MovieChat Forums > Four Christmases (2008) Discussion > SO STUPID WHAT MY MOTHER SAID TO ME RIGH...


Ok me and my family saw this movie and I was really excited to see it!(because of Vince,he made me laugh so hard).anyway I am 15 years old and I was watching the party scene at the beginning and when they were Hugging and kissing my mom looked at me and nodded her head. Then Right after the movie me and her stood up at the same time and she looked at me and said "that was very suggestive" I dont want you to see it again-and I was like Oh please! I have seen WORSE movies than this! Moulin Rouge(really bad sexual movie but really good story) and I said to her "I can see any movie I want and you and it would be my choice. I promised her I wouldnt see a Stupid movie or an R rated movie-Because I want her to trust me with movies I see. NOW I probably cant see "Australia" because "oh its got sexual stuff in it" and she said "you are not going to see that" and she promised me I could see that I was SO MAD!


I was watching porn with my parents when I was like 7. They used to take me to buy crack all the time when I was about 10. By the time I was 15 I was taking home strippers for me and my dad to tag team. At 18 I was performing back alley abortions. Ahhhhh, the good ol' days!

I've since went to graduate school, picked up religion, and led a very boring life with no rated R movies, no sex with hotties from the club, and being nice to everyone so I'm socially accepted. So yes, I say no more rated R movies for you! Listen to your parents every word and obey their Mormon ways! Living a sheltered boring life is always looked at in a good light by the conservative folk. ;p



That sounds like alot of gay fun! Now I feel like I missed out on so much. You can bet your bottom dollar now that I've been enlightened I'm on the hunt for the cack and all those good times you mention!


ignore your mom or better yet dont tell her about every little detail of your life and watch what you want. I could never of imagined discussing a movie I wanted to watch when I was 15 with my parents.

I do believe in you... I just know you are going to fail.


But PG-13 movies are way way way different than rated R movies there are a lot of pg13 mvies I want to see but my mom finds out I have seen 2 rated R movies and my mom has found out because I have an older Brother(on a mission in Texas) and he was a movie fanatic and loved movies and saw Rated R movies and all these that were all suggestive(American beauty,Speed(seen that one),Sleepy hallow(that one to),pans labryth,and PG 13 movies. and he is 19 I just dont know what to do anymore because I cant rent movies anywhere because they all say must be 18 or older and I go to the Library a lot and I had the biggest plan of renting "Amelie" and there was a sticker and it said "Must be 18 years" I just dont know what to do.



Deal with it. It's life and they are parents - they want what's best for you (not to say parents that don't do the same don't love their kids) but everyone teaches their kids differently. Be grateful you at least have a parent who cares about what you're watching and getting desensitized to.

You're 15 - of course you're going to get worked up over something as trivial as this. And I know that you probably get this a lot or will brush it off but trust me when I say this - you don't know more than your parents on a lot of things. They have been 15 before and I'm pretty sure they have an idea of what your going through.

Heck, I'm an 18-year-old Mormon and even still, I argue with my mom over dumb stuff like this but at the end of the day, I'm pretty freaking grateful that she's actually aware of what I'm doing and looking out for me.

So just be glad and deal with it.



"Even a 26 year old LIVING WITH HIS PARENTS, comes in and gives personal advice like he is a success story!"

Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night


For you and for everybody else making fun of the "26 years old living with his parents", thanks for reminding me what I forgot to say earlier.

I pay the bills at my house, which my mother, despite having a college degree, wouldn't afford by herself. I lived by myself or with friends a good share of my life, including when I was 17. My mother cooks for herself only, and I handle all the stuff I need on my own - food, clean clothes, transportation, etc. I can bring women to my place whenever I want to, but my womanizer days are long gone so I just don't do it that often.

So go on, keep mocking me while I save the money I would have to waste on rent if I was living by myself, and for having a level of privacy and freedom to do whatever I want to most married couples don't have.

I bet those who are mocking me are the ones working their *** off to support their wife/husband and kids, those who are constantly daydreaming about their good - and brief - times when they were single adults with no obligation to report to anybody about their deeds or misdeeds...

Anyways, I don't expect you would get it - it does seem like you're having a good time abdicating your real independence.


I speak English too.

Yes failboat is just a kind of online term for "fail". But thank you for being a condescending dick about it >_>.



a perfect example as to why we americans are so overly conscious about sex...
damn what's the point of making choices and growing up WE NEED TO LIKE EXPERIENCE!!

so yeah... tell your mom to eat some barbwire or something because it looks like she doesn't do much in this world



What I don't understand is how none of you realize that the original poster is obviously an adult pretending to be a 15 year old? (For reasons you can guess at.) Unless the rest of you really are 15 years old and thus too naive to realize you have been had.

"I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies."


sometimes parents can be like that. But there are ways to get around it.

when I was 17 I wanted to see Borat. now Mother likes me to stick to the age restrictions and I was a year too young to see the movie. So I just said without suggesting anything "mams I'm going to see Borat, you can go Christmas shopping now'. she said"Oh cool, is that the Bollywood movie everyone's talking about?
so i said "yes" . Yes, i lied, but point is sometimes you can because i don't think many kids realise how out of touch parents can be when it comes to the latest movie crazes. now I'm 19 and see what ever I want legally. I'm even trying to get mother to watch Borat(I told her about it later), but have failed to do so. but it will happen. I'm just going to stop buying DVDS and then she'll have watched all of mine and then she have to see Borat.

another time I was 14 and watching "Jerry maguire". Father was asleep on the couch in the same room. I shuddered when the dog sexscene came up. The trick is to put a sock over the t.v so it hides the age restriction. And it worked,
I managed to watch the whole movie without Interference. You can also change the channe when ever a parental comes in.

By the time I was 15 I was watching what I liked too(but mild stuff). Mostly American pie/ not another teen movie(they were age restricted 16). You are probably right, you can choose what you want within reason. "Moulin Rouge" was very sexual, but done is a beautiful tasteful way . I'm sure "australlia" will be less "suggestive" that "four christmases" lol. BTW mother once called "Chicago"(one of my favourites) "Slutty" and I got mad. she did not see the beuaty I saw in it, which is what parents seem to do.

now that I'm older I generally stay clear of Hectically age restricted movies because they usually are bad or have extreme violence/porn in them. Maybe silence of the lambs is an exception . I've also decided i don't like violent movies, except if its a Scorsese film.

At the end of the day , I think your mother really loves you and is just concerened(even if the concerns are a bit unreasonable).Just bear with it and defy where you can.

Don't ask me, I'm just a girl


Ratings are there for a reason, I think you are too young for "Sexual stuff" in movies, so your mom is right

I'm the guy who makes the "worst movie ever" thread in your favorite movie board


You are 15 and your mum complained that you saw a KISSSING scene in a movie?!?!?!?!?!?!!! that's ....quite special.
I'm not saying that children should see everything, but I HAD SEX when I was 15, so this sounds pretty weird to me...


My mom lets me watch basically wahtever I want. The first movie my sister watched in theaters was. . . oh what was the name of it. . . its on the end of my tounge, anyways. She was about 7 and rated R. Basic something, or something like that idk.

I've been watching them since i was 7.


Your sister was rated R? Wow. And at age 7? Heavens!


you should tell your mom you have privates just like her and you plan on using them sooner or later, probably after high school prom.
