MovieChat Forums > Logan's Run Discussion > stick a fork in it...

stick a fork in it...

[new Logan's Run remake]
it's over done. throw it out. make room for some creative NEW ideas and scripts. this is just more cash in garbage made for safety and laziness. move on!
This book is fine. The old movie is fine as it is. leave it alone.


Never read the book but i love that old movie
I wouldnt mind a remake because the story is so see it!
I guess it takes all types huh?


why not just rewatch that old movie again? It's aged, but it's neat. Looks GREAT on Blu-ray


Oh i do sometimes...probably watched it 8 or so times...
Just saw it again maybe a year ago but not on blu-ray
I just think some stories are so good they could be retold and id be happy to watch...for instance i loved Evil Dead and yet the remake was awesome and did some new and intersting things


The evil dead remake was awsome! So was rob zombies Halloween and truthfully...the dawn of the dead remake was way better than the original! Sci fi and horror always is a good candidate for a re make.


Agreed always:)


Fats domino...


The 70's TV Series was also good.


Never even heard of it but I'd be curious to check it out


A reboot is a GREAT idea! The novel was really good...but the was alright...but very dated...also didn't follow the novel as well as I would have liked...makes perfect sense considering the love affair America is having with dystopian fiction...


The novel was "OK" but it plodded along and won't make a good movie. Except for some interesting sci-fi elements, and a couple actions parts. They will have to "update" it to make it better... therein lies the rub: it's no longer "Logan's Run", and just some new spin off teen action flick with the old name plastered on.

Meh, either way, at least sci-fi is back for a little while.


Well that's just like you opinion man!


it will fail
