MovieChat Forums > Undercover Brother (2002) Discussion > "Black people don't like Mayonnaise...

"Black people don't like Mayonnaise!" Huh?

I thought I had heard every racial stereotype known to man, but since when do black people hate mayonnaise? I originally saw this with a nearly all black audience in Maryland, and nobody laughed during the mayonnaise jokes. I even heard a few "say whats?" at the mayo jokes.

I asked a couple of black guys I worked with about it. They had no clue either. Quote from one who had seen it: "You ever been to a bbq run by a brother? There some potato salad eating fools at those! I didn't get the mayo jokes either. In fact I'm glad you asked, because I was wondering if maybe white people thought we don't eat mayo."


It was regarding to this:

White person -

Can I have a Turkey and cheese with lettuce and tamato, and don't forget the mayo!

Black person - Can I have a Turkey and cheese with letuce and tamato please!

The waiter - Would you like mayo sir?

Black person - Yea, I guess, but some hot sauce would be even better : )

Not that black people hate mayo, but it really isn't that important.

Now many, not all white people will request some mayo urgently!
Just as many, not all black people will request some hot sauce urgently!

It's comedy, don't take it so seriously.


eugh, I hate mayonaise


Yup, I'm white and I prefer Miracle Whip over mayo, althougth any generic salad dressing will do. My girlfriend on the other hand, puts mayo on everything.It makes me ill watching it. I did have a black friend in High School who actually brought his own hot sauce with him to school. But i grew up in so-cal and there was quite a bit of hispanic cuisine around so it wasnt that odd.


i love mayo and i hate Miracle Whip. i didn't get the joke and neither did anyone else i know. however, the whole trying to put the hotsauce on the tuna sandwich joke i did get . that one was right-on


I am Black and I have lived on the East and West coasts. In Connecticut,my mom brought us up on miracle whip for almost all sandwiches. When I came to California, I saw almost everybody eating mayo. I like both, but if I had to chose, I would use miracle whip. I DON"T LIKE GOBS OF ANY OF IT ALL DRIPPING ON THE SIDES, THAT'S NASTY!!


I have no idea where people get these things from! I'm Black, and all my grandma likes to eat is mayo on her toast!


I'm black and I LOVE mayo but HATE miracle whip...It tastes too inferior to what mayo should taste like


i like mayo but not big GLOBS of it. I only like hot sauce a LITTLE. GASP!!!!!
and I'm black!! ha ha . anyways much luv.


Hard to believe no one caught on to this reference.

It's not that African American dislike mayonnaise, however, in regards to the film, since mayonnaise is "white", it's cinematic existence within the film's plot was to make like everything white was to be hated.


Yeah, I figured as much. When you think of it that like that, it's absolutely hilarious. But I would hate it too, if as much mayo was put on as She-Devil did. I mean, DAMN.


"Hard to believe no one caught on to this reference.

It's not that African American dislike mayonnaise, however, in regards to the film, since mayonnaise is "white", it's cinematic existence within the film's plot was to make like everything white was to be hated."

Really? I'm not from the USA so that might be why I didn't pick up on it. If thats the reason it seems a bit pathetic.

It also seems that they could have made better jokes than that based on the above reason.


I cannot stand Mayo, the only way I will eat it, is if I have some type of hot sauce on it (or hot peppers is an okay substitue). I do love Miracle Whip though!


Black people eat a lot of mayo. They interviewed a garbage man
and he sees a lot of empty jars when going through black neighborhoods. Me personally I cant stand it.


I quote one of my black friends: "I love mayo."

I'm serious, he said that.



I had kinda heard about the black-people-not-liking-mayonnaise stereotype before the movie, but nothing really big. I don't really see how much sense it makes other than personal preference. For instance, I'm black and I can't stand mayonnaise. Just don't like how it tastes. My sister's boyfriend, also black, can't stand it either. However, my Mom likes this generic stuff called "Sandwich Spread", which reminds me a lot of mayo, and I love Miracle Whip, which a lotta people consider mayo as well. I don't consider it mayo because they don't taste the same. I just figured that it was something to counter the Hot Sauce stereotype in the movie. And I don't know what it is, but stereotype or not, I hardly ever come across another black person that DOESN'T love hot sauce, too. I always laugh when I see parodies of that stereotype.


Yeah it wasn't a very 'accurate' stereotype but I still found it hilarious... The hot sauce watch, lol.


Probably because Mayo is white? It's another JOKE people. I doubt you're supposed to read that far into it. wow.

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