MovieChat Forums > Undercover Brother (2002) Discussion > "Black people don't like Mayonnaise...

"Black people don't like Mayonnaise!" Huh?

I thought I had heard every racial stereotype known to man, but since when do black people hate mayonnaise? I originally saw this with a nearly all black audience in Maryland, and nobody laughed during the mayonnaise jokes. I even heard a few "say whats?" at the mayo jokes.

I asked a couple of black guys I worked with about it. They had no clue either. Quote from one who had seen it: "You ever been to a bbq run by a brother? There some potato salad eating fools at those! I didn't get the mayo jokes either. In fact I'm glad you asked, because I was wondering if maybe white people thought we don't eat mayo."






I thought maybe the writers were poking fun at stereotypes with the mayonnaise thing, like they were trying to come up with a really off-the-wall stereotype out of thin air just to show how stupid stereotypes can be and how they often have no truth to 'em... still, it was a funny joke, whether grounded in "reality" or not.

And I'm white and hate mayonnaise, for the record. There's this really good fake mayonnaise made outta soy with chipotle flavoring that's really good... I don't know if that counts though. Heh.



By saying that you are just saying that white people ar perfect by giving all those examples.


It says you're black! You just didn't know it...







I'm white and I hate mayonnaise and all mayonnaise products with a passion but I looooooove hot sauce. I put it on everything that I'd put mayonnaise on. I thought this movie was brilliant. "George Washington Carver made the first computer! Out of a peanut! A PEA-NUT!".

Yes, I am a fanboy and there is nothing you can do about it.


Mayo is associated with WASPs. For example, in Woody Allen's movie "Crimes and Misdemeanors" he plays a Jew who wants to convert to Christianity. You see that he buys a Bible, a crucifix and a big jar of mayo! Apparently, mayo is real big in Europe and the settlers brought that custom with them. But remember these jokes don't speak for all people of a certain race.

I gotta read "My Pet Goat". Apparently, you just can't put it down.


Mayo is associated with WASP's? This is kind of odd since from what I have read, mayo was created in the Balearic island of Mallorca in Spain.


Hey, I didn't invent the stereotype. And Spain is in Europe is it not? The rich flavor of that mayo spread throughout Europe like it does on my tuna sandwich and supposedly European WASP immigrants brought it to America.



Well, I would rather think it was brought as a gourmet item, not as a traditional food enjoyed by the masses of European immigrants. I know that the Belgians in particular love to put them on their Belgian Fries, which are double fried.


The rich flavor of that mayo spread throughout Europe like it does on my tuna sandwich

dude that isht was genuinely funny!

Do You Grok


It was actually in the city of Mahon (mahonesa) were it was created, that is the balearic island of Menorca, Spain


I'm black and I eat mayonaise but I get disgusted if I just see a glob of it sitting there. I also know a lot of black people who don't eat mayonaise. I don't think the movie should've maid a big deal out of that stereotype.


i always thought black ppl hated mayo since i went to burger king wit all black ppl and they didnt put mayo on my chicken sandwich and i told the cashier person and he told me no1 eat mayonaise


Nah, I think it's more making fun of white people liking mayonnaise then black people hating it. Or maybe like the person who started this thread it's a Maryland thing. I work at a deli outside of DC and black people often order extra mayonnaise.


but the sh!t with the orange soda dispenser in his car was funny as all hell.


I can put this one to bed once and for all. I saw a black man in my local chippy order his chips to be slathered in mayo. It made me feel like blowing chunks. And I am white. Therefore my theory is that the whole 'Undercover Brother' mayo thing is in intended in the sense of the rest of the movie, either a joke a sarcasm or a serious metaphor just for its intended audience. You take it too serious, maybe go watch something else. I suggest Solaris that bored the tits off me.


The Mayo thing is a stereotype that really few people know about. Also, I think its a regional thing cause in Cali theres a lot of black people who jus eat miracle whip not mayonasse. My brother and I was cracking up when we heard that.


Yeah you might be right. My father is from Cali and he only eats Mircle Whip (yuck!) It taste too sweet to me. My mother, sister, and me all prefer real mayonnaise and we were all raised in ATL. Not to mention a lot of my cousins like real mayo too.



mayo is not "liquified pig lard" it is made from vegetable oil and eggs
