MovieChat Forums > Four Christmases (2008) Discussion > SO STUPID WHAT MY MOTHER SAID TO ME RIGH...


Ok me and my family saw this movie and I was really excited to see it!(because of Vince,he made me laugh so hard).anyway I am 15 years old and I was watching the party scene at the beginning and when they were Hugging and kissing my mom looked at me and nodded her head. Then Right after the movie me and her stood up at the same time and she looked at me and said "that was very suggestive" I dont want you to see it again-and I was like Oh please! I have seen WORSE movies than this! Moulin Rouge(really bad sexual movie but really good story) and I said to her "I can see any movie I want and you and it would be my choice. I promised her I wouldnt see a Stupid movie or an R rated movie-Because I want her to trust me with movies I see. NOW I probably cant see "Australia" because "oh its got sexual stuff in it" and she said "you are not going to see that" and she promised me I could see that I was SO MAD!


you went on here to complain? that is sad...


Your mom is obviously an idiot. Palin and simple. She's offended by things which are not even sexual, but merely "suggestive". Take my advice - watch whatever you want - at 15 you should be able to make these choice yourself FFS. If my mom ever had the stupidity to ever tell me what movies I should or shouldn't watch, based on what SHE think is acceptable, then I would laugh in her face.


HOLY CRAP!!! my mom saw Quantum of solace and I read her the parental guide on IMDB before she went to the movie-and I told her everything that was going to be very sexual and she said it wasnt that bad and I was like ya right you see a women covered in oil on a bed naked! and she was like it wasnt that bad. and I was like "ok then I can see Ausralia.


Both you and you mother are the most egregiously lame @ssholes. Your mother, in particular, is a deluded simpleton, as she thinks that a 15 year old isn't regularly exposed to sexually charges situations and conversations, at school, that would make a sailor blush. In any event, she's wasting her time. No matter how much she tries to shelter you, you're going to be casually blowing dudes in college. And that's a fact!


Not to mention catching STDs.

Have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!


this is retarted, 15 yo?? so that means your in highschool right? in my highschool people were having sex, drinking, and smoking weed at 15.. your moms an idiot. and no i didnt grow up in the ghetto, mid to upper-class suburbs of chicago!




I am sorry to say but your mother is right, you should also watch what you watch, do more producie things with your time. There are other movies you can watch. Wait till you are 16-18



Too bad we can't fast forward some 20 years and hear the OP's kids talking about her guidance as a mother.

Have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!


Wow, morons. I don't see how a mother is stupid for simply wanting to protect their child from innapropriate content. Regardless of already been exposed to it in school or wherever.

<3 Mrs. Brightside <3


Well, consider the fact that none of those thinking the mother is stupid are mothers or even fathers. Once they know what it is to be responsible for a yount person's formative years, they may well have different opinions.

Have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!


This post is so ridiculous, I wouldn't be surprised to find out it's fake.

Rocky: Adrien's not retarded, she's just shy.


Thank you, why is this whiny little fifteen year old telling us what a btch her mom is? You are supposed to discuss the film not your terrible life where mom wants to control you... And if you really want to see Australia tell her you are seeing Bolt or something and go see it. And the lesson to be learned is that you don't see movies with your parents. And if she points out something was "dirty" kiss ass and agree over and over again. What she doesn't know won't hurt her... much.


Bolt? that is not a bad movie-and My mom said I could go see Australia!






lol I understand if u come from asian country,or even some kind of conservative one like the one I come from,where I was told to close my eye in the cinema when I was small when the movie reach some sexual stuff.but now even asian country has been so open about it.I don't know where u are from,but if u are from western,then your mom is pretty lame,not that I say he's a bad mother...


wow dude your mothers a twat.. I was seeing R rated movies in theaters with my friends and sometimes parents at like age 8 or 9. it's not bad parenting by any means to bring your kids to R rated movies. for me it made me more mature and not laugh at swear words or sexual scenes which is what many immature kids do. I'm 22 now and I think being brought up with my dad swearing like a sailor has made me more aggresive in my feild of practice. because if your 15 and your limited to seeing movies and your elders tell you Four Christmases is raw for your age, good luck being in the real world because language is thrown around like that everyday in my feild of business. but really I feel sorry for you that you even had to go see this movie with your mother and father, that sucks.
