Joe's bigoted comment.

I'm assuming Joe is Hispanic. I didn't like his ignorant, racist comment about Olivia's ex. Just because the ex husband was uncomfortable with two strange men crashing at his ex-wife's house, Joe refers to him as an "uptight white guy." What does him being white have to do with anything?
If the ex was Hispanic, would he have said uptight, Hispanic guy? Nope. I hate that minorities think it's okay to tag on "white" to what they don't like and it's fine, yet if a white said black, Asian, Hispanic etc about someone they didn't like, it'd be seen as racist. Those bigoted double standards are ridiculous...but I guess it's "racist" for me to question this. Yeah, whatever.

These pc-obsessed times are getting old.


So you're complaining about a not politically correct comment whilst also suggesting that 'these pc obsessed times are getting old'.
Then again maybe the character is just making a bigoted comment about someone he's taken a bit of a dislike to. That would be neither uncommon, nor unrealistic.

I hear there are some quite juicy racist comments in Blazing Saddles, are you headed over there next, or is bigotry in context only lamentable when applied to caucasians? is little Effie's head
whose brains are made of gingerbread


Yeah, white people have had it so rough, historically.


I don't remember this comment per se, but in an off beat film that doesn't have much of an agenda, (other than to get us to accept people who may appear much different than ourselves), a small letting down of the guard is refreshing. And it is sort of funny if you think of the character as actually being white himself. Like a teenager saying "typical adult" when they don't have a lot of life experience. A mildly dumb comment from a mildly dumb character, and I think it has a level of irony behind it. And maybe some truth.


Joe's a Cuban WOP. He made his bones when you were out trying to fingerling cheerleaders


I know plenty of white guys who say the same thing about uptight white men. Yes, it's a derogatory stab, but it's not race-based.


Yeah I don't know about that. If you are offended by the "uptight white guy" comment - well, then you probably are an uptight white guy. If you look at the totality of Joe - there is nothing bigoted or racist about him. He tries real hard to be friends with everyone. Especially Fin. He even defends Fin when his friends make fun of him.

It just so happens he didn't like the white guy - which probably had more to do with Olivia. He is separated from her, then suddenly shows up. If I was a friend of Olivia, I probably wouldn't have liked him either.
