*Groan* Not another one...

After the several Jungle Book Movies, the Young Tarzan Movies and then the Anty Bully.. you'd think.. you'd just THINK that the movie undistry would finally make an animation movie with a young girl character. But Nooo... of course not.

He'll in the trailer, the 'Princess' is a woman. They can't even have a young girl character the same age as the main character. Why the hell is the movie industry full of sexist pigs? Some high up in the Disney industry himself changed the 'Chicken Little' Character from a girl to a boy, because in his own words, "Girls can't save the world."
Check it out on the Chicken little DVD if you don't believe me.

Besides a fantasy movie like this would have been great for a girl character rather then a boy.

Sorry, but I think the whole movie industry is either 100% sexist (Think of it. They will use boys but never girls - instead they have to find a sexy supermodel to use as eyecandy instead)or have ties with Nambla. Perhaps Both.

I await yet another movie about some boy lost in the Jungle or in his back yard...

Why cant they make a movie based on Baby Island? Two young girls stranded on an island AND having to take care of a bunch of babies while trying to survive.
If the book had been about two boys instead of two girls, they'd not have only made it into a movie but have had at least 3 remakes of it by now.



Ok, so I'm a girl, and quite honestly, could care less whether or not it's a male or a female. I can understand what you're saying, but what's the big deal? If you have a such a big problem with Hollywood being sexist why don't you do something about it instead of complaining on a website that Hollywood probably doesn't even know, let alone cares, that it exists. Do something about it yourself.


La-di-da, la-di-da.


shut up, leave your stupid pointless feministic views elsewhere. No one here cares.


are you serious? this was based on a book with a boy character

seriously did someone just say that if a girl was stuck in the jungle she'd crawl under a tree and cry? Im a girl, I wouldn't do that... and no other girl I know would do that seriously that is stupid. And don't say we care handle stuff we have childbirth(yup I went to that stupid thing). I have no problem with guys as the her Id rather see them as the villian tho so much cooler for some reason...

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)"Take a chance on
(¸.·´ (¸.·<3 me..." "Boys cry they just do it when no one is looking ;)"


The OP is a moron.

Who says violence is not the answer?




That exactly what I was going to say. If you quit letting your daughters by Christina Aguilera albums, stop letting them fall in love with *beep* actors who are hot(Bloom) and stop letting them think Titanic is the end all be all, then movies will get better.

Stella D'Oro breakfast treats. Snack Time anytime.


I'm sorry but this is quite possibly the funniest thread on the IMDB.

Chas: Is it dark?
Richie: Of course it's dark. It's a suicide note.


Amen to that brother .. umm .. sister .. err .. you there.

As the old saying goes :
If you don't have anything nice to say,
Go online and flame everyone.


kjps said:

"Interestingly enough, if you look at the history of filmmaking, it is clear that women seem to have lost ground when it comes to the silver screen. We no longer have actresses like Joan Crawford, Betty Davis, Agnes Moorehead, Mae West, Claudette Colbert, or Katherine Hepburn. There is almost no concept any longer of a female actress with a career that lasts longer than ten years or so, the swan song of their careers generally arriving at some point around the age of thirty. For whatever reason, audiences no longer respond to an older woman in a strong role, rather they prefer young women clinging to the arms of the men they accompany.

Don't make the mistake of blaming Hollywood, though; rather blame us, the public. We vote with our wallets, if we can't show support for strong female characters, then why should the production companies spit out the movies anyways?"

I'm not sure that women have "lost ground". In fact, if you look at films representing heroines, the reverse would likely be more true over history, not to mention monetary gains for both the actors and the movies. Strong or weak women or men, who cares? The film history demonstrates what entertains. kjps says "blame us"; I agree that film trails society rather than leads it (to a large extent, anyway).

"ten years or so"; I'm not sure where kjps gets that idea, but if that's an official average, than maybe these days, they retire earlier?

I said this a while ago in a different thread (in fact more than one other thread I think): My favorite biology professor noted that "Nowhere in nature is there an example of the male and female mammals being equal; sometimes in family roles, yes, sometimes in foraging or hunting yes, but never in all things." Sexism becomes an unintentional red herring.



kjps said:

"Still, I stand by my belief that we have no significant amount of female actresses today that have spanned the same number of years with the same amount of popularity enjoyed by the stars of the time period running from 1930ish-1960ish."

Like I said before. They make more money today, and probably retire or take sabbaticals to have children and what not more often. Tom Cruise ... well, he's like one of those guys that happens to have some of those genes that keep him looking young, not to mention being a tiny bit greedy. I would point out that many older women take on significant roles in modern films, just maybe not as common for leading ones (i.e. something like "The Lion in Winter"). But they're out there to great degree anywho (i.e. "Fried Green Tomatoes").

You provided some examples of famous older women from a few decades ago. Well, that type of lady is certainly here today, and just as singularly popular. If you add them all up, such a compiled list would be just as long today, if not longer IMO.

It would, however, be interesting to see some statistics on how long the average career length is for all kinds of actors. It may surprise some of us that age and/or sex has much less to do with it than other things. Maybe your professor is expounding upon the fact that, in general, it's easier for an older male actor to work than an older female one. I'll look into it, but I highly doubt it. But for people that would say there lies a general gender unfairness, I would counter that it's probably easier to strike work as a young female than a young male.

In any case, maybe somebody will do a study one day. There would be a ton of things to take into account -- probably make for a good National Geographic article :)


Well said, kjps.


The truth is that everybody gets stereotyped in movies. Black characters are often portrayed as jive talking athletes, drug dealers, or rappers. Asians tend to be martial arts experts or have mystical powers. White women, especially if they are older, are usually rich and neurotic. In families, the father is portrayed as a bumbling idiot, the mother as a put-upon know-it-all, and the children are much smarter than they are. It would be nice to see movies that portray people differently than these stereotypes but I guess they don't sell at the box office.


Several Hollywood studio heads have recently held conferences with leaders of the National Organization of Women (NOW) in regard to the issue of sexism in children's entertainment venues. As a result, several studio heads have made the decision to revamp the style that predominates children's films, a style that is male-centric and outdated.

At the forefront of this new wave is Walt Disney pictures. Head of the corporation Michael Eisner has gone on record as saying that he will bring the company to a new understanding of its female characters, and reinterpretations of its existing male characters. Already the four main characters of the Narnia stories have been modified from being comprised of two girls and two boys to being entirely female. In addition to this, Eisner noted, all evil characters will be masculine from now on, while all good characters will be decidedly female. The company is also considering revamping classics such as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" and "Sleeping Beauty" to reflect its new attitude towards feminism. In accordance with the changes to come, titles for the revamped projects will be "Snow White and Her Helpful But Unnecessary Friends" and "Attractive Resting Woman Who is Fully Capable of Solving Her Problems Without the Help of a Man."

Aside from Disney, Warner Brothers has also jumped on the women's empowerment train, as a press release sent out yesterday details plans to recut the next film in the lucrative "Harry Potter" franchise and attach the new title: "Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, and a Host of Other Strong Female Characters Prove Their Worth by Defeating Evil Without the Help of Men.

A spokesperson for N.O.W. has praised the actions taken by these and other film companies as "the final move towards complete equality in films from the standpoint of gender relations."


They`re not changing the Narnia kids into all girls. And I`m pretty sure they`re not changing those other stuff too.

Well,I`m a big fan of movies and hope to make some friends here.


Watch Miyazaki's films (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, etc.), all his main characters tend to be strong young females. The films have have good scripts, great animation, powerful themes, and they're not blandly black-and-white in moralizing. They're better than anything Disney has done since the forties, and better than all the CGI cartoons to date.

Unlike the CGI rubbish, you won't find tedious sarcasm, lame film references (served up as humor), crude toilet gags, bad actors who shout all their lines, singing or pointless dancing scenes as a way to get out of a rubbish ending.

Many of Miyazaki's films are on domestic DVD, but watch them subtitled in English with the original Japanese voices for the best effect. Disney can be commended for importing them, but their efforts at dubbing leave much to be desired as they've inserted lame ad-libs because they don't have faith that their audiences will be entertained if there's a moment where nothing "funny" happens.

Don't listen to the griping about feminism that some of the brainless responders have written. You, as a member of the market place, are rightly asking where are the films for you? The answer is: not in America.


also in the movie arthur and the invisibles {ive seen it} the princess is only one thousand years old in minimoy years, in human years she is 10 years old


get over it

"Movie catch phrase!" -Classic Movie



forget about whether or not a girl can save the world.... what matters is whether or not the audience believes a girl can save the world....

a lot of people cannot believe something like that and so hollywood reflects it...

"I don't want anything to happen to him while my mother's alive."


...I'm a girl believe it or not... and um... I write... I am an author... and um... none of my characters are girls... am I sexist...? No... I don't like girls... girls in hollywood suck... they're too whiney... too stupid... too tom-boyish or too something... just bloody deal with it.. Why can't you just enjoy the film...? And if you really care so much, don't complain, act. Nothing occurs without action...

Disclaimer: I am a mature adult I expect other people to be the same... but since stupidity is at an all time high I don't expect english to register in everyones mind. So to those whiney irritating people. -grow up-


Wasnt the main hero in "Labyrinth" a girl, and is that not a classic?
Im of the female persuasion by the way :P



I agree with Freez.


Hhahaha yeah, ditto. I've written a good couple dozen short stories and none of them have a female as a main character. I've started stories with a female protaganist, but it's never worked, or I've never finished it. Not to mention, all of my stuffed animals (yes, I'm almost 19 years old and I still have stuffed animals and I still name them) have male names. It could have something to with the fact that my family is very male-centered, but who knows.


La-di-da, la-di-da.


If you want young female main characters:


Of course, neither of them'll probably be available in North America anytime soon.

___ __ _
Math problems? Call 1-800-[(10x)(13i)2]-[sin(xy)/2.362x].


we all have to rember that the jungle book and Tarzan were "books" before they were movies and were made in the 1800's in a time men were boss. now the ant bully and chicken little could have been movies with girls as the lead but thats not what happend, but think of Happily N'Ever After that is a movie with a women as the the lead and what of Mulan which is a movie where a female kicks some mager as*.But we all have to rember it just a movie and we sould be disscussing real women (and men) who make the world a better place for all.


Watch anime, its pretty much all about young girls. (I'm an anime fan, I'm kidding... kinda)


I don't know how many people have read the original Tarzan books but they are also quite racist. That has been toned down in more recent years. Why can't the sexism also be toned down?


Actually, I've got "Mystery of the Third Planet" on DVD. Picked it up for $1.00 at "Dollar General," and it was a really fun little film. I figure more than likely "Dollar General" will pick "Alice's Birthday" up as well at some point...

Like sometimes wacky sci-fi continue-the-story projects?


the movie industry isn't 100% sexist. But there are problems, and they extend far outside the movie industry.
I want to know why your young girls stranded on an island have to look after babies? i mean, i get that it's not what you mean, but saying that comes across as very sexist.

and as for the rest of you, feminism didn't die, it just grew up, got over itself, and moved along; unfortunately it's the people who really ought to pay attention to it who only see the extreme side of it, and therefore disreguard it off hand. And if you stop telling little girls that they should (and can do nothing else but), hide and cry, they'll stop doing it. Similarly, if you stop telling little boys that there is something wrong with them if they cry or hide, or even better, think, they might actually get some brains and grow into intelligent, strong individuals, just like girls can do, if you just let them.

And if any of you actually believe that women are so stereotypically emotionally wired that they can't react in a difficult situation, or that men are somehow actually more capable of anything (other than that which the real physical capabilities of a bigger, stronger body can potentially assist with), you really need to get some help. You are hurting yourself and everyone around you by fitting people into such restrictive roles.

Oh, and one more thing, so you look at the number of crappy movies with women or girls in leading parts, and you say you aren't going to waste money on those? well, how many terrible movies are there with men in leading roles? WAY MORE. why? because there are more movies with men in leading roles, and because the industry isn't brave and isn't willing to try something new.

And it really doesn't matter if i'm male or female at all. Anyone can hold whatever views they want, sexism isn't wired into us, we learn it, so stop teaching it. This group has already demonstrated that there are smart men and stupid women out there too, just like the other way around.

And i'm sorry for contributing to this ridiculous argument, but i applaud you for thinking about what you see, and for identifying some of the sexism currently present in our society.


Boys rock for fantasy :)

I'll be back


My, how the world has changed. Now we have fat women superheroes. And weak men.

SO much better!
