MovieChat Forums > Transsiberian (2008) Discussion > Major plot holes really ruined it for me...

Major plot holes really ruined it for me and my kids! Spoiler alert!

This stinker had so many plot holes that it smelled like swiss cheese by the time we were through with it that's for sure.

1. Why would a guy with a knife in his head look at the place where he hid his money? DUH!
2. How could a police officer who took an oath be involved with robbers? Kind of gives a new spin on the famous term "cops and robbers" don't it? DUH!
3. How could an upstanding Christian girl choose to be a smoker and risk damaging the temple that is her body, given to her by God? DUH!
4. Furthermore, why would a nice Christian girl even attempt to fornicate with an obvious Catholic? DUH!
5. Finally, how could a nice Christian girl murder someone even though he was obviously a Catholic and probably deserved it? DUH!
6. How could a smart upstanding young Christian man possibly miss a train in the middle of the Antarctic? DUH!
7. How could a Spanish Catholic man smuggle obvious containers of illegal hard drugs over the Japanese border without raising any suspicion? DUH!
8. Why would the evil Catholic man hide all his money on a dead body instead of in the good Christian girl's suitcase like he did with the toy animals? DUH!
9. Why would the robbers steal a train just because they wanted to harass and possibly torture the nice American Christian couple? DUH!
10. How could a girl who had her legs cut off suddenly walk to the middle of nowhere to look for the money and the drugs? DOUBLE DUH!

I could go on and on about this movie's shortcomings. The wife and I both agree that this movie put the typical Hollywood negative spin on Christians. For that I give it a failing grade. Also, the plot holes were so numerous that I often found myself gasping for air! Suffice it to say that this is not a good movie at all. F-!


How could an upstanding Christian girl choose to be a smoker and risk damaging the temple that is her body, given to her by God?

100% :)

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he took an oath?! well *beep* me, who'd have thought you could break those??


What? are you serious?
I have to believe this is a joke and you just posted this to create some sort of controversy for simple self-amusing reasons.

In case you didn't and really mean all this's people like you who give "Christians" a bad rap. Get off your "I'm better than you" soap box and realize you're just a sinner, like anybody else.

Oh, and yes. Please, open your geography book and search for Siberia. Siberia is the Northern region of Russia. Close to the North pole.
"The Antartic" as you refer to it, is the South Pole. Yup, the other end of the planet... DUH!



a liberal
GASP!!! Evil, evil, evil, evil, evil.

Interested in collaborating on a new type of film rating system? Contact me.


Cool story bro.

MSNBC: It's like NBC, but with MS.


Im really late on this one and I didn't read all the comments, but I kind of laughed about the orignial poster and how a lot of other people questioning Woody Harrilson in this. Woody plays a clueless christian nutcase in this movie, and the OP is obviously one of these christian nutcases.

I thought the two tied in nicely.


Dear Mister steeler33. It is so typical of amoral atheists to label all Christians as nutcases. That is very unfair. Just because Woody Harrelson enjoyed trains and good old fashioned religion, it does not mean he is a nutcase. His wife on the other hand who enjoyed premarital sex and mixed marriages is truly the nutcase in this equation. Nevertheless, this is a forum about movies so perhaps rather than attempt to display your lack of morality as intelligence, please stick to a scientific analysis on the merits of this particular film. Thank you sir.


...label all Christians as nutcases.
Not all Christians, just the clueless ones.
...mixed marriages...
Now we see your true colors.

Interested in collaborating on a new type of film rating system? Contact me.


Intelligence? You asked a question about why a cop would ever side with robbers.

Many Christians are nutcases, and it kind of ruins it for the rest of us real Christians.


Delusions of grandeur are typical in schizophrenia, where a patient may well truly believe that they are actually the leader of a country, or someone of great importance. Hey americaloveswar. Does this sound familiar to you in any way?



six-five wrote: "Troll is obvious. The only people worse than this troll are the people taking him seriously."

Yeah. Trolling is about as sad a hobby as there is. (Though I admit I enjoyed the "Antarctic" and "toy animals" bits of the OP.)


This has to be a joke. Do they even mention the character's religions in the movie? If you are serious I think it is a case where you found what you were looking for. Also, is your wife allowed to think for herself or does she agree because you told her?

How am I not myself?

