MovieChat Forums > In Treatment (2008) Discussion > doing the whole “covid over zoom thing

doing the whole “covid over zoom thing

Did they really have to go real covid world over zoom? I mean really?? We want to get away from reality, what made the original great was 2 people in one room with no cuts.


To me, what made the original great was that it was a psychological low-level slow-burn more personal thriller. I virtual Zoom sessions don't matter to me, and they work the pandemic into the series probably because it made filming it easier and possible.

I hope you are just exaggerating when you say you think this ruined it ... seems way too early to tell to me.


Well I completely loved the 2nd episode that is what I am talking about!

I am sorry but the first episode lost me talking to someone over a computer it was like watching a documentary,. the 2nd episode got us back to the shows best quality it once had again.


I didn't like the first episode either ... but not because of the Zoom connection. It was creepy and phony. Like when the kid is dramatizing and she called him "El", short for Eladio, and how long did she know him? I got the impression they were early in the therapy ... the relationship just seemed weird, and her clothes ( I keep getting back to that creepy looking dress that hung her giantess boobs out in the camera ). The whole idea of becoming dependent on someone you pay to be your friend, or mother surrogate seemed not right. The first episode just rubbed the wrong way.

I liked her skill in the second episode of negotiating the guy's evasiveness, and ultimately hostility. It was really well done for just one episode.


Still not sure how I feel, it is like they have had to cover every single thing happening politically in it's first week and making the show make a statement for that rather then the pyscologoy behind it all

Global warming

and have a black Latino and white patient


Well, it is a psychology show, and in a sense it is about psychoanalyzing our time, so what else is there to talk about?

I agree that it is contrived, and there are things in the first four episodes that tweak me, and I think are meant to tweak me. I got a kick out of Joel Kinneman coming in at the end as ??? what is that relationship?

Just like the characters in TV fiction are memes, stereotypes, so are the subjects and plots.

Have you had more time to digest this and what do you think now?


Ok so now that we are 10 episodes in. I can say I love everything about the Colin Episodes so far, they feel like what we had in the past seasons. but I am not sure I like the rest of the patients much.

we are a patient short as well. as we are only doing 3. where the original we had 4 we look at the first season back then it's trying to be similar.

Laura who was just was in Love with Paul (this is replaced with a patient who feels her as a mother rather then in love)
the Pilot who was arrogant (this one is a bit like Colin)
Sophie the young kid (this one is Laila the young girl)
and we had the couple for marriage counseling.

I think we are a episode short here, there needed to be 5 each week. we need some kind of couple. (maybe they could have gone with a gay couple to keep in line with 2021?)

i can say now now I just can't get into those Brook days at all. its nothing compared to what we seen with Gabriel and Diane West when they had their sessions on the Friday really getting into the theorpy of it. instead we are mainly focused on the adoption.

I will keep watching it of course. I have to start comparing it to the original.


I can see why you have those reactions and partially share them.
I started out really disliking the Latino kid, all the slang jargon and seemed like a wimpy guy, but I have begun to warm to him.
Colin I think is and always was and probably will be a sleaze who is just mad that he got caught, and concerned that he cannot lie to people anymore ... but the interchange between Brooke and Colin has made me like Brook a lot more, and like the show even though, while I can probably relate to Colin more, I don't like him a bit.
Not sure yet what to think of Laila.
While I like Brook more, I still don't have a clear picture of her, and what this thing between her and Joel Kinneman is all about. I find that too weird to believe.
This version of the show is more honest about the doctor being a fallible human up front. By the end of the last seasons I really did not like Paul or think he was a good therapist, while I already think that Brooke is a more competent therapist.


I just can't get into those Brook days at all.

What's interesting about BROOK is how her FATHER BULLIED HER the same way as Laila's GRANNY BULLIES HER.

And listening to Laila probably also brings up lots of stuff from BROOK's past life with her father who may not have BEATEN her with a BELT, but was probably also just as MENTALLY ABUSIVE to her as the GRANNY is to LAILA by RUNNING her life and not letting make choices for herself???

So we've got ELADIO who TRIGGER's the need for BROOK to find out about the son she gave away, and then we've got LAILA who TRIGGERS the other CHILDHOOD MEMORIES of being BULLIED and CONTROLLED by her father, which also makes BROOK herself PATIENT NUMBER 4.

And that's probably also the reason why GABE's going to show back up again after the SPONSER can't help Brook???

It'll be nice to see him again. He also already tried to call BROOK but she didn't ANSWER his call and is AVOIDING him.


You make a good point which led her to drinking right after Lalias sessions.

I was interested in Brooks episode yesterday (very short though was only 22 mins long this one!)

I think I overreacted a bit with that pilot episode with my OP. but there are parts that is keeping me watching it and some parts making me roll my eyes as well.


What's interesting is how ALL of these characters appear to have something in COMMON.

Both ELADIO and LAILA are BULLIED by RICH FOLKS who feel they have the right to RUN and CONTROL their lives.

And BROOKE was also BULLIED by her Father the same way as LALIA is by her GRANNY.

And I also found this link that says LAILA has something in common with COLIN:

>>Laila is similar to Colin in some ways. She constantly deflects and acts combatively toward Brooke. The only real authenticity Laila shows is when she talks about a girl she’s started seeing named Cara.

>>Eventually, Laila does reveal more about Cara, admitting that she likes how Cara makes her feel like a “leader” since she looks up to her.

And ELADIO also DEFLECTS with BROOKE as well (such as this week when he chose to END the SESSION EARLY).

And he's also IN LOVE with JEREMY who may not feel the same way (which may also parallel how CARA doesn't feel the same way about LAILA).

And COLIN also still carries a TORCH for his former WIFE who the PREVIEWS indicate isn't interested in him anymore.

Which also parallels how BROOKE's SON refused to have anything to do with her.

So little by little each week we also seem to be IN TREATMENT with people who all have the SAME kind of ISSUES???

And since the SPONSER lady isn't able to deal with BROOKE and the way she's ACTING OUT now, GABE is probably also going to have to COME to the RESCUE as a way to be able to CLEAN UP and FIX this MESS once BROOKE reaches the point where she needs to be LOCKED UP in a REHAB setting???

At least that's where it looks like the STORY might be heading???

Because once BROOKE's too DRUNK to deal with the other 3 patients they'll probably also NEED someone else to help them???

Perhaps one week we'll also see everyone showing up for a therapy session with GABE who also explains how BROOKE asked him to see them while she's away dealing with an emergency situation???



is week 4 the final week episodes?? just wondering as Colin ended pretty sudden if that is the case. it looks like things are not going to end well at all for any of Brookes patients Colin lying about pregnancy really triggered Brooke this week completely didn't it!


I think there are 6 episodes or WEEKS???

So we've got a couple of more.

And Since we also saw COLIN having another session NEXT WEEK with BROOKE in the PREVIEW CLIP, he's probably also used some of the MONEY that he said he HIDES as a way to see her again.

Remember how he told her he still had shares of stock or something in his parents company that the government didn't find???

Brooke was also already telling Rita way back in WEEK ONE that she plans on getting pregnant by Adam, so she was also TRIGGERED to have another kid before COLIN mentioned what an A$$ that he'd been to his previous wife.

What's weird is how ADAM is willing to play the part of being BROOKE's son. So would he also dress up in a diaper and hold a rattle toy like we've seen some people doing before??? Since He also seems to be an actor as well, I suppose he could also pull it off.

But since BROOKE is treating Adam the way it sounds like JEREMY treats ELADIO, that probably also means ADAM is going to get fed up with it and refuse to see her anymore (the same way as it looks like ELIADO has broken off his relationship with JEREMY and his family in the PREVIEW CLIP for next week).

So without ADAM to play the SON role, will Brooke allow Eladio to become a substitute son for her???

Because without his job Eladio also won't have a place to stay anymore, and he'll most likely also blame BROOKE for his being HOMELESS, and say that she doesn't CARE about him if she refuses to let him stay there at her place.

And with BROOKE consuming so much BOOZE, one could also see her giving in and letting him stay there at her home.

By WEEK 6 one also suspects GABE is going to SHOW Up there at her place, because he'll probably be in town doing another interview again for his new book or whatever it is that he's promoting.

And then he'll probably also find her house full of empty booze bottles, and patients like ELADIO, (and maybe LAILA will also run away and end up there as well)???

So GABE will need to threatened her, and say if she refuses to reenter rehab again, he'll have her license revoked.

Definitely looks like there's lots of DRAMA up ahead.


Yeah it looks like the last 6 episodes were also released yesterday! didn't expect that happening strange they decided to do that! so I haven't watch them yet but I will over the next few days


WOW!! THANKS for the HEADS UP !!!


Gonna go check out WEEK 5 for him to see if it explains why he doesn't have a WEEK 6.

Hopefully it isn't because he's killed himself !!!


This KID is BRILLIANT !!!!










BROOKE LOST IT, tried to GET RID of him telling him she'd crossed a line and couldn't TREAT him anymore, and he REFUSED to accept it, PAYS her CASH, telling her he'd see her NEXT WEEK.

Then they show some PREVIEWS for the NEXT WEEK (WEEK 6), but ON DEMAND doesn't have it LOADED !!!


COLIN, LAILA, and BROOKE's WEEK 6 is there but NOT ELADIO's the character who interest me the MOST !!!!



There is a week 6??? I have 2 episodes to go for 23 and 24.. I found it interesting that she still said at the end 'see you next week' it's like him calling her stupid triggered something to keep him on. I really thought this was the last week though and found that a strange ending to wrap up his story.


Can I just say also how much I disliked episode 20 of Brooke talking to herself in her own session?? I wish they just got Gabriel back for that 1 episode as a guest star instead for that it was off putting I didn't like that style and took away any realism. I understand shes trying to Council herself I just didn't like that it was not neccary to do that, she could have talked her her friend instead.

Also I watched into the heights too the same day I was watching that kids sessions, agree great actor!! couldn't believe it was the same actor I had been watching in that movie lol


Yes Brook talking to herself was WEIRD.

I did like it when she LOST IT with COLIN and told him off though, because I also haven't been able to stand him ever since we first met him.

The other situation where LALIA ends up in PERU was also STRANGE.

She complains about how she doesn't know how to do anything ORDINARY -- like fill up her own gas tank with gas which her father always does for her -- and then she ends up in a completely different country where she doesn't even know the language???

Not very realistic.


BUT MOST importantly:

Have you seen WEEK 6 of ELADIO yet???


Because that last eppy still hasn't been LOADED to ON DEMAND which means I'll have to WAIT 7 more days to be able to see it.

Wish it was WEEK 6 of COLIN that was missing instead of WEEK 6 or S4 Ep 21 of ELADIO.



I thought this season was both better, but also more flawed and as incomplete as the other seasons, but I think Brooke got more done in one season than Paul did in four. I think it also dared to show more of the reality of patients in the real world ... maybe even before of Covid-19. I liked it with reservations.

I thought Brooke talking to herself was just like people do! At least me, and bringing other people into the conversation. It was very advanced.
