MovieChat Forums > Lilo & Stitch (2002) Discussion > Lilo is an interesting character, but su...

Lilo is an interesting character, but such a brat

I loved her when this came out because, of course, I was a kid and enjoyed seeing her act out against her big sister (my older cousins picked on me and unlike Lilo, who is not picked on at all by Nani, I couldnt get away with getting back at them so I loved that) but now that I'm older I see how whiny and spoiled Lilo is, while she's supposed to be likeable.

She treats her sister like crap half the time (nailing their door shut, getting Nani in trouble with Bubbles, slamming the door on her head, reading her private diary and spilling the contents about David TO David, disrespectfully demanding dessert after not eating her dinner and getting it, etc.) and Nani just puts up with it except for yelling at her once. I completely sympathise with their situation, especially Nani having to grow up so fast, but come on! I had to help raise my brother (also much younger than I but easily a bigger troublemaker then than Lilo) and I was able to discipline him at age 11, let alone 19. Nani sends Lilo to her room but otherwise has poor discipline skills for someone as firm as she is.

And please dont give me that "Lilo's just a poor orphan acting out". That may be true but last I checked, they were Nani's parents too, and Lilo acts out in situations completely irrelevent to the tragedy (demanding cake, the diary, etc.) She's been through a lot but that doesnt make you incapable of behaving, especially as she's precocious and bright. All kids misbehave to an extent but you don't excuse and ignore it.

Another thing is her fight with Myrtle, who yes, was bratty too (though you shouldn't be so quick to defend Lilo while judging Myrtle as a brat without knowing her home life, either) but violence is never the answer. Instead of standing up to her (though she does apologise), Lilo just goes into attack mode, then continues trying to be buddies with the kids who openly tease her. And this is the girl who openly disrespects her loving sister. Lilo cant help her situation or oddities but I think her lack of friends is *partially* her own fault with her attitude.

Lilo's flaws and quirks make her a complex, realistic heroine, just not necessarily an admirable one. Like what they did with Rapunzel, they could have portrayed her funny personality without making her bratty. Nani has also suffered but she does her best and genuinely feels bad when she yells at Lilo. It seems she cares more about Lilo's feelings than the other way around.

Nani is impatient and easily frustrated (and I dont blame her) but the difference between their attitudes is that the film doesn't portray Nani's in a positive light like Lilo's, of whose it tries to rationalise and seem funny and cute. Like in Tangled, the movie tries to emotionally manipulate you into ignoring bad actions and attitudes with a sob story. I love imperfect characters as long as you don't try telling me their bad choices are right.

I do love this movie (and I do love kids), but that really bothers me. Sorry for the lengthiness too.

Though you're dressed in rags, you wear an air of queenly grace


I was 15, going on 16 when this movie came out in theaters. At first I didn't really think about Lilo's bratty behavior, but I was confused as to why she was doing everything she could to get taken away from her sister when Cobra Bubbles came to visit. I mostly just chalked her behavior to a little 5-year-old girl acting up about losing her mom and dad, and had to have been recently, if her attitude is any indicator. Stitch's story intertwining with hers kinda distracted me.

It wasn't until I was sharing our DVD of "Lilo and Stitch" with relatives, that both they, and mom all complained about how bratty Lilo was, and how she wasn't a good model for my nieces and nephews (who were kids at the time), but I thought they were full of shit.

Now that I look back, perhaps Lilo was the lesser of the pair, considering what a destructive, ungrateful brat she was. But adopting Stitch and focusing on him was probably the best thing that ever happened to her. She was able to channel her energy into helping him instead of causing trouble.

And I agree, Myrtle is an ugly, snotty, bratty little shit. I loved it when Stitch stole her tricycle and zoomed off with Lilo on it.


I can forgive her for most of what she did since she was a little kid, and a kid who had lost her parents at that.
But why did Lilo nail the door shot and not let Nani in?
