MovieChat Forums > The IT Crowd (2006) Discussion > My thought on this: funny, but not THAT ...

My thought on this: funny, but not THAT funny. Highly overrated. 6/10

I have to start by saying this is my opinion because I know many may disagree.

I felt like the comedy is very over-the-top for my liking. The setups/situations for the punchlines and actions are way too obvious; I usually see them coming and then they get used repeatedly to draw more laughter.

This must be the first British sit-com I've seen whose creators were trying so hard to dumb down the show in order for the audience to get and follow the comedy. Don't get me wrong, some situations/lines are really funny, but my overall impression of the show is average (or a bit above average).

That's why I think a 8.6 is too high; more like a 6 for me.




I am only speaking from the first episode thus far.. but it definitely feels forced. And wow.. people talk about American laugh tracks being AWFUL? This makes it ten times worse.. I am not one to watch alot of British shows, but of the ones I've seen (I admit, I think this is my first real more in the vein of the traditional sitcom) but I wasn't aware they used the canned laugh track. But with the set up being not all that funny, the laugh track makes it even more jarring. Not to say US sitcoms don't also abuse the laugh tracks, but I do try and avoid most sitcoms anyway.. the only 2 being BBT and Community.


The show was filmed in front of a live audience.


After I watched the pilot, I didn't understand the hype about it. I thought the jokes were very forced and felt a little bit outdated (like it was made in the 90s). But I liked the characters, so I decided to give it another chance.
Maybe it became funnier (I heard many people saying that the first episode was the worst), or I just got used to its style, but after a while, I started to like it. I think British and Hungarian humour are similar, so I can appreciate it.
I'm a laughing inside kind of person, I only laugh out loud when something is ridiculously funny, however this series is at a "fun level" where I watch it with a completely straight face.
Maybe 8.6 is a little too much, but I still think it's funny. Although I wouldn't have killed off Denholm Reynholm, I think his character was one of the best things in the show. I also love Richmond.


What? It is totally *beep* hilarious!


this is just my opinion but It's Highly overrated.




If people are watching straight off the bat and watching the pilot and series 1, then i don't blame them for thinking the show is *beep*

Because it was.


The first episode was fair enough to interest me in giving it another chance. From the second episode on, it really took off and was great. Keep watching.


For me it's maybe the best sitcom of all time, up there with Fawlty Towers. Would recommend season 2's opener 'The Work Outing' - the funniest 30 minutes of TV I've ever seen.


Yep, I watch that episode regularly. Pure gold.

Probably my favorite bit (among many great bits in that one episode) is when Jen is already struggling with Roy somehow being 'disabled', then turning to the bar to see Moss behind it in full staff dress. His "yes, miss?" and the look on her poor bewildered face!
