The Newsreader

Anybody else just loves him?



I just watch the show for the first time. Yes, he is adorable. And the sign language makes me wonder. For the deaf? Or for the barbari?


Didn't think of that. I thought he was being "artistic".
But, yeah, probay for the barbari.


He does such a great job advertising Rufus's Slaves. i wanna stop by Rufus's and get me some of those virgin slaves he was talkin bout. Rufus has slaves for everyones budget




I do! I actually was just thinking about that character and came here to start a thread to give Ian McNiece credit. Cool to see someone else had already done that. I always got a kick out of the way he delivered the news, with those hand motions while standing on the platform.


I enjoy it everytime he reads the news. In one chapter he had to do some kind of commercial ".....if you are a good roman then you have to use ...(some product )". He was not happy at all with this.
