MovieChat Forums > Elizabethtown (2005) Discussion > Words can't express how much I HATED thi...

Words can't express how much I HATED this movie

I saw it for the first time as an inflight movie and caught a few minutes of it this weekend. I can't get over just how bad this movie is. Everything about it from the script to the casting to the ridiculous scenes with Susan Sarandon. I was secretly hoping that the movie would end up in a bloodbath.


really awful story and movie. i like both, kirsten dunst and orlando bloom. and ofc susan sarandon. this movie was so bad omg..


I didn't waste two hours of my life!

I walked out half way through...


Come on, rob1727... it was at least entertaining. Anyone agree?

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'. That's goddamn right. - Red, "The Shawshank Redemption"


hmm... second most popular topic on this board

It's hard to express how bored I was with this movie. I don't remember in the past 10 years or ever quitting watching a movie. To be honest, I just fell asleep, which sometimes happens even during interesting flicks if you are tired; but if this is the case, I watch it the next day. But with this one... I could not care less... So disengaging... Like, there's a failure, and there's a fiasco. This movie is apparently the latter.


I completely agree! it was awful, terrible! after the first 10-20 minutes I thought "I'm wasting my time watching this movie" but it's maybe the curiosity to see how much worse it could get that made me sit and watch the whole thing. It went from bad to terrible. Boring, non- sense, weird, probably the only good part was that we got to see some interesting points during OBloom's road trip. Nothing else


You obviously have not lost a father you loved.


Didn't know anything about the movie except that they filmed in E-Town (I remember when they did, I was working in Louisville at the time). Found it at the library, of all places, took it out to watch because I wanted to see what they did with E-Town. Didn't even know Cameron Crowe did it until the ending credits. A total shot in the dark for me...expected a B-movie at best, true schlock at worst.

And I loved, loved, loved it.

It didn't really have a plot, just a nice little ramble through some beautiful scenery and some quirky characters and situations. Great soundtrack, too.

Don't know who the folks complaining about how unreal the characters were, but you sure aren't from the middle of the country, that's for sure. I know people who could match up to every last one of these weirdos, and a lot of them are family. In fact, I suspect those who don't recognize these characterizations have long ago lost touch with their extended families.

Anyway, my shot in the dark turned out to be an enjoyable winter's evening. Thumbs up from Chicago.



I'm a bit of a cynic myself and I couldn't agree more. I would have truly HATED to have watched this movie at the theaters. It would have been a horrifying experience.

This movie made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I'll admit to even shedding a tear or two in a couple of scenes. If anything, I was relieved it was just me in the living room. It would have been humiliating for me to show these wimpy emotions in a crowded theater. If I had watched it with a few friends It would have been very uncomfortable. I would have nitpicked at any little negative thing so I can ignore any mushy feelings this film shamefully dared to bring out therefore making me HATE this movie even more.

Please try to avoid this movie at all cost. Damn you crowe!



oh really? i always thought this movie is one of the best movies i've seen in my entire life - and i've seen a lot! this movie is totally underrated and i think i'll never understand you haters.


Words can't express how much I LOVED this movie


Well, that is your opinion but I liked this movie a lot. Who cares that it's not realistic, look at Harry Potter or Twilight neither of those are realistic but they were well done movies, well Harry Potter was. So, yeah, just cause a movie isn't realistic doesn't make it bad.
