Embarrassingly awful.

So let's see.... we're supposed to believe that a man can get his eyes gouged out and the next day, he's miraculously wandering without being hospitalized and using sound to kill other people. Johnny Depp should be ashamed of himself for appearing in this (as we used to refer to bad movies when I was in the service) dog-shi**er.

This movie is to Desperado as Mad Max Thunderdome was to Mad Max 1 and 2.

In other words, it sucks, badly.


I thought this was really entertaining, easily one of Depp's best performances imo. It's just a silly action movie, it's not supposed to be realistic.


It isn't that bad.
It's dumb, and it's fun. That's it.
There are some really cool scenes, and the whole thing is beyond 'over the top', but hey.
Who cares?
It's fun!
(and extremely violent and you shouldn't show it to your kids and it's unrealistic but)


Mad Max 3 is just as good as 1 & 2 , its just "different"


The guy was really good surgeon, alright?!
