MovieChat Forums > Transsiberian (2008) Discussion > Major plot holes really ruined it for me...

Major plot holes really ruined it for me and my kids! Spoiler alert!

This stinker had so many plot holes that it smelled like swiss cheese by the time we were through with it that's for sure.

1. Why would a guy with a knife in his head look at the place where he hid his money? DUH!
2. How could a police officer who took an oath be involved with robbers? Kind of gives a new spin on the famous term "cops and robbers" don't it? DUH!
3. How could an upstanding Christian girl choose to be a smoker and risk damaging the temple that is her body, given to her by God? DUH!
4. Furthermore, why would a nice Christian girl even attempt to fornicate with an obvious Catholic? DUH!
5. Finally, how could a nice Christian girl murder someone even though he was obviously a Catholic and probably deserved it? DUH!
6. How could a smart upstanding young Christian man possibly miss a train in the middle of the Antarctic? DUH!
7. How could a Spanish Catholic man smuggle obvious containers of illegal hard drugs over the Japanese border without raising any suspicion? DUH!
8. Why would the evil Catholic man hide all his money on a dead body instead of in the good Christian girl's suitcase like he did with the toy animals? DUH!
9. Why would the robbers steal a train just because they wanted to harass and possibly torture the nice American Christian couple? DUH!
10. How could a girl who had her legs cut off suddenly walk to the middle of nowhere to look for the money and the drugs? DOUBLE DUH!

I could go on and on about this movie's shortcomings. The wife and I both agree that this movie put the typical Hollywood negative spin on Christians. For that I give it a failing grade. Also, the plot holes were so numerous that I often found myself gasping for air! Suffice it to say that this is not a good movie at all. F-!


How could a cop who took an oath be a robber? Duh? You have got to be kidding. There is corruption everywhere and people who take oath break them all the time - priests, married people and cops.


yeah i really hope the first post is being sarcastic.. if not wow. i'll just reply to number 10.. she didn't have her legs cut off dumb ass..

but yeah lol.... i think the whole point of this movie was to paint Christians i na negative light!!! that has to be it! i kept thinking to my self as i was watching, damn im hating Christians more and more!!! lol

" I intend to live forever......So far, so good."


This post is so obvs a joke lolz post. L2getit.


I think the reason you didn't like this movie is you didn't get any of the obvious elements that made it so good. DUH!

Really, I had to be sure you were serious with your remarks they were so ridiculous. I'm still not sure if your post was serious or overt sarcasm (because these boards are filled with people who really are that stupid).

Try this...

1. You find corrupt police unrealistic? Seriously?
2. You are shocked that people trying to be good sometimes do immoral acts? Ha. Funny.
3. Negative spin on Christians? How about the guy outraged over how Christians are represented yet is upset his kids didn't enjoy this movie about sex, drugs and violence then uses the F word to describe the experience.

I could go on but I think I've wasted enough of my time.

Seriously, are these people for real?


Here's the real answer to all your questions -
They were really atheists. They weren't Christians and didn't believe in hocus-pocus.

I think your assessment of the movie is terrible. It sure had plot holes, but nothing remotely linking to Christianity.


8. Why would the evil Catholic man hide all his money on a dead body instead of in the good Christian girl's suitcase like he did with the toy animals? DUH!


What are you in the triple K club? Who says things like that in this day and age?

And wait? What? You watched Transsiberian with your good Christian kids???

Todd Flanders : "Ow, My freaking ears"


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh this is either ridiculous satire, or you two are total fuqing idiots.....


The TC fails. Not all Christians are Saints, and not all Christians are simple-minded idiots. I'm a Baptist, and I also admit I'm no Saint. That basically just takes your whole post and makes it null n' void. As for the plot and such, well.... I don't even think the directors/writers cared too much. A lot of directors and writers will just take a great movie that makes you think, and add tons of small things just to either piss you off or make you over-analyze it.


I can't believe all these people took the original post seriously. A look at the poster's name will alone tell you that his entire post was a gag, and you all fell for it hook, line and sinker. No real American evengelical - as the OP pretends to be - would call themselves "America loves war".


This has to be the funniest post wife and I literally LOLed

We both Christians, we were never offended by this movie, we both liked it a lot. I know some folks who are missionaries....they are not saints....they mess up like anyone....we're human.....but what is cool is that they are willing to share their faith and God's love.....Woody Harrelson did a wonderful job portraying a man who loved God, his church, and his ministry....and of course trains.......I gave this movie 9 stars!!

An atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side.


There's nothing funny about this post. Just because we don't agree on a particular movie it doesn't mean that I AM A RETARD! Films are all about perception and I am very offended that people choose to ridicule me for my own unique point of view. What ever happened to freedom of liberty and the pursuit of freedom of speech?


"What ever happened to freedom of liberty and the pursuit of freedom of speech?"

So you are allowed to speak your opinions but others are not. That is supposed to be freedom of speach...
If people think your opinions are stupid they are free to say so.

You must be living very isolated by the world if you think christians doesn`t sin a lot. There are even priests who are raping children and you are talking about smoking! Grow up! Haven`t you noticed that most of the italian mafiaguys are christians who both kill, smoke, drink and curse a lot.

Geyr nĂș Garmr mjok fyr Gnipahelli, festr mun slitna en freki renna!


Wow. It still amazes me how many people just cannot seem to grasp the concept of sarcasm.


Wow. It still amazes me how many people just cannot seem to grasp the concept of sarcasm.

Yes, on IMDb I notice lots of folks don't seem to get sarcasm. I personally found the OP's post a bit silly, not uproariously funny or anything.

As when did Catholics stop being Christian? We believe in Christ, too - so does that not make us Christian, too?

Everything else he said was silly, too.

Reminds me of a joke. A street walker comes into a convent. One old nun whispers to the other, "she's a prostitute". The other nun sounds upset replying, "What?"

The first nun repeats (a bit louder), "I said she's a prostitute!" The nun a bit hard of hearing calms down immediately, replying, "Oh, that's okay. For a moment I thought you said 'she's a protestant!'". lol


Excuse me Mister jabberttp Sir. I don't think your joke that pokes fun at hearing impaired people is funny at all and is in fact, somewhat discriminatory. Furthermore, just because you do not share the same perception of this film as most people, it is not polite to refer to others as "silly" or worse yet as "prostitutes". A little decorum please Sir. DUH!


That's cool. Thanks for your politeness. ;-)

Not sure where you get this "most people" stuff from, but that's cool. Hope your kids enjoy the next movie they see...


americaloveswar: "...offended that people choose to ridicule me for my own unique point of view."
Uh-huh. So, you admit that these are your own point of view and not plot holes. Well, we're making progress, eh?

Interested in collaborating on a new type of film rating system? Contact me.


Man, if you ever wondered about Christians and especially the fanatical missionaries and other advanced zealots, you will wonder no more. This is one scary movie, to think that Christians committing at least nine out of the ten deslistes sins come out as the moral winners in this piece.

Everyone suspects that America is the world's most corrupt country, with a corrupt police force in big cities. Yet here, the Americans are the singing angeles and the Russkies, well, the bad ones. How original!

Too bad that this was a Spanish movie trying to pass itself off as an Aemrican one. It failed, big time.
