were not substantiated. And from a strategy point of view, they toppled an enemy (Saddam) of our enemy (Iran), removing a counter-force. And brought to power pro-Iranian *beep*



And some of these comments are hilarious. I would bet a majority thought Barack Obama was awesome when he ran for President and took office. As someone who USE TO be a Bush hater I kinda want him back given how abysmal "The One" has turned out.

2014: Whiplash, Cold in July, that Terrence Malick project set in Austin


republicans r useless right along with every religious person i hope an wish u an the rest of the religious people get incurable cance an aids


Reap the putrid rot of your own stupidity, troll.



I am so sick of everyone badmouthing republicans

Demos are unintelligent and unsuccessful, which explains why they need more and more government handouts. Demo policies have financially ruined Detroit, Cleveland, Newark, Camden, Philly, El Paso, Miami, Milwaukee, Baltimore, all of California, etc. Not only that, but Demos have physically destroyed Los Angeles, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Ferguson, etc. for no legitimate reason - not very bright, huh? But in the mind of a Demo, "Oh, some white cop killed some black PoS thug who robbed a store, assaulted a store owner and said police officer. Let's go commit mass quantities of arson, looting, robberies, rapes, assault reporters, assault police officers, assault white people because they're white, etc." That's how Democrats (and only Democrats) behaved - again, not very bright.

You are the company you keep.
