Similar films?

I loved this movie: haunting, reflective, poetic even. Dark as hell. It totally confounded my expectations.

Any recommendations for similarly nihilistic films?


the movies it reminded me most of were Herzog's Aguirre: The Wrath of God, and the two John somebody movies, The Proposition and The Road. all excellent flicks, although Valhalla might be better than all of them.


I was just about to recommend 'Aguirre' when I read your post. I'm surprised the director doesn't mention it as an influence. "...there is no arrow..."

"I don't want no commies in my car. No Christians either". - Bud, Repo Man (1984)


That'd be John Hillcoat, the Australian director. He did "Lawless" also.


Dead Man.


I thought the same exact thing.

I love movies with this kind of atmosphere.


This movie reminded me of Dead Man also.


You have seen Refn's Pusher Trilogy, right?

A few other films of a darker nature off the top of my head...

Irreversible(careful with this one)
Suel Contre Tous
Requiem For A Dream
Lilya 4-ever
Clockwork Orange
Serbian Film(if you can find a copy and be very, very careful when viewing this one. No kids or anyone with sensitive viewing habits)

But seriously check out the Pusher Trilogy if you haven't. Peace.


What Serbian film?


The movie is simply namned "Serbian Film" (Srpski film)
Trailer and info:

It´s a really weird, sick, sleazy and g r e a t movie.. :)


I worry about your sanity


@gunners: all great movies. however, i would not compare them to 'valhalla rising' style-wise. what's remarkable about valhalla's film aesthetic is the silent and slow paced tone, the dark poetic landscape shots and the historical aspect...


A recent one with a somewhat similar aesthetic and near "silent and slow paced tone, the dark poetic landscape shots" as well as also having a mute lead is Essential Killing. Divides people in the same way, too.


Stalker, definitely. The Proposition is a good one, and I see the similarities, but it had more of a concrete plot (and was better overall).

Winter's bone is another great movie, and I guess both films have a focus on the landscape, but that's where the similarities end.


I totally agree ... five minutes into this film, I thought of Andrei Tarkovsky's The Stalker ... "nothing is what it seems." For me, it had the same haunting enjoyment as Vincent Ward's The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey


"Valhalla Rising" is beautiful and grim, I love it.

There´s one movie that I recall seeing in the early 90's, but can't seem to find it anywhere, not even in here, on IMDB (!?):

Pierre Koralnik's "Ekitos - Prinz der Barbaren"

I loved this film because its script was very simple, it was really just based on tense atmosphere, and it was about a little group of warriors fleeing from romans, while its chieftain was dragged with an injured leg by an arrow!

If anyone knows how to find it, please reply!


check these out:

sauna (2008)

van diemen's land (2009)


I find Valhalla Rising to be a straight up combination of Black Robe and 2001, a hybrid of the themes as well if you look at it like that. If you haven't seen Refn's previous film; Bronson, you are missing out as Valhalla Rising might have made my best of the 2000's list if Bronson weren't a fair bit more superior as a film, plus one of the great performances of the past 10 years from Tom Hardy.


This only reminded me of one movie: The Limits of Control.


Check out "The Seventh Seal" with Max Von Sydow.

Oh my God not another dead body!
