I LOVED it until...

I saw Samuel L Jackson

Then it abruptly brought me back to the present MCU.
It should have stayed in the past, and slowly came up thru the decades with subsequent movies.


So you liked it until the last 90 seconds?


So all in all - a great entertaining movie. But I hate SLJ's character. The way he portrays it.


Except cap still ages so he would be in his 80s by the time he reached the mcu timeline


In case you don't know the comic book history of the character, Captain America was a character from a previous comic book company (Timely Comics) that was brought over to Marvel. He was introduced to the Marvel Universe in 1964 in the comic book Avengers #4. The team (Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hank Pym / Ant-man, & Janet Van Dyne / The Wasp) find Cap frozen in ice, thaw him out, and make him a member. So there is precedent for having Cap frozen and then woken up in the "present".

Marvel has a lot of World War II era heroes and villains, and it would have been nice to see more of them (maybe in a second WWII Cap movie) before Cap got frozen. But I really do like the way they handled his introduction into the modern MCU. It was a cool scene and the "I had a date." line really hits you in the heart.


Timely Comics and Marvel Comics are the same company, evolved over time. Captain America was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. The first comic book story Stan Lee's wrote was in 1941, for Captain America #3. Lee and Kirby later decided to bring the character back in the 1960s, as part of their revitalization of Marvel Comics.


Thanks, I know this.


I was just adding details for anyone else who happened across this thread.
