MovieChat Forums > The 100 Scariest Movie Moments (2004) Discussion > The Scariest Movie Moments You've Ever S...

The Scariest Movie Moments You've Ever Seen

I'm all about Stephen King so most of these are Stephen King movies.
Creepshow--The monster in The Crate rips the guy's head open.
Carrie--Carrie's revenge at the dance
Nightmare on Elm Street 3--Freddy's "puppet"
Final Destination 3--Roller coaster scene
The Shining--All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
Misery--Annie shoots the sherriff
The Shining--Jack chases Danny through the maze
Nightmare on Elm Street--High atop the bedroom with blood coming out of my stomach
Nightmare on Elm Street 2--Freddy crashes the overnight party
Nightmare on Elm Street 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7--One two Freddy's coming for you
The Shining--The two ghosts
The Shining--Jack with an ax ("Heeeeeeere's Johnny!!")
Secret Window--Mort murders Ami
Final Destination 3--Burnt to death
Final Destination 3--The truck stabs the back of the guy's head
Final Destination--The airplane scene
Wes Craven's New Nightmare--Sleepwalking into oncoming traffic
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre--Every scene with Leatherface.
Evil Dead 2--"Who's laughing now?!"
Final Destination 2--The pile-up
Final Destination 2--Impaled by the ladder
Final Destination 2--Who says elevators can't be deadly?
Halloween--Every scene when Michael is just staring at one of the character
Halloween--Resurrected...sort of
Halloween 2--The fake Michael


A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - Geyser of blood coming out of the bed.
Halloween (1978) - Laurie discovers the corpses of her murderered friends.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - Pam impaled on the meat hook.
Carrie (1976) - Prom Massacre.
The Shining - Heeeeeeres Johnny!
The Exorcist - Crucifix scene.
Misery - Hobbling scene.
Fatal Attraction - Boiled rabbit.
Poltergeist - Coffins bursting from the floor.
The Haunting (1963) - Banging and laughing sounds.
Final Destination - Teri gets hit by the bus.
Single White Female - Haircut scene.
The Evil Dead - Card game possession.
Sleepaway Camp - Angela's secret.
Hellraiser - Head ripped to shreads by hooks.
Pet Sematary - Zelda.
Psycho (1960) - Shower scene
Jaws - Jaws eats the boy.
The Entity - Bathroom rape scene.
Friday the 13th - Kevin Bacon's death
Silent Night, Deadly Night - Murder of Billy's parents
Black Christmas (1974) - Suffocation via plastic bag.
When a Stranger Calls (1979) - Phone calls coming from inside the house.

Mrs Voorhees is watching you!


Has anyone read the book Misery? The hobbling scene in the book as well as the lawnmower attack just need to be mentioned. I couldn't finish the book after that.
I also saw Audition recently and I think the deformed guy crawling out of the bag scared me the most.

RingRing hooka RingRing


I recently purchased Misery (book) I'll let you know when I am finshed reading.

Mrs Voorhees is watching you!


Cant beleive people arent mentioning the fly and the thing more...

i cant watch the fly without getting freaked out when his jaw rips off and just completes the transformation...

and the thing... every scene with an alien is just...horryfing...but the blood test? man i never jumped so much in my entire life, so unexpected, and TENSE

"...8 year olds, dude..." -Walter , The Big Lebowski (1998)


The Exorcist -- Father Karras leaves the possessed Regan's house and looks up at her bedroom from the street and sees a girl-sized shadow floating by the window... even though she is supposed to be strapped to the bed.

The Grudge -- Panicked after being stalked to her apartment by an unseen assailant, Susan's brother comes over. The buzzer rings, she hears his voice over the phone (intercom?) and even sees him through the peephole but when she opens the door there's no-one there.

Halloween -- Michael's mask materializing in the darkened doorway behind Laurie after she finds her friends dead.


Lots of classics, plus:

Paranormal Activity 4 - The ending

A Serbian Film - The coitus decapitation
