I am so sick of everyone badmouthing republicans i mean seriously not all of us are fat rich white guys that are afraid of change I am a vegan bisexual teenage girl i go to a predominantly gay school i and before you say your only a republican because your parents are that isn't the truth my parents are about as far left as it goes

and yes bush isnt a super amazing president but is not the worst either (hello carter and hoover)

I live in a blue state and "coming out" as a republican was more stressful than coming out as Bi purely because of the disgusted looks i get from people who vote left i mean really? what happened to peace love and understanding?


well see,liberals whole deal is being about peace and love and understanding.
but they dont live up to it in practice. they create such an atmopshere that republicans have to be afraid to admit they are republican.if you cant admit it for fear, it shows their true nature.

look at the entertainment industry.thousands and thousands of actors and musicians and comedians. yet you would be very hardpressed to find anyone who will admit they are republican.surely among those thousands there are republicans. but you wont find then admitting it.

even young people cant admit it because liberals are so hotheaded and will smear you because of your simple beliefs.

the way we can fight back is simply the voting booth.because alot of times the lefts tactics turn off voters and it works in our favor. let them make fools of themselves with their hateful words on TV.

I think Bush was ok for a bit.I wont forget him for that speech he made after sept 11th. it made me feel better when I was pretty worried about what was to come. we did invade the wrong country and as usual we fought it politically correct which is always a bad way to go to war. but alot of the ire against him is simply people unsastified with how the war has gone. its to be expected.that is his fault. but that doesnt reflect badly on republican values and the way we conduct ourselves. we're alot more rational on a personal basis.


Thank you so much it makes me happy that their is someone who know what I'm talking about


"I am a vegan bisexual teenage girl i go to a predominantly gay school"

really? So... you're a Republican because you're young and don't know any different?

It's no mystery that teenage girls don't know about politics. It's also no mystery that you don't really know about them either.

If you did, you would realize that your party goes out of their way to keep basic human rights away from gay people. I'm curious as to why you hold these beliefs. Which candidates are you keeping your eye on? What are your fiscal vs. social stances? What qualities do Republican candidates hold that differ from Democratic/others? How does it affect you as a "vegan bi teenager"? How do you feel knowing that your practices are basically the polar opposite to the majority of Republicans?

That's what I thought.



Amen to that. If I could add Kudos to your post, Gregg-67, I would.

Quote from the OP:
"what happened to peace love and understanding?"

It went the way of the toilet, as it did for many members of both parties and most people, regardless of their political association. No one cares about who you side with. I don't say that in a mean-spirited way, but say that in an honest way. No one cares about your sexual orientation, nor who you are on the grand scale of people living in the US, let alone the world.

When you wrote this, could you even vote? If not, that's a good thing. I do hope you're doing your research now on which political party is trying to closely regulate (i.e. try their best to get rid of) everything from financial support for the poor to unions. And by research, that means do anything other than listen to the biased news they show on television.

To be honest, I'm surprised most people didn't instantly tell you that you did a wonderful job bad-mouthing both yourself and your political affiliation. You'd be better off being more like the Republican stereotype. Then again, agreeing with Gregg-67, I suppose you already are, based on the success rates of "No Child Left Behind."


I totally agree, gregg-67.
I am not from the states and I know very little about politics but I do know that "real" Republicans are people who support narrow-mindedness and are very intolerant of different beliefs.


So it makes you happy that someone stereotypes all liberals in the same way you are complaining liberals stereotype republicans?

Do you see the problem?

- I have a giant soap box and I intend to smash you with it.


Hey, i respectfully disagree with the image you paint of a liberal. I'm an 18 year old college student, and I am aliberal. Call me what you will, call me conformist, call me naive, but please don't generalize and say that because i have politically liberal views, I will automatically slander anybody who is a republican. When you refer to fighting back in the voting booth, i feel like asking what are we really talking about. Liberal/ conservative views, or the sad two party funhouse that dominates american politics? Both sides get petty, both sides sling crap, and both are equally loved and hated when in office. It's a bum deal, but it's what we have to put up with, you know? When you say things like

even young people cant admit it because liberals are so hotheaded and will smear you because of your simple beliefs.

Honestly, we aren't all out to conquer the world. My best friend, actually two of them, are republican, and i mean REALLY republican. Do i criticize them for it? Do I let it affect our friendship? No, because they aren't the ones that irk me. Reactionary republicans and radical democrats make me mad. Especially Reactionaries like Fred Phelps, on whom the main villain of this movie is based. When you push your agenda for the sake of pushing an agenda, you lose any chance of solving problems. and in order to solve problems, you have to take advice and implement decision makng from both sides, or you'll end up making a mistake somewhere down the line, and only your party will take the blame. I personally believe that we should act as a nation united on all matters, so that if we do mess up somehow, instead of throwing blame around, we can humbly accept that it was a bonehead move, fix it. TOGETHER. and move on.

anyway, i guess what i'm saying is that talking down about parties and people gets us nowhere as people. We all need to take our differing views, learn to listen to each other, and then and only then can things, or WILL things, get done. :) Know what i'm saying?



"I think I'm a sofa."

"I know how you feel"




republicans have generally been more about peace. democrats in history have for the most part been the ones to enter wars and republicans ended them. recently it seems this all flipped around but im not sure how. but still they are called conservative for a reason.


Who won WW2?

Thank you.

Who ran out of Vietnam and illegally bombed Cambodia?

Thank you.

Who starts wars? Who funds either side? (Then, you have your real answer)

Google Prescott Bush. Learn something. Its far beyond Red State or Blue State.


Who won WW2?

The Allied forces.


The Russians deserve the most credit for defeating Hitler's army. We definitely helped.



Oh, come on! Not to sell the Ruskies short, but the world owes a greater debt to those war-phobic Italians, who kept getting their ass kicked in every country they invaded, obligating German soldiers to go and get the job done right. This delayed the German army's entry into Russia by six weeks thereby setting up that terrible wintry seige in Stalingrad...

The recognition I avoid is greater than that I am deprived.


Sorry guys but the Russians DO deserve most of the credit. They were entirely unprepared for war when Hitler betrayed them, and were unprepared to defend their front. They also had the VAST majority of their military forces on the East fighting Japan, or preparing to fight Japan, as the last engagement with the Japanese taught the Russians not to underestimate them. When Hitler moved in for the blind-side invasion Russia had nothing to stop him with.

The Russian military was then mobilized to move to the west, horizontally across the longest country in the world where there were no roads, railways, or any other method of rapid transportation. When they finally got their *beep* together and moved to the western front they never lost a battle against the Germans. The allies could have pulled out entirely, the Russians would have steamrolled them straight to the Atlantic.

Do the British, French, Americans, Canadians, Australians and so on deserve credit for fighting the Nazi's? Absolutely, the western Allies were crucial, but Russia has never publicly gotten the attention it deserves for it's contribution. Remember that the Cold War started because the west was worried that the USSR was still strong enough, after getting beaten by Hitler for a few years, and then expending vast military resources to beat the Nazi's to Berlin (Which the Allies had to RUSH to for fear that they wouldn't make it there before the Russians did) The west was still worried that the USSR would take on the "Rest of the World" and were worried for nearly 40 years.

Don't underestimate the Russian involvement in WWII.



it was the winter that defeated hitlers army if the weather was mild as his seer told him it would be hitler would have beaten the russians 45-60% of the axis death where from cold and sickness


Did you even go to school? The Russians and British for that matter would be speaking German had the Japanese not bombed Pearl Harbor. Russia was on the verge of being overrun when the US entered the war. The British didn't have the manpower to last much longer. The US with it's human and natural resources and it's industrial power won the war my friend.



that is not true in regards to a democrat getting us into war and republicans getting us out it is actually the other way around. Especially within the last 30 years the Regan administration as well as the two bush administrations.


Reagan got us out of the Cold War and made Russia an ally in the process. What are you talking about?

Bush Sr. got Saddam out of Kuwait.. saving thousands of lives in the process.

Bush Jr. went into Iraq on the basis of catching and killing Saddam.. well, Saddam was caught and killed. Saddam had over 500,000 people killed in his lifetime.. google it.. Going into Iraq to stop this evil ruler was the right decision.

"democrat getting us into war and republicans getting us out it is actually the other way around."

dems getting us out of wars? come on.


Reagan committed treason, and he didn't end the cold war.
Read a book.


Americans are subject to so much propaganda.


I'm sick of idiots thinking any degree of Western politician is in it for anything except money. We are fat, rich, stupid countries with no more to fight for except our fat, rich, stupid selves. Make your vote count; kill a Senator.


so what, we were just supposed to stand still and let Japan bomb us over and over again? We were supposed to stand still and let Hitler's reign of terror commence? The reasons behind that war, I fully understand and fully agree with. And actually, Roosevelt died after we won the European front. Truman took office and bombed Japan afterward (which I agree with that move also). As for wars go, it doesn't matter to me which political party has office, if the reasoning behind the war is legit enough, it's worth fighting it. World War II was a war that we needed to get involved in. I also agree with our involvement in Kuwait during the Persian Gulf War (Republican war) and the invasion of Afgahnastan (Republican war) I don't agree with Vietnam or Iraq (both Republican). I am a die-hard liberal but even then, some wars make sense, some don't. It doesn't matter about political parties at that point


lilrayray: republicans have generally been more about peace

Really? Kindly explain to me how bombing abortion clinics in the name of god is peaceful? I guarantee you those aren't liberal democrats doing the bombing.

Yeah, and how peaceful was sending protesters to disrupt the funeral for Matthew Shepard?

Nice try.


Typical. Talk about generalizations. So all republicans are religious extremists? Because they believe in God means they're lumped into the same category as the hypocritical, hateful extremists?



It doesn't matter if you're extremist or not, belief in God is still a dangerous thing.

Republicans fail at life, Deomcrats are too pussy to do anything, Libertarians have lost their touch, Liberals are just hilarious.




1. That was one man who bombed the abortion clinic. Republicans, including those who are religious, immediately denounced his actions. There's a difference between believing that abortion is wrong and actively working for the pro-life cause and blowing up an abortion clinic. Get real.

2. Fred Phelps is a registered Democrat, first of all. He and his family are all brainwashed and mentally ill. No other political and/or religious group in the country claims them. They're not representative of anyone but their own cult.

Nice try.


Fred Phelps is a conservative who refused to change party affiliations after the Civil Rights Act. Phelps calls current Democrats and Obama's Demon Democrats and supports the tea party. You can check his site for the endorsement.



Haha wow, I wrote that well over a year ago; I'm not even a Republican anymore. But I still stand by what I said. The actions of WBC and someone who tried to blow up an abortion clinic are not representative of conservatives just because they are also (mostly) against gay marriage and abortion. What's wrong with them saying that there's nothing wrong with being against abortion when of course that's what they believe? Although I honestly didn't hear any of that.


Liberal - Advocating some kind of change/amendment to current state of affairs.
Conservative - Maintain status quo

"Liberals" who started wars tended to be revolutionaries i.e. The Revolutionary War.
"Republicans" Want to maintain America's superiority - hence intervening in everyone else's business. Google "United Fruit Company"

Liberals are more tolerant of gay/bisexuals. Conservatives try to limit their rights - McCain and Huckabee (who just bashed Rosie O'Donnell for having a kid) are great examples of that.

It's great that you are are bisexual conservative - you are fighting the good fight. But you should realize that the party you identify with probably considers you a moral cancer. Liberals want you to have equal rights with straight people. Conservatives want you to stay in the closet.

Having said that - Abraham Lincoln was a huge fag. Look it up.


"It's great that you are are bisexual conservative - you are fighting the good fight. But you should realize that the party you identify with probably considers you a moral cancer. Liberals want you to have equal rights with straight people. Conservatives want you to stay in the closet."

I may not speak for all republicans, But, as a Libertarian/Republican, I am a big supporter of gay rights. Also, (not resorting to mud slinging) But, it was a democrat who started the KKK, and back then, to be a member of the Democratic Party, You had to align yourself with the KKK. (You can say the same things about Republicans and Nazism, But than again, look into history, Hitler was a Democrat.).

Now, DO I think all Democrats are a bunch of Petroli waring, Soap dodging hippies? No. Infact I know many Liberals and Democrats who are against Abortion, and Gay marige (I know I spelt it wrong), and Are Racists...I also know republicans that are the same way, and Republicans and Democrats who are the opposite. I guess what I am saying is People beliefs are not relly based on what party they are in, but, What they as a person feel. An just for fun




here is some help to back this up. the sad thing is most presidents took office during the cold war so no one can be at fault for it and also the Vietnam war was born from the cold war

Abraham Lincoln-r....civil war
Woodrow Wilson-d....ww1
Franklin D. Roosevelt-d....ww2
Dwight D. Eisenhower-d.....ww2,cold war, Korean war
Harry S. Truman-d......Korean war,cold war
John F. Kennedy-d.....cold war
Lyndon B. Johnson-d.....cold war
Richard Nixon-r......cold war, Vietnam war
Gerald Ford-r......cold war vietnam war
Jimmy Carter-d......cold war
Ronald Reagan-r.......cold war
George H. W. Bush-r......cold war, 1st iraq war
George W. Bush-r.......2nd iraq war


Eisenhower was a republican. He also warned of the "military industrial complex" something that modern republican politicians (and by association, their electorate) have a particular love for.


A) Arnold Schwarzenegger is openly rebuplican.

b) In this presedential campaign the Republicans have been far nastier to the democrats. I mean giving Obama *beep* for being a community organizer what's that about.

Can't keep me off this escalator!


People who discount Obama's so called leadership experience as a "community organizer" are doing it for the same reason I just put it in quotations! Can anyone out there actually define what a "community organizer" is?
The leader of the local girl scout troupe could call themselves a community organizer! If Obama didn't bring this up constantly to justify his complete and utter lack of ANY executive experience, it would be a non-issue. If you're going to tout yourself, be ready to expect a critique.

It also could be said that at least some of the backlash is due to the fact that Obama expects us to believe that a few years as an activist are comparable to being a outstanding soldier and a POW and a public servant, ALL BEFORE OBAMA was old enough to vote!

I also find it funny that someone who adheres to a belief that people shouldn't have to hide who they are refers to Arnold Schwarzenegger as "OPENLY" republican. Kinda like Clay Aiken being "OPENLY" gay. As if being a republican is something to hide.

Aren't double standards wonderful?


It's really just a changing of the hats. Democrats were just as filthy and vile to Bush as Republicans are to Obama. That was always going to be the case and I expect it will continue to be the case so long as a two-party system is in effect. Either way they're both being pathetic.


You are, right now, guilty of the very thing you're accusing others of. It's called projection.


Look here Orlando, I am a Republican, I am against abortions beyond the first trimester (because sticking a tube in a baby's head and sucking the brains out to make the cranium collapse is Nazi doctor excrement), I am against gay marriage (I am not really anti-gay, just the thought of two unshaven guys kissing makes me want to puke and I believe that marriage includes the evil one Jesus Christ), and I believe also that if the Hollywood elite really believed all the crap they spew from their mouths, they would pony up their fat paychecks to fix the problems, instead of kissing the likes of Al Gore's ass.

Be that as it may, I look at actors as nothing more than monkeys dancing to a grinder-organ, because that is what they are. Example? Matt Damon professes to be about peace then turns around and makes Bourne films. Don't sweat them, I sure don't.



Aww poor guy, you are against homosexuality because it makes you sick. Y'know, you don't have to think about it. As a straight man myself I never get images like that, because I choose not to. I can support gay marriage as it does not affect me one way or another, and it shouldn't affect you. The problem is this, it is your problem, yet you'd like it to be everyone's. Get over yourself.


"I am against abortions beyond the first trimester (because sticking a tube in a baby's head and sucking the brains out to make the cranium collapse is Nazi doctor excrement), I am against gay marriage (I am not really anti-gay, just the thought of two unshaven guys kissing makes me want to puke and I believe that marriage includes the evil one Jesus Christ)"


It's really quite funny. -You condemn fascists of their ways in one sentence, and then in another you say you're disgusted by gays and what they do. hahahaha

Sorry to inform you, but you and your homophobia are no different than the fascists you spoke of.

The nazi's massacred more than just jews as we all know.... they did it to people of colour, lower intellect, etc. And in this case, homosexuals.

So tell me, how's it feel to be a fascist?


-Don't use your bullsh!t Christian ideals to make you sound like an "alright person" and means to some ridiculous justification.

Your hypocrisy makes me sick.

You are no different than a fascist.

Oh and incase you've ever wondered, if you're thinking about and have vivid images of people of the same sex kissing, somewhere deep inside your sub-conscious lurks the curiosity of what it would be like for yourself in that position.... I've seen it a hundred times in men.

So don't be afraid.

Hopefully one day soon you'll grow up... and recognise that love is never wrong.



Really? If being Republican was such an amazing thing then why would anyone look down on it? Just like the OP was saying "We're not all rich..." well all "liberals" aren't out there looking down on people for being Republican. We may not agree on everything, but we can coexist perfectly well.

"I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."


Well stated. A truly rational thought.




great post Jip_The_Dog


it works both ways. I'm a liberal who lives in a conservative state (Arizona), and I gave up talking politics with people years ago, because I would get the same type of hate and stares from everybody on the right.

So it's not just liberals that hate.

L: I'm talking about a little place called Aspen
H: I don't know Lloyd, the french are a ssholes


republicans are a bunch of money grabbing mofos. and jimmy carter was a saint, although his brother had some *beep* beer. hopefully your folks will talk some sense into you before you are of voting age. and whoever had a problem with the gay school, your son is gay, thats what happens to homophobes


if you knew anything you would know its not a republican or democratic thing. money grabbing transcends political partys. its a human nature factor. certain types of people are attracted to politics, and its usually people who want power glory and money. it has nothing to do with partys they happen to be of.

BTW carter is not a saint. anyone who will shake hands with the uncivilized to appear civilized is a fool.

as far as the fool with the gay school comment who couldnt even type his point in the correct thread as a gay school wasnt mentioned here, need I remind you, carter has continually reached out and tried to make friends with hezbollah and others who mind set would kill gay people.

so spare us the pretend caring about gay issues. your saint makes friends with them while the middle eastern culture persecutes them.


okay i didn't say a Gay school I said a predominantly gay school believe it or not there is a difference as in Gay school means all gay kids whereas predominantly gay means we have a lot of them because the kids feel safe enough that they can come out to there friends. As for being a school of sluts most of us are more abstinent than our straight friends most of us don't even care about sex we care about LOVE but being that we are a high school of course we have some "slutty" kids ... what high school these days doesn't?
as for dropping a bomb on my school because it is sinful maybe someone should drop a bomb on you i mean didn't the big guy say something about not hating people???


i realize there is more to this thread than the sexual orientation of your school, but i'm curious about something. what exactly do you mean by predominate? how many people attend your school, and what would be considered predominate. just wondering...


What is this subject doing in a movie thread? It is just a title, you immediately took the synopsis to mean fundamentalism as conservativism. It is a horror flick...what if it meant the color of the state was red from blood? And why would you align yourself with a group of people who think you are an abomination? And vote against your rights at every turn?


It's sad to see such bad parenting in action...


Boo Hoo


I hate this post.

Your all confused.

Dem / Rep. That's the divide they use to concur.

These people in charge don't adhere to the standards they set.

They are a part of a much more secret and "evil" union.

It goes beyond concepts like Illuminati and Skull and Bones.

We don't know the true faces of our fathers so to speak.

The gay basher was an idiot but so are those who sent the violence back to him.

Your all confused

Peace love and understanding is not a concept.

It's not a ideal.

It's do or don't

Black and White

Good or Bad.

What are you?

That's the only question.

Leave the rest of it alone.

It's not for you to decide.






This is just my opinion.

A vague one at that.









who are you the riddler? drop this pretentious little charade and learn how to talk and interact with people.nobodys impressed.


Was the riddler comment for me?

Cuz if it was that would be so cool.





What is going on? This is a film about religious extremists on the scale of the Phelps clan. Why is there discussion going on relating to everyday people?


What is going on? This is a film about religious extremists on the scale of the Phelps clan. Why is there discussion going on relating to everyday people?

Because the internet is filled with blithering idiots. Many of whom you can see in this thread.


Amen, brother!


just want to say that hoover would identify more with the republican party of today than the democrats


so would everybody else in America at that point and time.


your not bi its a fad same with all the other gays in your school just because youll giggle and kiss a girl doesnt mean your gay even when you think theyre hot your not gay. so quit with the b.s. and grow up, thats politics cant stand the heat? get out of the nuclear reactor.


Yeah its a Fad for some kids who are still learning about themselves and what they prefer, for me personally and for "most" of my friends its genuinely what we are and I really despise the fact that you can just make assumptions about me and my friends when you have NO idea who we are as people , I would even bet that you don't have any friends that are Bi or Homosexual.


so you talk about gay people like they are such a big number of our population now. like i could just walk down the street and meet a bunch of true openly gay people. like i don't know what teenagers are up to today? I'm 18 i went to high school i saw how it is, everybody thinks being gay is so cool and different that now they're all kissing each other and calling themselves unique. let me ask you this...how many of your gay friends listen to scene or emo music? i bet a lot, everybody is so worried about being different now that they all look at ways to make themselves different so they dress up in black cut they're hair all *beep* up and cry about how people oppress them but instead they end up looking stupid and are just moving with the rest of the herd. just because you like looking at a girls body and like kissing them and think they're super sexy and get turned on doesn't make you gay!being gay is a whole lifestyle and it involves emotion not just scissoring with your girlfriend infront of a bunch of guys drooling over you, also you make your school sound like a big gay orgy were everybody just mouth *beep* each other, grow up please. get some true personality you *beep* conforming mindless hack! that really shows why your a republican you cant think for yourself, everything you say is influenced by and outside source.


I'm not even sure why I feel propelled to respond to this comment, but I'm going to do it just to give you my point of view.

In the town where I live, I am positive that I pass at least one LGBT every single day. Sometimes I know by a glance that we share-- sort of a mutual understanding? Other times it's the subtle rainbow pin on a backpack or an HRC bumper sticker on a car. Most of my LGBTI friends are not in any particular way flamboyant, and people wouldn't necessarily notice them just by walking by them. However, that doesn't mean that they aren't there.

By the way, I'm generally disgusted by this current high school phenomenon of girls kissing girls at parties so that boys will pay attention to them. I believe that particular issue is less about homosexuality than it is about the premature oversexualization of children in our culture.


Finally a post I can agree with in this chaotic thread full of self-righteous twats.


Hey, do you have any idea what poetic irony is? Because you are display it in droves.


Wow, how do you pass judgement on something you haven't even seen? Simple - its the usual knee-jerk conservative reaction to everything that they find threatening (which is almost everything). DESTROY IT before anyone has a chance to see it!!! They LOVE to post erroneous bs on message boards...just fill em right up with nonsense. Just naming the film "Red State" is enough for them to go ape-sh*t, yet they don't even blink when the president they empowered (someone who can BARELY THINK - by far the dumbest president ever) suspends the constitution, arrogates unprecedented power to himself and his lackeys, starts a pointless war, allows spies to run free in the pentagon, and ruins our economy while ordinary Americans struggle and lose their homes. God bless the Republican Party and George W. Bush - he is such a wonderful, god-fearing man. Well, he is just a liar, like all politicians who use religion to goad the lemming public into trusting them.
