MovieChat Forums > Hot Fuzz (2007) Discussion > You ain't seen Bad Boys II?

You ain't seen Bad Boys II?

Racist KKK Michael Shannon

Close Ups of Bullets & Slow Motion of one driving through Martin Lawrence‘s ass

There is a 15 minute car chase with infinite jump cuts and you can‘t tell who‘s shooting at who. Let alone why.

The villain is a mix of Tony Montana & a Roger Moore Bond villain

Everyone has anger issues

Martin Lawrence interrogating dead criminals whose brains are on the wall

Live porno on cameras of a video store

Rats fucking. Literally.

Carlos got mutiliated and put in a dustbin.

Decapitated bodies are flying around windshields.

Greatest Dad Talk Sequence Ever.

They are literally examining dead bodies and find drugs beneath the kidneys.

„Shit just got real“

The villain gets shot in the head, falls to the ground and is blown into pieces by a landmine


all i remember from that is two hummers driving through a shanty town.

and a big pile of drug money being eaten by rats


James Berardinelli wrote a pretty funny review for it. Negative of course.
