
I found her death very disturbing and unsettling to watch, but obviously amazing and really great that it evoked such a response.

I saw an article saying it's a really terrible decision by a film maker to have such a horrific death shot so close up to a character that didn't deserve to die in such a horrendous way.

Anyone agree / disagree with me or the article?

EDIT: article is here



I think the scene would have worked better if we see the Pteranodon scoop her up from the ground and that's it. Leave her ultimate demise to the viewer's imagination. Part of the problem is that she's played as a caricature of an unpleasant nanny. There's no character development there. The article is right that this scene seems like it's coming from a slasher movie.

Movie critics aren't biased. You're just a fanboy.


That I thought as well along with many others. THAT my friend, IS IN THE REALM of Jurassic Park, which is SUPPOSED to be targeted towards families as an adventure movie. OFF-SCREEN death is one thing, but being dragged along for the ride JUST TO SHOW one character scream to death literally. AHHHHH-AHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHA AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH! *dead*
YAY so glad young kids get to watch this...even though it reminds me NOTHING AT ALL of the brilliant film Jurassic Park that this film obviously paid no attention to, besides the fact of "OH and then we will show a T-Rex and people will be like OOOH LOOK T-REX"..."OH and then we will have Raptors fight WITH the T-Rex like they are a tag team buddy group"...."OH, OH, OH and then Chris Pratt's character will be like the Raptor-whisperer" OH people will so easily and clueleslly fall in love with this movie :P give me your millions of dollars NOW!!!


"OH people will so easily and clueleslly fall in love with this movie :P give me your millions of dollars NOW!!!"

Well it worked


It was pretty gruesome for someone who didn't actually *do* much of anything. She was there, she was British, she was on the phone, and then she got mauled to death by several prehistoric reptiles.

I would've just had the first pteranodon drop her over the water and the mosasaur catch her like it did with the shark. Would have been impressive and quick, if a little cheesy.

There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch


I think all these "think pieces" on her death are ridiculous. Yeah, typically deaths in movies are very manipulative and precise as to why the death is happening. But sometimes, mostly in horror/action/sci-fi movies, random characters randomly die. Realistically, I think her death is actually very appropriate. In this situation any of these characters could have died in any number of horrible ways. For whatever reason, they chose to make the most horrible death in probably the entire franchise be Zara (most obviously initially created to have someone get eaten by that monstrous dino no matter who it was). It certainly wasn't going to happen to any of the main protagonists, the inGen dude's death needed to happen later on, and so otherwise that epic death would have been relegated to a character even more minor than Zara since it kind of had to be someone running around outside during the Pterodactyl attack.

I really don't think this death would be much of a topic of conversation other than how nuts it was if it were a man instead of a beautiful, ethnic-looking woman with a British (?) accent.




Don't know if anybody else noticed this possible connection, but the whole Pteranodon scene looks quite reminescent of Hitchkock's "The Birds". Couldn't Zara be just a reference (even if a gruesome one) to Annie's character in that movie...?


Why the f. anyone needs to deserve to die in a movie? Wonderful people die awfully everyday.


