MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Leo's worst attempt at an accent???

Leo's worst attempt at an accent???

Other movies he's done terrible renditions of 'accents' (see The Departed), but I think this one takes the cake. After watching for fifteen minutes I shut it down & threw on 'Pocket Ninjas' instead. His accent was terrible in this movie, even my brother agrees.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


Perhaps it would help if you actually met a few Zimbabweans (Rhodesians) before chucking in your 2-cents worth. Or are you just saying that a Rhodesian accent sucks? Or do you just prefer Ninja movies? Really confused China.


you've clearly never heard the South African acent then miked272001, because Leonardo DiCaprio has got the acent absolutely spot on.
If you think it sounds strange then you just obviously find the South African acent strange in general


either way i think his patois sounded nice. i felt the accent was a little weird but it's not an accent you hear spoken on a regular basis.


His accent was terrible in this movie, even my brother agrees.

Wow. You gotta give it up for brilliant reasoning like that.

Well done, sir.


Try speakin with anyother accent that you dont really know and try some acting like leo, in front of ur brother and ask him if it was even close to a performer like leo... if ur brother says it is , i would agree to ur judgement on the accent!!


Lol I thought the same as you, then I realised that IS what the south african accent sounds like.
He sounds the same as Jason Cope in District 9 who actually is South African.

Also why is it that every movie I see with a South African in, they are a total wanker (who slightly redeems themself by the end)?


Well I thought he did an amazing job. (My sister agrees too)

"This is the one thing we DIDN'T want to happen"


What South Africans has everyone here met? I am South African and my maternal family are from Rhodesia and neither of our accents sound like that.. also all the South Africans I know who watched it laughed at his accent. However I do love Leo and i know our accent is really hard to recreate. So whilst it is not the best it was still a great effort..


According to a friend who has dwelled in South Africa for over 30 years, his Rhodesian accent was pretty damn good.

"A lot of people say to me…… get out of my garden" - Stewart Lee


while i'm not commenting on leo's accent per se, as i've no idea on the topic, what you've said about hearing your accents on film etc and it sounding nothing like that, i agree - I'm from australia and i absolutely HATE hearing actors trying to do an australian accent, they just sound so ....bogan. mind you although i cringe, i do tend to watch almost anything new that comes out these days :) i enjoyed blood diamond, accent or no, i thought it was an extremely well done movie - obviously there are parts that can be picked upon, but overall, imho i enjoyed :)
