MovieChat Forums > Silence (2017) Discussion > Would it be appealing to agnostics ?

Would it be appealing to agnostics ?

I'm a huge Scorsese fan but I'm kind of reluctant regarding watching this film because it deals with Catholicism. Neither am I Christian nor a theist . Is it as good as his other films ? Should I watch it?


Just started watching this and my skin is crawling. All these good people, preaching dogmatic beliefs that will continue to cause so much suffering.

Especially because the Japanese were smart to slaughter the christian invasion. Religious indoctrination was a strategy to prepare a country for colonization.


I'm an atheist, and it was one of my favorite movies of the year.


I'm an atheist and this movie bored the Jesus out of me. Worst Scorsese movie ever, worst than Kundun. Couldn't feel sorry for people killing and dying for something that doesn't exist.


Why should an agnostic be hesitant about watching a movie because if its historical subject matter?


The source material is revered in Japan, a pagan country. It offers a far more insight into that culture than anything Clavell has written.


People need to learn how to broaden their horizons and think outside of their own narrow experiences of life. I'm not religious but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a religious story. If it's a good story, then why not? I think this is a good story.
