
I found her death very disturbing and unsettling to watch, but obviously amazing and really great that it evoked such a response.

I saw an article saying it's a really terrible decision by a film maker to have such a horrific death shot so close up to a character that didn't deserve to die in such a horrendous way.

Anyone agree / disagree with me or the article?

EDIT: article is here


I don't even remember that character so it didn't bother me.


Best female character in this series ever,she should have been the main female character instead of Gwen Stacy

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi


I didn't have any particular feelings for the character. But it did seem odd how protacrated and savage the sequence was compared to everybody elses, and especially when the character wasn't really deserving of it.



Her death was done to show that anyone can die in these situations, even those undeseriving of a brutal death.

"An I the only one disturbed by the fact that Zoidberg is harmonizing with himself?"


Your argument is weak.

If they really wanted to show that ANYONE could die, they would have had either, Owen, Claire or one of the boys killed.


If that's the case which many of us assumed was...then the question is, WHY is it a beloved family-adventure movie has become worse and worse by just trying to showcase AS MUCH VIOLENCE as possible, rather than make an actual INTERESTING and FUN story?
Now it is just "OH how many people die brutal deaths? who's was most brutal? which death did you enjoy the most?" I didn't ask ANY of these stupid ass questions when I was a 7yr old seeing Jurassic Park in the theater, I just thought "damn, I feel like I went on an epic adventure and now I feel more interested in dinosaurs and their nature" :D

NOPE now its just "OH so they created another fake dinosaur called the I-Rex which obviously had only one purpose to be in the film TO KILL EVERYONE and make the movie more violent than the rest, JUST SIMPLY to keep those without patience entertained for 2 weak ass hours rather than actually dive into the heart and soul of the original and make it something fun FOR EVERYONE. Not throw in scenes for the purpose of shocking or to explain to the compltely stupid people that "dinosaurs can be dangerous"....hmmm that's like saying a knife can be dangerous, so lets slit someones throat, stab them multiple times, cut off their fingers and then slice down the middle of them in order to tell the audience "anyone can die from a knife...SEE" HUH HUH GET IT FOLKS...


In a scenario similar to that shown on the film many other good people like Zara (we assume she was) would have suffered disturbing and unsettling deaths to watch. Her death was horrific but I don't think it was wrong to make her die this way so I disagree with the article.


Actually, no one would have died like that because none of those animals were big enough to carry a full grown human anywhere. They wouldn't even be able to pick someone off the ground. The biggest flying dinosaurs are estimated to have weighed maybe around 15 pounds. There is no way in hell they could lift even 50 pounds off the ground.


Largest flying pterosaur was Quetzalcoatlus northropi. It was the size of a giraffe and weighed up to 550 lbs... your argument is invalid.


For one, none of those pterosaurs were that big... ie. big enough to carry someone. And two, nothing 550 pounds could fly. That dinosaur you found on wikipedia lives only in some scientist's dreams.


1. Flying animals are very strong compared to their weight. There are videos of eagles taking down (and picking up) young deer.
2. An Antonov An-225 Mriya is a cargo plane that weighs 628,300 lbs. so an 550 lb flying animal that has a wingspan of 35-50 feet isn't that hard to believe.
3. Pterosaurs are FLYING REPTILES NOT A DINOSAURS! Pterosaurs and dinosaurs had different evolutionary paths, evolving from and to different classes. Namely, pterosaurs are reptilian in nature whereas dinosaurs are more birdlike. For example, a pterosaur's legs were splayed out, not unlike the quadrupedal movement of today's lizards. A dinosaur, on the other hand, had upright legs (primarily due to the structure and placement of its hips) that functioned almost exactly like a bird's.


I read that article and I think it successfully explains why Zara's death is unsettling - not, as some argue, because it gives us a sense of 'no one is safe', but because it's a failure of visual storytelling. It's a supervillain death for a cameo character (and later the real villain is killed offscreen). The context does not justify the content, so it just comes across as cruel. Maybe a deleted scene needs to be re-inserted, showing that Zara 'deserves' it..?

My movie reviews:


Zara's death is awesome because shock value. It was probably the most creative death they had that pushed the boundaries of violence without going to far. The great thing about it is how it has split some people on how cruel it was.
Anyone who has a problem with it is probably feeling exactly what the filmmakers want you to feel.


Not really shocking, just a bit unpleasant and incongruent. Not sure what is to blame for the tonal imbalance, nonsensical plotting and repetition in JW but I'm guessing it's because of the sheer number of rewrites.

My movie reviews:


There are plenty of shocking deaths for background and cameo characters in many films. Remember the man with long hair and glasses in The Lost World? Heck, even the girl in The Lost World who was killed off-screen.


Which girl in Lost World died?

Oh. You mean that little girl. She didn't die. She was only injured.


Heck, even the girl in The Lost World who was killed off-screen.

No, she survived.

When the stars are the only things we share
Will you be there?

-Benjamin Francis Leftwich


What disturbed me was that the only foreign characters - British assistant/"nanny", deluded/bad billionaire, and mad scientist - were all killed off.


while watching this scene. I thought is she gonna maybe get out of the tank then she gets gobbled up ^^. Great scene. EPIC. Shame but death can happen to us all, in the most unexpected of ways to :p.


I found the lack of feminists about this fact weird lol.


they tried to make her unlikable to set up her expendability and lessen the impact.
she didn't like having to babysit the children, didn't watch them very closely or ensure they were enjoying themselves and then to top it off, she was not going to allow her fiance to have a stag-party.
still, it was the second most shocking death, after the fat security guard who was sitting on the ground.
