
I found her death very disturbing and unsettling to watch, but obviously amazing and really great that it evoked such a response.

I saw an article saying it's a really terrible decision by a film maker to have such a horrific death shot so close up to a character that didn't deserve to die in such a horrendous way.

Anyone agree / disagree with me or the article?

EDIT: article is here


I feel bad about even acknowledging this but I actually found the attack on the baby triceratops more disturbing than Zara's death. Eeek.


I feel bad about even acknowledging this but I actually found the attack on the baby triceratops more disturbing than Zara's death.

Honestly, I felt the same way! It didn't look like the baby was killed by the drop though so I was relieved. Zara...I didn't even catch the woman's name during the film. It's only when I came here and saw a 200 post thread for this very minor character that I found it out.

Yes, it was a rough way to die but hey...prehistoric carnivores were on the loose. Someone was bound to be killed in a gruesome extended way and this Zara's number was up. You didn't even see much blood or tearing so it really wasn't all that gruesome to me.


Deserve to die? Since when do monsters only kill bad guys? They wouldn't be scary if they weren't a threat to good people.

Colonel Miles Quaritch is like some sort guy!


I just hope Jimmy Buffet survived with his margaritas unscathed.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


I agree, her death was not needed and pretty pointless if you ask me


As far as I am concerned, I think they didn't kill enough people. I really hope they'll have the balls to kill a fat stupid kid in the next one.


Honestly, when people say *beep* like that about hoping they have the balls to kill a kid the next movie, is like dummies in school that try to tease people into doing dumb sh*t.
How about if they make another one which they have to because they want your money (which tickets raised when Jurassic World came out around here to now $8.50...for A MATINEE of 2D)...they should try actually adding some story and/or suspense and/or atmosphere.

I'm actually so bored with all these movie deaths and movies based around people dying so much that it's become dull. Even Zara's death wasn't so much creative as much as it was pointless and annoying. Sure STUFF HAPPENED...but that's because this movie is missing everything else.

It has SO MUCH DEATH in this movie and none of it ever seemed worth watching to me. It was just happening and never mattered..infact so much of it to the point nothing became the SLIGHTEST bit suspenseful.

Movies NEVER take their time anymore, nobody is patient, everyone is like a bunch of whining brats begging for ice cream. NO...NOT LATER...NOW!!! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!! MORE MORE MORE

Jurassic Park wasn't memorable for it's deaths, it was memorable for it's suspense. It's characters, it's setting, it's music, it's EFFORT. The animatronics alone were worth the ticket. A ticket that barely cost anything back then even though my parents bought it. I saw this in 2D on a Tuesday night, sure it was in RPX (which cost $14 at night when I saw Mad Max: Fury Road a month ago) it was now $16..........$16 *beep* dollars. For CGI? I know CGI is expensive but if I'm giving these theaters $16 I better get some memorable effects. Not a video game mixed with live action.

I wont even get on ticket prices like I was about to, theaters are getting ridiculous (especially when these theaters usually don't pop their popcorn, they empty a large black plastic bag and fill up their popcorn vendor...Regal Cinemas especially).

So keep your desires of more innocent people dying in these movies, if anything give us some *beep* PLOT for once...not an excuse to finish these pointless movies.

Oh and yea...Zara was about as pointless as her death. I honestly didn't even want to see that death at all, it's not exactly because it's some innocent woman with normal problems...but because it's just a dragged out death for a Jurassic Park film. In fact I rather not even see that death in any film...I know some people enjoyed it, I just didn't. It was sort of nauseating and if anything it just distracted me for the rest of the movie...and when I left.


Relax dude... I wrote a sarcastic comment to add humor to the discussion but you took it personally. I don't care that your ticket costs 2 or 14 or 25$. We for sure don't live on the same continent, and I hate popcorn. If you can't watch a movie without 1 liter of soda and popcorn, please don't even reply to this post.

Jurassic Park has always been about surviving. If the main characters are now even threatened to get killed, there s no fun, that was my point.


Couldn't possibly agree more with you. Definitely not buying the movie unless they omit that scene. I've seen lots of movies where lots of characters die (Scream, Friday the 13th, etc) and that's the only death scene I bleeping hate.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested


I disagree that it's a big deal.
Like the director said, she's the first female to die in the films. If she went out with some just generic raptor kill or something, then people would be talking about how that was lame. So they give her a big send off, and people complain that it's too much. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


bye,bye woman


If you find her death disturbing, I advise you to never watch a little movie called "Psycho."

"Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?"


I didn't read the whole thread here, but wanted to weigh in. My wife and I commented during and after the movie on Zara's death. First off, the only reason I found it shocking was because it stood out among all the other deaths in the franchise for its brutality. It was borderline out of place. I have certainly seen much worse, just not in the JP movies. For me, her gender and appearance didn't enter into it, and I felt that she was only "chaotic neutral" on the antagonism chart, for talking on her phone all the time and not watching the kids. There were certainly people killed on the boardwalk who were more "innocent," in the film's eyes.

That said, I found it among the most realistic deaths in the series, just because it's not just one-chomp-and-done. It didn't start to get intense for me until she was dropped in the water and kept trying to resurface. At that point, her multiple attempts to get free amid repeated attacks made the sequence almost nightmarish.

"You liked Rashomon."
"That's not how I remember it."


and I felt that she was only "chaotic neutral"

Played too much D&D in your life?? 

For within each death there is always a new life, a new beginning - Dillon, Alien 3
