MovieChat Forums > An Unfinished Life (2005) Discussion > why do people obsess over J-Lo's acting?

why do people obsess over J-Lo's acting?

I just dont get it as I actually think shes a fairly decent actress. Maybe not oscarworthy but she certainly can hold her own. She acts in a way that doesnt draw too much attention to herself so in other words nothing dreadful. Shes great in comedy films like Monster In Law and decent in drama. She was an actress before she was a singer, and if she had never had a singing career I dont think people would of even ever mentioned her acting skills. It is possible to be okay at both (shes not the best singer but her songs are entertaining and I can think of worse candidates to focus on who cannot sing...Katy Perry anyone?) If we are gonna talk about bad actresses what about Jessica Alba, Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson who do the same crappy fluffy films time after time and are never gonna get oscars yet they never get spoken about!


She's god-awful but her acting does run the gamut of emotions from A to B.


I've never thought much of her as an entertainer in general. You can't be critical and not give credit where it's due.

I didn't think she had it in her. Very good in this.


In a movie headlining Redford & Freeman, just about anyone could hang on those coat tails. I do not like Jennifer Lopez, and don't think she has much talent. However, she was fairly good in this. The scene where Redford woke her up to discuss her bf, probably was the worst scene she's ever had in any movie.

I do think she stood tight in this movie and would watch it again.

I love Wyoming. My big bro once had a ranch there and it was heaven.


And today J-Lo performs as...........J-Lo.

Great eye candy and not a lot of talent.


I couldn't disagree more. What Lopez does as a performer in the music business and how the media portray her bears little resemblance to the kind of characters she's played in numerous films over the years.





Stolen from Dorothy Parker's critique of the late, great Katharine Hepburn. So you put JLo in some rarified company.


Like you said, she can hold her own, i mean i really don't understand why people try to find craps to throw at her. She is a decent actress actuallyi better than some of the '' currently popular'' ones.


Her butt and singing is all she has, unfortunately she doesn't sing in this movie.


I don't mind her acting. I find her watchable. I really liked Enough. It's just that she often mumbles or something, somewhat like Marlon Brando.

I liked JL in this. The little girl was supposed to look like her father and did resemble the picture. Hillary Swank would have also been a good choice for the role of the daughter in law. The daughter looked a bit like the pic of the man and HS.


I think she's ok and certainly very watchable. I suspect the hate (and this is a 10 year old thread) stems from the peak of her stardom and the silly Bennifier period. Perhaps she was getting roles a little bigger than she deserved but mostly it was just jealousy and tabloid crap.


I never got it either. She's a solid actress. Good, even. She (shockingly) plays and every day person very well.

She's popular. People hate things because they are popular and no other reason.
