MovieChat Forums > Land of the Lost (2009) Discussion > This movie was hilarious! Why the low ra...

This movie was hilarious! Why the low rating!?

You haters can suck it! This movie was hilarious!

Seriously, I really don't understand the low rating. Comedy is a difficult genre to rate because of the different comedic style preferences, but in no way does this movie deserve below a 6/10. I hardly laughed at Tropic Thunder, yet somehow that movie is rated a 7.2 (I did appreciate the funny cameos, but that can hardly make up for an overall unfunny film). I wonder what kind of films the people enjoy that rated this movie below 6!?!?!

Could another reason for the low ratings be the disappointment from lovers of the original series? Nevertheless, I don't think it should be compared to the original series, but should just be viewed as a standalone comedy. Maybe that's just the mistake Universal made.. they should not have linked it to the orginal series.

My personal rating: 8/10.


just saw it for the first time, its way better than I thought it would be, pretty funny


What makes it funny is just the overall style and stupidity. I dont like to be spoon fed jokes and one-liners. But this goofy comedy is refreshing even with Will Ferrel who seems to be a 600 lb gorilla in most of his others movies... Ad-libbing and going off script. The sleestacks werent funny or scary or anything, but the Vengful TRex and Shaka made up for it.


I am SO WITH YOU on this. I thought this film was hilarious, and Ferrell and Danny McBride are comic gold together. "Gold, Jerry! GOLD!!". Lots of funny lines and McBride is the perfect comic partnership with Will. I thought the script was damn funny and those two guys breathe it. I have a decent sense of humor and there are some juvenilie films that are just plain BAD (think half of all Adam Sandler films), but this one is not only funny, but the special effects and production value is impressive. It get it! It's a spoof of a cheesy 70's kids show and it combines those elements well with a 21st century plot line.
Favorite lines:
McBride (yelling): Hey, Marshall!! Even get tired of being wrong??
Ferrell (running from a Teradactyl): I do! I really do!!

After drinking a prehistoric hallucinogenic drink, they're all chilling in an ancient motel pool in the desert and McBride says to Chaka,
McBride: You wearing a wire? Are you a cop? If you're a cop, you can tell me. You wearing a wire, man?

Anna Friel is also very good and it sexy as hell!!

Haters can suck it and bite me.


This is my favorite movie. I heard how much of a flop it was, and didnt really think to watch it until after it was on DVD. I actually didn't like it the first watch. When you're just watching to pass the time you miss all the subtle things that make this movie great. I watched it again and I was in tears!!

I guess the people that don't like this, want to be given hilarious one liners...but Chaka is hilarious without even speaking LOL.


It's crazy silly but also very funny. People need to swallow Ferrell and have him remove whatever is stuck up their ***.


I could have sworn this movie was written by nonogenarian vaudeville rejects. The script is painfully unfunny.


because not all the joke works.



I gotta agree. Very funny movie. Will Ferrell is a great comic actor, and so is Danny Mcbride.


I agree. It's been running on Starz lately and it's very re-watch able.
