MovieChat Forums > Undercover Brother (2002) Discussion > "Black people don't like Mayonnaise...

"Black people don't like Mayonnaise!" Huh?

I thought I had heard every racial stereotype known to man, but since when do black people hate mayonnaise? I originally saw this with a nearly all black audience in Maryland, and nobody laughed during the mayonnaise jokes. I even heard a few "say whats?" at the mayo jokes.

I asked a couple of black guys I worked with about it. They had no clue either. Quote from one who had seen it: "You ever been to a bbq run by a brother? There some potato salad eating fools at those! I didn't get the mayo jokes either. In fact I'm glad you asked, because I was wondering if maybe white people thought we don't eat mayo."


It was a joke and not meant to be a serious representation about how anyone truly feels about mayonnaise. The humor about the color of mayonnaise is how silly we can be about color. Few people select condiments by color, that is the gag. If we do not select condiments by color why should we select our friends accordingly? Or something like that, you dig?


I'm black I don't like mayonnaise.


it's just an easy, "lazy" stereotype. White people, "white" mayonnaise.

Every time I say the word mayonnaise, I think of "officer and a gentlemen".

Do You Grok


If only someone could combine mayonnaise with chicken then black and white men and women could all live in harmony.

Perhaps if there was a way of incorporating something asians likes too like perhaps lettuce in with this then they too could live with peace and dignity as well.

I hear the middle east really likes bread, so if we could combine fried chicken, a little mayo and lettuce into one food...

I'm just blue sky thinking here but if we could somehow sandwich these things together then imagine how create that would be!

Anyone else feeling hungry?!


dude, let's put it together.

A "peace" meal
A "let's get along" pita

would that it were that simple.

Do You Grok


The director (Malcolm Lee, cousin of Spike Lee) has said that he knows lots of black people like mayonnaise but they wanted something to contrast with hot sauce and that was the best they could think of.


didn't understand the joke either cause i know a lot of whites who HATE mayo

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


legit, I've known a lot of blacks who don't like mayo.
