MovieChat Forums > Land of the Lost (2009) Discussion > This movie was hilarious! Why the low ra...

This movie was hilarious! Why the low rating!?

You haters can suck it! This movie was hilarious!

Seriously, I really don't understand the low rating. Comedy is a difficult genre to rate because of the different comedic style preferences, but in no way does this movie deserve below a 6/10. I hardly laughed at Tropic Thunder, yet somehow that movie is rated a 7.2 (I did appreciate the funny cameos, but that can hardly make up for an overall unfunny film). I wonder what kind of films the people enjoy that rated this movie below 6!?!?!

Could another reason for the low ratings be the disappointment from lovers of the original series? Nevertheless, I don't think it should be compared to the original series, but should just be viewed as a standalone comedy. Maybe that's just the mistake Universal made.. they should not have linked it to the orginal series.

My personal rating: 8/10.


I thought it was pretty damn funny, but there were some incredibly stupid plot holes. For example, how did the lighter get into the past of our planet when Rick left it in an entirely different dimension?




I too agree! This film is hilarious!!!! The lines by McBride alone get me every time. I can watch this over, and over, and over again!

"Now Ive Lived!!"



I blame it on Captain Kirk's nipples.



My friend just forced me to sit through this steaming pile of cinematic excrement, and now I'm considering having him whacked. What an awful, nerve-grating movie experience. Horrible acting, unfunny dialog, rotten script, laughable SFX . . . all of it was putrid. I can't believe people were paid to make this travesty. Possibly the worst interpretation of a TV series I've ever seen.


>>>This movie was hilarious! Why the low rating!?

you have got to be kidding.






One of my favourite Will Ferrell characters, and some great scenes

The interview at the start/end of the film
Drinking disosaur piss.
Talking about having to eat his sidekick
Insulting the t-rex and his walnut sized brain
"don't be afraid to point the toe"

His most underrated movie, don't understand the criticism.


I agree with the OP, this movie was hilarious and very entertaining!



This thread shows once again that you can indeed please some of the people all of the time.


I loved the cheesy old stop motion series even though its never been officially shown in the UK. I bought it as import dvds.

I thought a comedy based on this show was a great idea and the results for me were enjoyable. It seemed to have a relaxed style of offering the comedy and it just seemed like everyone was enjoying making the movie. Its not a classic but the film had charm and the gags worked.

Shame the movie flopped or at the very least will take sometime to turn a profit plus interest. I would have loved to have seen a sequel. I must admit I get really tired of what Hollywood does nowadays recycling the same ideas and this seemed something slightly different. Quite a few films I've looked at my watch in the dull moments but the time disappeared watching this for the first time. I wanted more.

I can see the flaws but still a 9/10 movie for me.


I agree. I don't understand the low rating and overall reviews...

Dinosaurs and Danny McBride... You can't go wrong.
