MovieChat Forums > The 100 Scariest Movie Moments (2004) Discussion > The Scariest Movie Moments You've Ever S...

The Scariest Movie Moments You've Ever Seen

I'm all about Stephen King so most of these are Stephen King movies.
Creepshow--The monster in The Crate rips the guy's head open.
Carrie--Carrie's revenge at the dance
Nightmare on Elm Street 3--Freddy's "puppet"
Final Destination 3--Roller coaster scene
The Shining--All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
Misery--Annie shoots the sherriff
The Shining--Jack chases Danny through the maze
Nightmare on Elm Street--High atop the bedroom with blood coming out of my stomach
Nightmare on Elm Street 2--Freddy crashes the overnight party
Nightmare on Elm Street 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7--One two Freddy's coming for you
The Shining--The two ghosts
The Shining--Jack with an ax ("Heeeeeeere's Johnny!!")
Secret Window--Mort murders Ami
Final Destination 3--Burnt to death
Final Destination 3--The truck stabs the back of the guy's head
Final Destination--The airplane scene
Wes Craven's New Nightmare--Sleepwalking into oncoming traffic
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre--Every scene with Leatherface.
Evil Dead 2--"Who's laughing now?!"
Final Destination 2--The pile-up
Final Destination 2--Impaled by the ladder
Final Destination 2--Who says elevators can't be deadly?
Halloween--Every scene when Michael is just staring at one of the character
Halloween--Resurrected...sort of
Halloween 2--The fake Michael


The Shining - When Jacks Wife finds his writings... that was really scaring for me.


How come I don't see anyone mentioning... NO!! It cant be!?

Come on you folks?

Alien! Aliens! 3 Aliens! Any *beep* Alien movie where there's an alien nearby!



"Alien! Aliens! 3 Aliens!" Indeed... Some I can recall right now:

Alien - Ripley alone on the Nostromo only with her cat and then she notices the alien is just around the corner... wuah
Alien - Ripley discovers the alien is in the escape shuttle
Aliens - The entire scene with Newt and Ripley hiding under the bed because a facehugger is somewhere around... one of the scariest movie scenes ever!
AlienĀ³ - The alien suddenly entering the hospital room and "kissing" Ripley... really sick and disturbing

Some other ones (possibly mentioned already):

The Omen - When Mrs. Thorne is murdered... those eyes! And the music! AAAAAH
The Exorcist - Spiderwalk scene... a classic
The Grudge (U.S.) - The entire movie... I was just so scared afterwards
The Grudge 2 (U.S.) - When Kayako kills Eason
Donnie Darko - Every scene in which the bunny appears... I never thought that a rabbit costume could be so scary
Mulholland Drive - The bum behind the wall, the rotting corpse in the bedroom
Ring (U.S.) - The dead girl in the closet, Rachel finding Noah
Rosemary's Baby - The atmosphere close to the end of the movie... I want to know one person who wasn't paranoid after watching that masterpiece
The Shining - The two girls, the old woman, Jack frozen
Silent Hill - That monster with the triangular-shaped head... creepy
The Amityville Horror - Bathroom scene
The Sixth Sense - Hanging family, girl in the tent and especially the girl under the bed... I know many won't find that scene that scary but for some reason it gave me nightmares for weeks...


I think the scariest film I've ever seen is "Don't look now". That was horrifying the first time and I still get chills when I think about it.


BLAIR WITCH PROJECT- NOT the scariest movie, but the running scene and house scene are scary as hell.
THE AMITYVILLE HORROR(2005)-the ending.
THE HAMILITONS-the torture scences
THE HITCHER(2007)-car accident,car falling,and the end
THE DESCENT-the first attack and the ending
SCREAM-the opening,garage murder,and the end
THE GRUDGE 2(U.S. VERSION)-phone booth,dark room,and ending
THE EXORCIST-crucifix,spiderwalk,and the exorcisim
GRAVEDANCERS-don't judge this movie by it title,it will give you nightmares 4 dayz. dead girl scene and grave digging
ALIEN-alien popping out of stomach,and ending
THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE(1974)-the first is the best,the remake is nothing compared. hooked,dinner,and escape
JACOB'S LADDER- mental hospital,train,dance,and the unforgettable ending
THE OMEN(2006)- nanny hanging,dream(terrifying)
SAW- head gear,rememebering how Adam got there, and the end
SAW 3- the end
HOSTEL-ankel,torturing scenes
CABIN FEVER- an awful shave,the first infected,and the bunny


Carrie: The ending
Poltergeist: The clown
The Cell: The horse, Child abuse, the creature in the cube
Butterfly Effect: The dog, kiddie porn
Wolf Creek: Liz and Kristy's deaths
Mulholland Dr: the monster, the old couple at the end
The Stepford Wives: I'll just DIEif I dont get this recipe! and Joannas clone at the end
Ringu: Sadako's lack of fingernails and the guy with the bag over his head
Secret Window: when Mort just looks at the camera at the end, the corn, and when he kills Amy at the end.
Pulse: the dancing lady, the laundry room
Haute Tension: the last image of Marie
Blair Witch Project: Josh standing in the corner
Disturbia: any scene with Mr Turner
MOthman Prophecies: the mothmansvoice

Every killer lives next door to someone.


The Haunting (1963) - The first night in the house, when there's that huge thumping, also the scene where the door bulges.

I couldn't get to sleep that night.


Mulholland Dr. - when that scary guy pops out from behind a wall and scares the other guy... holy crap

The Shining - the little girls in the hall and then the picture of their dead bodies

The Devil's Backbone - the ghost's eye in the key hole made me jump

The Grudge - her crawling down the stairs and making that croaking noise

The Exorcist - the white statue of Mary with red paint on it... not very scary but it stuck with me

I wanted the pink mist.



A lot of good ones have been said already; here's a couple I didn't see.

Deathdream (Dead of Night): The night at the drive-in.

Let's Scare Jessica to Death: When Emily attacks Jessica and comes out of the water wearing her wedding dress.

Both of those movies kept me up at night.


for some reason the scene in dawn of the dead(2004) where the little girl bites her father and her father turns into a zombie always bothers me


The Descent - The entire 2nd half

28 Days Later - Any shots with the infected

The Thing - The Blood Test

Dawn of the Dead(78) - The Beginning Apartment Scene

The Mist - The Cult

The Hills Have Eyes(06) - When the mutants first attack

Silent Hill - Pyramid Head in the elevator

28 Weeks Later - The first scene

30 Days of Night - Bait

Quarantine - The Boston Man in the last scene

Final Destination - The Premonition

Don't Look Now - Final scene


i agree with almost all of your moments but euhm, you guys never mention Silent Hill and the scene with, well almost every scene is scary, the decomposing dead guy crawling out of the toiletbooth with his feet tied to his head with barbed wire. the sound he makes is horrible and he keeps sticking his green tongue at the girl.
freakin' awesome scene
or when that huge monster-like dude pulls out his big-ass sword :D :D :D
I LOVE THAT *beep* I couldn't stop laughing and making jokes (I always do that when I'm surprised.)
got to go now postguy just dropped off NightWatch, hehe :D



Psycho - Shower scene
The Shining - "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Mulholland Drive - Winkie's diner.
The Exorcist III - Corridor scene.
Japanese Story - When Hiro dives into the water.
Blair Witch Project - Josh facing the wall in the corner of the room.
Signs - The birthday party.

To fall in love, you have to sacrifice everything.


Heres My top 3 and nobody else mentioned any of them:

3). Don't Look Now (1973)- the end scene when Donald Sutherland taps the red hooded person on the back thinking its his daughter and turns out to be the creepy dwarf serial killer.

2). When a Stranger Calls (1979)- the end of the movie where Jill is lying in bed with her husband, heres a noise from the closet, taps her husband who jumps up from under the covers and turns out not to be her husband but the killer

1). The Hills Have Eyes (2006)- Two of the scariests scenes I've ever scene in my life. 2nd). The scene where Doug wakes up from being unconscious hits his head on something can't see and strikes a match only to reveal that he's locked in a horizontal freezer with body parts/leftovers. 1 most scariest scene ever: When Big Bob goes back to the gas station and finds out that he was led into a trap, after the attendant blows his head off with a shotgun you hear mutants whisper, "Daddy, Daaaddy" all around him but he can't so so panic fires four rounds at the direction of noise back up into a cactus, yells runs back to the car to try and get away only to hear from the back seat, "Daaaddy" He sees Jupiter's face in the rearview mirror and Jupiter slams Big Bob's head into the windshield, then into both fron windows and then he's being dragged through the mines by the mutants practically have awake only to meet his grim fate. So scary!!!!!


Un Chien Andalou- The Eye slicing scene
Lost Highway- The mystery Mans scenes; the two nervous breakdowns, the struggle at the hotel.
Arachnophobia- simply because of the spiders...
Frenzy- Brenda's death; potato truck scene





Buio Omega - The ending.

"If you send that many men don't forget one thing, a good supply of body bags."


cube zero: the fat guy gets blown up because of high-intensity sound waves being pumped into the room he's in

the hills have eyes: when you see the mutant in the rear-view mirror (i saw this in the theatre, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up because whispers came from speakers at every corner of the theatre, until they localized at one point just as you see the guy's face behind him just lurking)

saw: jigsaw shuts out the lights and slams the door on adam, leaving him alone in the darkness

nightmare on elm street 2: when freddy plays with the guy like a marionette with his tendons ripped out

the mummy/house of 1000 corpses: (tied) when you see the shadowy, blurred figure of the killer/monster looming behind the person standing alone in a dark tunnel

arachnophobia: when the mother spider crawls into the guy's tent and makes her first bite

child's play 2: when chucky lures the garbage man out of his truck to inspect the voice of a person trapped in the trash compactor, climbs up into the seat, plays with the controls and crushes the man to death.

the exorcist: the spider walk down the stairs

zodiac: the killer dressed in black in broad daylight stalking the couple in the park

hannibal: when lector pushes the guy off the balcony on a hand truck, and lets his entrails spill out onto the sidewalk


I can't believe nobody said this!!

Friday the 13th- The end where Jason jumps out of the lake made me jump more than any other moment in any other movie I've seen and I've seen a lot. I get chill when I hear that music from the end. The first time I saw it I thought the music was calm so the movie must be over. That scene catches you so off guard and was terrifying.

Watch Jericho! Fridays at 9PMc on CBS Dont forget it's great and may be canceled without your help!



Candyman-When shes talking to the psychiatrist and candyman comes from behind and kills him. Shes strapped to the chair. Creepy.


Blair Witch Project-the final scence when the camera falls and someone picks up the camera and you hear the girl screaming and the guy is in the corner.

audition-when shes sawing off his foot with the wire

friday the 13th-the end when jason jumps out the water and pulls her under the water. Scared the crap outta me when I was a kid.

The Ring-When Samara comes out of the TV. And the scence at the funeral when Rachel is talking to her sister and her sister says "I saw her face" and they show her face. LOL CREEPY!!!

Saw 2-Syrigne Pit. Gives me chills. I hate needles

The Hills Have Eyes (2006)-The scence when they are in the camper with just the girl and the baby. I have a hard time watching that scence.

Childs Play-When they shoot chucky and all his head and leg are gone and hes still moving. Absolutely scared me when I was a kid.

Carrie- When shes walking to carries grave and puts flowers down and carrie sticks her hand out and grabs her arm. The music and her scream always makes me jump.

And Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 3 and the next generation. ALL THOSE MOVIES WERE HORRIBLE AND AN INSULT TO THE SERIES.


The Ring (U.S) - 'you don't understand, I saw her face'

Psycho - The basement scene when you see the corpse and then norman is in the doorway wearing his mothers dress and a wig

The Shining - the ghost in a bear suit, and then the other guy leans next to them and it zooms in. for me, the scariest scene in the shining

Psycho - 'I'm not even going to swat that fly, oh she's harmless, she wouldn't hurt a fly'

Carrie - The scene were Carrie falls down the stairs after her mother stabs her and she's trying to run away but her mom is following.
