MovieChat Forums > Idiocracy (2007) Discussion > Will this happen if Trump wins?

Will this happen if Trump wins?

If Trump wins, this is how USA history will plan out.


Ha! I also believe the process of the US becoming like Idiocracy has already begun. The people having multiple kids at a young age are grossly uneducated and foolish, whereas the intelligent members of society are devoting more time to work (and much of their money is going towards raising the kids of careless and irresponsible single moms who are not fit to have kids) and thus they are not finding time to have kids of their own.


and look at all the drones walking around, in the middle of the street, with their heads down looking for pokemon.

doomed...civilization is beyond repair. Trump presidency would only hasten the complete collapse.

haha and whats funny is he has no skills at all for surviving in that type of world.


I really don't understand the allure or payoff to playing that game and 'catching' those creatures.

On a side note, I just heard that we may be getting some anti-Donald Trump campaign ads featuring President Camacho:
These ads would be hilarious!

Edit: And then I read a more recent article saying they decided not to do the ads. Bummer. I hope Crews reprises the role again one day though.


Awww I hate that. This would be the perfect time.


Eric has proven to not be too intelligent himself going by some comments. Unless he was trolling.


It takes a careless man to get someone pregnant. Oh, but men don't like how condoms feel. Ask Bristol Palin's baby daddies.


No you're wrong. It happened when America was STUPID enough to elect a Obama a Marxist Muslim seven years after 9/11. And them they RE-ELECTED him! That's as STUPID and RETARDED as you can get!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Idiocracy was blueprinted in 1987, when Saint Ronald Reagan eliminated the FCC Fairness Doctrine. A year later, blowhards like Limbaugh took to the airwaves, to rant to the thousands of Americans who still believed (and still believe to this day) that Nixon resigned only because the liberals had an agenda.

Eight years after AM Hate Talk Radio was born, we get Fox News.

And the result of the Idiocracy that was born that fateful day in 1987? Look no further:

No you're wrong. It happened when America was STUPID enough to elect a Obama a Marxist Muslim seven years after 9/11. And them they RE-ELECTED him! That's as STUPID and RETARDED as you can get!

Got 13 Channels of $hit on the TV to Choose From


This movie is exactly how a Trump America will look.

If I turned on a black light, this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting


Did hillary tell u that. She is so trustworthy after all.


And if Clinton had won we would have had the most arrogant, corrupt, power hungry liar ever in the White House. And the Crooked Clintons could continue to sell America to the highest bidder, including countries which harbor and fund Islamic Terrorists. This is how they went from poor to multi millionaires.

And the Federal Government could continue to curtail our liberties, and squash our economy. And taxes would be raised so that hard working Americans could support a bunch of lazy freeloaders on Welfare who never worked a day in their lives.

And Crooked Hillary could nominate a Liberal Loon for the Supreme Court who would help her do away with the Bill of Rights, especially the First and Second Amendments.

Yeah, that would have been MUCH better.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Much better than a Clinton America where our freedoms continue to be whittled away by a government which is WAY too large and intrusive, and where we have a president who we cannot believe.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Msjones ...

' Will this happen if Trump wins?'

I assume you're asking will the dynamics of this movie become reality ...

Honey - where you been??..

This movie represents the quintessence of our society which has incrimentally been tracking in this direction since the second decade of the
1900's ...

Had such a movie been available, one could
have asked your question of Wilson and every president since . . ..

Wanna know what's most startling?

It takes a movie like this to make people sit up, look around and
wonder about our society, when in fact many people for decades now have been juxtaposing more moral eras with each more
decadent one.

No one really pays attention to the 'dumming-down' of America although the phrase is well known
and used.

People prefer to believe they are
islands - their own refuge, and prefer to indulge themselves in deluded denial that insanity is indeed encroaching upon their imagined well-being . . .


Well said Signlady, it's nice seeing a rational, well thought-out response on IMDB for a change.


"People prefer to believe they are
islands - their own refuge, and prefer to indulge themselves in deluded denial that insanity is indeed encroaching upon their imagined well-being . . ."

To be fair, I think that has always been true. It seems to be a human nature thing. Maybe in times of extreme prosperity we saw a little less of this, but it seems to be a common thread throughout all eras. Best of times worst of times sorta thing.


Will this happen if Trump wins?

No. The concrete-mafia criminal and tax avoider Trump put a criminal clique of billionaires and multi-millionaires into the Oval Office. The American voters made the Bock zum Gärtner. Nur die dümmsten Kälber wählen ihren Metzger selber. A wise man once said: Every society has the government it deserves.

Only a complete idiot or people still believing in the Easter Bunny and fairytales could really believe that these billionaires and multi-millionaires are going to do other things than filling their bags with even more money.
Only a complete idiot or people still believing in the Easter Bunny and fairytales could really believe that these ruthless billionaires and multi-millionaires would bring benefit to the lower and the middle class. Poor USA.


The lady who just got appointed head of education under the Trump administration is sure to degrade the quality of education so that grade schools will churn out mindless unthinking morons by the hundreds left and right.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


we are here


Trump is the opposite of idiocracy you morons.

California is a prime example. The coddling sanctuary state.

California will be the first to look like idiocracy.
