MovieChat Forums > Land of the Lost (2009) Discussion > This movie was hilarious! Why the low ra...

This movie was hilarious! Why the low rating!?

You haters can suck it! This movie was hilarious!

Seriously, I really don't understand the low rating. Comedy is a difficult genre to rate because of the different comedic style preferences, but in no way does this movie deserve below a 6/10. I hardly laughed at Tropic Thunder, yet somehow that movie is rated a 7.2 (I did appreciate the funny cameos, but that can hardly make up for an overall unfunny film). I wonder what kind of films the people enjoy that rated this movie below 6!?!?!

Could another reason for the low ratings be the disappointment from lovers of the original series? Nevertheless, I don't think it should be compared to the original series, but should just be viewed as a standalone comedy. Maybe that's just the mistake Universal made.. they should not have linked it to the orginal series.

My personal rating: 8/10.



The low-rating is probably (99.9% sure) due to the previous incarnation in the TV series.
That wont be the only reason, ive never seen the TV series and thought the movie was awful. Im surprised the scores so high actually.


There were some funny scenes and jokes but it's still not a well made movie.



some times I just like to watch dumb funny movies. There were parts where it was like WTF? And we started laughing because of the goofiness of it- the giant lemon they were squeezing on the steamed crab. With all the seriousness in movies and real life, why not just have some ridiculous nonsense to make us laugh?

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This was a very entertaining--even spectacular--movie. With a budget like that the production values are absolutely great. It was at times a bit goofy, but it was, in turn, smart, funny, touching, ironic, laughable, thought-provoking and just plain fun.

If the numbers are right Universal had a big loss with this one, but it is well worth watching.


I believe the problem must be that people do not appreciate to the full extent the comical genius of Will Ferrell. I enjoy black comedies such as "A Serious Man", and I think there is depth in the comedy of LOTL that only fans of such genres of black comedy will respond to. On the surface, though, it is a silly adventure movie, and if that is all you see, you probably won't like it.


I remember we rented it knowing it got bad reviews. We still thought it looked funny anyway and we laughed our asses off. Caught parts of it again on TV the other day and still thought it was funny.

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absurd comedy is only appreciated by the minority nowadays I guess. People for the most part take everything too seriously and consider this movie too dumb to enjoy. The fact of the matter is that this was meant to be a fun dumb adventure and I loved it. Also this genre does not get any help from the ladies which I think also hurts its rating. As for tropic thunder I loved that movie to I thought it was a pretty genius concept with the perfect actors for the job.



what do you mean "low rating"? If anything this movie is overrated. 5.4??? WTF? Seriously, this film barely deserves a 2/10.


I imagine a lot of the dislike was on the parts of those of us who grew up watching the original series and the fact that this movie pretty much raped it.

Despite it's shoestring budget the show dealt with some pretty heavy sci-fi concepts. Societal de-evolution. Tesseracts. Creatures that could be affected by emotonal reactions. Alternatre universes. The series gave the impression the Land was the way it was by intelligent design. It was an experiment that never was elaborated upon, We grew to love the characters. Then theres the mystery.

This movie had little to none of the charm that made the original the revered classic it is today. All it had were the names. None of it was really faithful to the mystery and wonder of the original. It was dumbed down to sophmoric pablum for the lowest common denominator. Will and Holly from the original series had cameos but they were cut from the final print.

So aside from the general appearance of the Sleestak and Grumpy, it wasn't Land of the Lost. Enik wasn't a would be world conqueror, he was the exception to the rule about Sleestaks being savage. He was the Marshall's friend. And there was emotional impact when he discovered the Sleestak were actually from his future, after his race devolved into barbarism. And Zarn was a completely different alien who could be injured by human emotion.

The movie was basically a textbook case of everything that's WRONG with reboots today.


Agree Tropic of Thunder was garbage - this is pure genius . I would say the low rating comes from adolescent N.Americans with very low intelligence .

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