Synopsis Error

"Barry Allen uses his super speed to change the past, but his attempt to save his family creates a world without super heroes, forcing him to race for his life in order to save the future."

Barry Allen doesn't create a world without superheroes, he finds himself in one though.


That depends on whether DC is in bed with the multiverse concept.

Superman changed the past in the first movie, so there is a chance they don't.

In the flash TV series, Reverse-Flash also attempted to change the past to alter the future.

If DC has multiverse it might not work the same as the marvel one.


I found it odd they showed Superman alive and well at the beginning. I thought Lex's monster killed him ?

Update: I didn't know he was brought back in Justice League, oops.


but he did create it, remember that when he runs, he also changes the past


Nah I think the OP’s right

Kenton’s Batman explained as if each timeline pre-existed as its own spaghetti strand.

Barry just crossed over from one to another

Certainly it wasn’t implied that Barry CREATES a new strand from beginning to end


sorry man, but you are wrong

keaton clearly showed him each "nexus" creates a new past, and a new future
