MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > More like Doctor Poo...

More like Doctor Poo...

Because this show is shit, amiright?

I don't know why so many people like this show. It is stupid and confusing. Would be much better is they did an American reboot.


Needs more seasoning.

And then put in the bin.


I tried to warn people this season would be utterly worthless tripe and they should boycott the episodes before their memory of Doctor Who is forever ruined by Moffat's garbage. Sadly, many did not listen until it was too late.

I'm thankful MY final Capaldi episode was "The Return of Doctor Mysterio", so my memories of the twelfth doctor will be a positive one.


No, that wouldn't help at all. Notwithstanding that there are many good American shows, an American version would move strongly away from a British sensibility that incorporates quirks and humour and ideas that can be simply fun as well as absorbing. A US version would go for bland characterisations ultimately and re-imagine the Doctor as an elitist, super ambitious "cool dude" hip to the fashions of the day. The British model evokes dorkiness as well as brilliance in a pleasing way - and this was clearer in the classic series more so than in the NuWho era which in its way seems desperate to emulate Hollywood tastes and fashions while trying to maintain a "British personality".


>>> A US version would go for bland characterisations ultimately and re-imagine the Doctor as an elitist, super ambitious "cool dude" hip to the fashions of the day. <<

You're confusing American television with "series 10" of the BBC's version of nuWho (not to mention "series 9")

Calpadi was fine in the role as a grizzled, tough, grumpy older Doctor. Then the BBC decided to make him "hip and cool" and turn him into an Aging Rock Star type with guitar and sunglasses. It's been all downhill since then.


We get it. You don't like NuWho. I'm still enthralled and prefer Capaldi in his newer, less-grumpy persona.


>>> We get it. You don't like NuWho. <<<

Au contrair. I have first nine seasons of NuWho on DVD and watch them religiously. I never got into Classic Who until recently (my first Doctor Who episode was The Five Doctors, which is absolutely impossible to follow if you've never seen an episode of Doctor Who before). NuWho is what got me into the franchise, and I've been a loyal follower for a decade (2007-2017). I'm eagerly looking forward to what Chris Chibnall can bring to NuWho, and pray he doesn't screw it up.

It's Moffat utterly DESTROYING Peter Calpaldi's era that I DON'T like!


Ah. Gotcha. Maybe when you revisit it years from now, you'll have a better appreciation for it. There have been some episodes pre-Capaldi that I hated in the past which I totally like now. And vice versa. And there have been some very clever things in the Capaldi years that I'm glad for. (Except the sunglasses. Hated the sunglasses.)


>> Maybe when you revisit it years from now <<

Ahem. I will NEVER watch "series 10", just as I still haven't watched "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" to this day, nearly a decade after it was released. I don't like watching classic franchises ruined by awful installments.

It's also utterly pointless to watch the drivel they're putting out now, since we already know Chris Chibnall is starting over from scratch next season with a new Doctor. It will be a clean slate and he won't be continuing on with any of the characters/stories from the Doctor Who: Social Justice Warrior era.


I hope they cease using the "epicness crescendo music" every time the Doctor comes to a point when he "rescues the day". For me it doesn't add anything or enhance the scene. Classic Who did quite well without such flourishes.


Yeah, the gimmicks are kind of annoying.
