MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Leo's worst attempt at an accent???

Leo's worst attempt at an accent???

Other movies he's done terrible renditions of 'accents' (see The Departed), but I think this one takes the cake. After watching for fifteen minutes I shut it down & threw on 'Pocket Ninjas' instead. His accent was terrible in this movie, even my brother agrees.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


dude come on even your sig is wrong....the line is get busy livin or get busy dyin......

Accentuate the negative




S/He's right. Your sig line is messed up. It's not even Morgan freeman that says it. And why do you write "even my brother agrees"? Are we suppose to know who he is?

Besides I could find no faults in Leo's accent, in either movies. Sounded genuine enough to me.

You're going to die screaming... and I'm going to watch. Am I telling the truth?





They are right, time to fix your sig. If you love the movie enough, you'd at least attempt to get the quotes right.

I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together.


Given the obvious fact that neither one of you is from South Africa or its immediate environs, you aren't qualified to judge.

FYI, those who ARE said it was a decent job.


Decent, but in no ways good. Even my brother agrees too.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


You're a nut. You said in your op that it was awful, now you say decent? And who gives a sh!t what your brother thinks? And seriously, change your sig.

I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together.


leo's a nerd.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


So? Some of the words greatest people have been nerds.



Well if your brother agrees it must be true.


Given the fact that the character was from Rhodesia (Zim) what does SA matter?


Leo's character in the movie isnt from South Africa, hes from Rhodesia, which became part of Zimbabwe.

Bowl a strike so we can have fun at the strip club, I wana see a real 7 - 10 split!


Rhodesia did not become "part of Zimbabwe". Zimbabwe IS the current name for the country formerly known as Rhodesia.

Why do people write these things without checking first? It's a mystery - it takes, what, 30 seconds on the internet?


I thought the accent was possibly the best depiction i've ever heard.

This film was recommended to me by a White South African friend who noted that his accent was brilliant and he could find no fault.

....go get the butter...


I have to admit that when I saw the trailer for this I thought, "OMG what a terrible accent!" . Now that I watched the film it was actually pretty decent. There were a couple of lines where his American accent came through but for the most part it wasn't bad. He sounded more like a South African who had been living in the States for a while.

My vote history link:


I think it was a great effort.Atleast he did much better than most actors actually can.His accent training was one of the reasons that got him his Oscar nod.Im sure its no easy task.And for the South Africans cribbing out there,you need to applaud the effort that went into it.Ho hum,well can you put on a UK accent for me please, well atleast one line????? Im sure you cant.Leo had to do it through the whole movie, which obviously had breaks and was shot over time.


You may think it was a dodgy South African accent but that may possibly be because it was actually a Zimbabwean accent, since Leo's character was not from SA. And it was a very good accent.

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


i met south african's and people from zimbabwe and the accent was good better than his boston accent in the departed


I think the problem I had with the accent is that Leonardo DiCaprio was executing it, good or bad.

My view of Leo as an actor has always been that he gets deep into character, and it shows in his face...but his tone and his 'mouth' per se never mirror that intensity. Not in my opinion, anyway.


You mean you start to see the little boy in him because of that young face he has. Still I'd rather see the little boy in him then Leo in a little boy.

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


Mike, you've made two separate topics, within a week of each other, with the exact same complaint, and yet you still seem impervious to all the comments that all clarify the quality of Leo's solid attempt at a Zimbabwean accent, which all support the notion that you are an ignorant stubborn stuck-up. I laugh at you.

"I hope I'm there, catching some of the light comin' off ya that day." ~Silver, Treasure Planet
