Similar films?

I loved this movie: haunting, reflective, poetic even. Dark as hell. It totally confounded my expectations.

Any recommendations for similarly nihilistic films?


Agree on "Aguirre: The wrath of god" (1972). Also reminded in style of Stalker (1979).


You might like "Tokyo Fist" by Shinya Tsukamoto. For some reason these both have a similar feel to me. *beep* amazing. And they grow on you too.

Eat, my children, dance and eat!


All Tarkovski films : Andrei Rublev, Solaris, the Sacrifice, etc ...
+ COME AND SEE (1985)


Any recommendations for similarly nihilistic films?

I don't know about similarly apocalyptic movies.

But this movie seems to be a weird combination of "The 13th Warrior" and "PathFinder" which are both Viking Themed movies.


It reminded me of:

Aguirre The Wrath of God
Come and See
Vera (2003)

All have been mentioned on here except the last.


The 13th Warrior was a good film but which Pathfinder? There two films out with that name. I am looking for Viking theme movies. I saw one the 90s called "The Shadow of the Raven" and have been looking for it ever since. It was made in Iceland I believe. I read somewhere that it had been broken up into 2 or 3 movies - I hope not as it was excellent.

Valhalla Rising's ending just didn't make since to me and I've watched it twice now. Why did he let the indians kill him?


Winter Bones is a good one.

"You wouldn't know crazy if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch."


The language barrier reminds me of Quest for Fire, but I agree -- Solaris has a similar aimless desperation about it.

For just plain aimless, try Eraserhead -- I must admit, I could only take about 30 minutes of it.

For nonstop beautiful scenery, try Russian Ark.


Winter Bones is a good one.

"You wouldn't know crazy if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch."

I would find it hard to argue similarities between these two films, however please do not let that stop anyone as I think Winter Bones is very much a movie that should be seen.

I do think the suggestions for Black Robe and Van Diemen's Land (2009) are good ones though. Both are a tad more tradtional in filmmaking style and storytelling, whereas this movie was described best by dizkotoaster

what's remarkable about valhalla's film aesthetic is the silent and slow paced tone, the dark poetic landscape shots and the historical aspect...

Black Robe is a movie I have sadly not seen in years, yet fondly remember it as a very fine film, one not too miss. If you liked Valhalla, then you certainly should see this film!

One suggestion I will make is Black Death ( There is certainly one great similarities between the two films in that the original promotional trailers were a bit misleading. I know a few went to see Black Death expecting a completely different film, maybe they got it confused with Season of the Witch? If you see the film, saw the original trailer, then you will get what I am referring to. However it is a film I did find to be a bit better than the IMDB score, but of course that is just personal opinion. What is not is that the film is much different in it's story than what you will expect.


Stalker without question.


The films of Tarkovski and Antonioni for sure. Something about it also reminded me of Ingmar Bergman's Farö films (Persona, Shame, Hour of the Wolf (my favorite, although Persona is the best), Passion of Anna).

Many Italo- and acid-westerns from the 60s and early 70s as well - check out Peter Fonda's "The Hired Hand" and "El Topo".


I feel with this motion picture somehow reminded by EL TOPO! Maybe the religious things and the style.! URGENT RECOMMANDED TO WATCH!
If it`s not Jurassic Park, it`s extinct!


I suggest "Disappearances". Not hihilistic, but definitely haunting and poetic.
