MovieChat Forums > Four Christmases (2008) Discussion > SO STUPID WHAT MY MOTHER SAID TO ME RIGH...


Ok me and my family saw this movie and I was really excited to see it!(because of Vince,he made me laugh so hard).anyway I am 15 years old and I was watching the party scene at the beginning and when they were Hugging and kissing my mom looked at me and nodded her head. Then Right after the movie me and her stood up at the same time and she looked at me and said "that was very suggestive" I dont want you to see it again-and I was like Oh please! I have seen WORSE movies than this! Moulin Rouge(really bad sexual movie but really good story) and I said to her "I can see any movie I want and you and it would be my choice. I promised her I wouldnt see a Stupid movie or an R rated movie-Because I want her to trust me with movies I see. NOW I probably cant see "Australia" because "oh its got sexual stuff in it" and she said "you are not going to see that" and she promised me I could see that I was SO MAD!




jheez mate im 14 and a clockwork orange isnt bad :O
its just funny.
think up of something better!
like wild things, i think thats what it is called, id pay to see your mum watch that!!! hahaa x





See, that's the main message. Your Mom cares about you. Sure some mothers would like to shelter their children from some of the 'crap' out there, and I bet she wants you to see some good movies. Mom also knows that you may not see the movies at her house, but your friend's mother might let him or her.

You may even go with a group of kids and see some R-rated stuff.

In the end, you will make your own choice, but at least let Mom know you will think about what she said.




Ok, this is gonna blow your mind, so I'm gonna just say it...

YOU'RE AN INDEPENDENT HUMAN BEING! In this world, it doesn't matter if you're 2, 15 or 30 years old, you can do your own choices; you can choose your own way. I know you live with your mom, and she provides you with not only your basic physiological needs, but also with education, moral background and stuff... But anyways, my true and humble opinion is that you don't have to wait 'til you're living by yourself to start taking the reins of your life and your future.

This from a 26 year old guy who lives with his mom, but does practically anything he wants to 'cos he has learnt very soon that no single person in this world can, with unarguable certainty, know exactly what's wrong and what's right. You could keep on buying your parents' views on stuff, or you could start thinking for yourself.

BTW, my parents put me to watch a porn movie when I was six so they could teach me and my brother and sister about sex. Actually they were teaching my older brother, who was 10 by that time, but they decided me and my sister (which was 7) were smart to learn it too - and they decided to save some time and explain to all of us at once.

My parents never tried to shield us from most things some other parents think it's too "graphic". I don't regret they've decided to do so, and I bet they don't regret either. As a matter of fact, they did shield me from a lot of other stuff which now, looking back, I wish they hadn't done so - 'cos life is tough, and I think the sooner you find out about that, the less desperate you'll get when you become an adult.

But that's just my opinion.

I do have a big problem on knowing when to stop writing.


Wow this thread sure is riding the failboat hard.




Wow dude, sorry but your parents are flipping retarded.

Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little..push.


I was just wondering...who really gives a *beep* what your mother said to you after this movie?


Your mom needs to get a life, I'm 15 and I went and saw this by myself on Thanksgiving (I had nothing to do and yes it is pathetic). I have seen A Clockwork Orange which is an amazing piece of work in my opinion. My mom freaked out but I told her I've seen far worse things. She is trying to say I can't see Zack and Miri Make a Porno now but I know I'll see it anyways. If nothing else just see the movies without her knowing, that's what I did with Amityville Horror a couple years back.


What's even more funny than the teen angst know it all about parenting attitude of the Op in their initial post, is all the fifteen year olds coming in here with their know it all attitude about parenting, ccriticizing other people's parents.


The answer is so clear to (and all the other know-it-all teeny boppers) just need to move out while you still know everything. Get a job. Finda place to live. Put food on the table. Gas in the car. Insurance on the car, the home, the contents. Roof over the head. Utilities. Clothes. Taxes. Medical coverage. Don't forget about furniture and the other necessities like soap and shampoo and detergent and light bulbs. Keep the place reasonably clean so you don't forfeit your deposit to the landlord if you are renting or don't lose money on resale if you can buy (and that means you'll have to have a good 5-20% deposit on a purchase).

Sounds easy. Let me know when it's all taken care of. Then go see any movie you want to see. At $8+ for a movie ticket, I doubt you'll be seeing many on your own dime.


That doesn't have *beep* to do with what we're talking about. You tried to make a point and you failed miserably. Congratulations.


No Josh, neither the poster above you or myself failed to make a point. I know I for certain made one - You have no right at 15 to compare how you're raised to how someone else is raised when you liely don't know the first thing about being a parent. You should not be encouraging someone to be angry at their parents and saying how easy you have it. No 15 year old is an expert at parenting. Most 50 year olds are no experts at parenting.


As a 20 year old who was in the 15 year olds shoes recently, I would say eventually you will probably learn to appretiatate what your mother has done for you and in reality what does it really matter what movies you are or are not allowed to watch in the grand scheme of things. What is important is that you have a mom that seems to care about you and wants what is best for you and that is what really matters. Now maybe she is being a little extreme about this one thing but that happens from time to time and you will have to be taking care of yourself and making your own decisions soon enough. Unless you decide to be like the guy still living with his parents at 26.....



My mother was about 60 when I took her to see a movie, and when we got back the first thing out of her mouth as she talked to Dad?

"He said penis!!!!"
He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.
