MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Next Doctor to be announced July 16th on...

Next Doctor to be announced July 16th on BBC

BBC teaser today says 13th doctor will be announced after Whack the Ball this Sunday.

Betting odds:


If it's not a person of color the BBC is racist.


If they wont do anything about all the children being abused and raped by their "talent" in the 60s, 70s, 80s & 90s, I think youre pissing against the wind thinking theyll pull out the chair for a poc just because. If it benefits them, then sure theyll do it. But theyll never do it for any other reason than a self serving one.


Sad but true. Between their talentless "talent", soccer, excuse me, "footy" stars and other friends of the royals, pedophiles responsible for thousands of rapes were allowed to keep on raping with the authorities blessing.

Sadly the UK loves to pat itself on the back for being a bastion of social awareness though. I guess the awareness part means aware of crimes and doing nothing.


The uk people, no. The uk government, fuck yes. Left or right, the two main parties are pure scum. There's more than a little suggestion that child sex rings in government are being protected. But just like with Saville we probably won't find out anything till after they are dead. Cunts.


Do you trolls realize how delusional your politics is? No sex rings at bbc, no proof in government.

The main child sex rings are immigrants! The lefty bbc reported it.


You think the BBC is left? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha its nothing more than government propaganda tool they force the people to pay for.

And immigrants? Really? Have you been main lining trump? The BBC where found to have help conceal instances of child sex abuse over decades. It's not a rumour, it's not a suggestion it's a fucking fact. As for the government, well more hidden evidence. Like I said the truth will out long after those responsible are dead.


Hope it's a black woman just to drive the idiots here mad.


So you're in favor of diversity out of spite?


Why should idiots be protected from spite?

And if they be idiots then whatever spites them must be right and worthy.

And isn't everyone that's not a racist in favour of diversity by default?
