Norton and Watts

I think that this movie is a triumph for these actors, the best performance I've seen from Watts.



Definitely a good pairing. Well done whoever cast them.



Well done whoever cast them.

It was Norton who suggested Watts, before she was famous. Producers had doubts until Watts proved herself in other films.




before she was famous. Producers had doubts until Watts proved herself in other films.

Are you kidding me??? Naomi Watts became famous in 2001 with Mulholland Drive so do you mean this movie was in pre-production back then???


Actually yes! Edward Norton became attached to the project in 1999.


They should do another movie together. Their chemistry was that good.

Don't f@ck with me fellas! This aint my first time at the rodeo.


This movie took me from a tepid feeling about both of them to a wow.


Norton is good in the film. Watts is merely adequate, I thought - imo her best performance (by far) is Mulholland Dr.

While The Painted Veil is beautiful to look at and quite watchable, I found myself wishing the focus was more on Norton's character, whom I found much more interesting to watch.

Both Watts and Norton are much better in Birdman than here.


Yes they’re both excellent in this criminally underrated film, as is Liev Schreiber. More people need to see this.
