MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Leo's worst attempt at an accent???

Leo's worst attempt at an accent???

Other movies he's done terrible renditions of 'accents' (see The Departed), but I think this one takes the cake. After watching for fifteen minutes I shut it down & threw on 'Pocket Ninjas' instead. His accent was terrible in this movie, even my brother agrees.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


I live in Canada with a native-born South African(Capetown). He gave Leonardo's accent in Blood Diamond two thumbs up, I had several visitors from Capetown and they think Leonardo's accent is close to authentic.


Oh come on, are you buying this guy?

I'll admit, the fake wrong quote is a nice touch, but his actual posts lack even a clear passion for the art of trolling.

Honestly, 2/10.

Poor show.

No my dear, procrastination is an art form!


I'm from Johannedburg, South Africa. His accent is spot on.


to me, the problem was the constistency not the actual accent.

when he was on it the accent was pretty good, its just that mid sentence or in a different scene he would come off it and a hybrid close to his real accent would shine through, remindingyou he was an actor not a genuine character.

i admit it is a difficult thing to pull off as the main character in a long film.

H is pronounced Aitch NOT Haitch !


His accent definitely ruined the movie.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


i have 3 south african friends and they are said it was fantastic.

i'm proud to admit to never have watched a "reality" tv program!



I know a white african from Zambia who speaks English and his accent very similar to the one DiCaprio put on.

Anyhow, even to untrained ears most people know what a south african accent is, and I think sometimes it wasn't perfect it was very authentically similar.


Americans aren't fit to judge whether his accent was good or bad.

The South Africans I know have said that his accent was very good. How could an American know if his accent was awful if the majority of Americans have never been to Zimbabwe.

I give him credit because it's an extremely difficult task that takes lots of time and dedication! His accent could not have been that terrible because he received an Oscar nomination. It's easy to criticize - anyone can do that. Try developing a character with an accent, and then come back and tell me how easy it is.



His accent was terrible in this movie, even my brother agrees.

Well my brother says your brother is full of *beep*


I am no accent expert, but I heard Leo's accent was actually brilliant. Either way, it was a brilliant film and Leo was amazing in it. He truly has his place among the greatest actors ever.

Eibhlinn Savage

[insert movie quote]


Sy aksent was baie goed!


he needs to squash it b/c he sounds like a member of the band bloody rue!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


I'd say the south african is probably 1 of the 2 hardest accents to not just pull off, but to make it sound authentic throughout an entire movie. The other being a genuine scottish accent. I've heard a lot but most sound like idiots trying to pull that one off(Johnny depp giving the best one ive ever heard). Im sure people from SA think the same about most who attempt the accent.
